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The Official Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Anime Thread (Spoilers)

  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [261]Jun 1, 2010
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    I wouldn't be suprised if the writers gave Dawn another powerhouse
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [262]Jun 1, 2010
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    dman_dustin wrote:
    Does it? AG191 sort of revolved around May since both she and Ash were entering the Terracotta Contest.

    Yeah, it does. The Grand Festival was over. At that point May was just with Ash because of the Battle Frontier and she hadn't decided what to do yet. Her Kanto journey was over.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    Another reason why it should not be Dawn's Cyndaquil that's evolving: Since when has a Pokemon hatched and evolved in the same series? Cyndaquil is in fact the youngest member (not newest) but youngest member of the Main Character's party since it most definitely was "born" last even compared to Gible and Togekiss (while Gible does have a chance of being younger, Togekiss doesn't). So Dawn's Cyndaquil shouldn't evolve for that reason.

    Sorry, but again, that's a very lame reason. So what if they haven't evolved in the same series before, that automatically means it shouldn't now? D/P has broken "show norms" plenty of times. Not to mention age has nothing to do with evolution. Cyndaquil has proven to be a great team member for Dawn in both battles and appeals and could easily evolve based on that. We already know it isn't evolving anyway.
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [263]Jun 2, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Yeah, it does. The Grand Festival was over. At that point May was just with Ash because of the Battle Frontier and she hadn't decided what to do yet. Her Kanto journey was over.

    How is it the same thing here?

    Who still had a story in AG191? Both Ash and May were done, the only reason why Ash may still had things to do is because the Pokemon Anime revolves around him. But neither were superior to each other in that particular episode in terms of character development. You say May's Journey was over, but so was Ash's.

    DP 182 is an entirely different case, if this episode was after the league, then you'd have a point but Ash's journey isn't done, the episode revolves around Ash's Pokemon, if anything Dawn should sit in a chair and be a statue the rest of the episode. We know it's not her Cyndaquil but even so, there is no point or purpose for her Cyndaquil to magically evolve especially without a purpose, since unless Dawn gets harassed during the league she definitely doesn't have a reason to use anyone besides Piplup. May's Blaziken served a purpose, Dawn's hypothetical Quilava doesn't.

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    [ Sorry, but again, that's a very lame reason. So what if they haven't evolved in the same series before, that automatically means it shouldn't now? D/P has broken "show norms" plenty of times. Not to mention age has nothing to do with evolution. Cyndaquil has proven to be a great team member for Dawn in both battles and appeals and could easily evolve based on that.

    Look at it this way: Brock's Happiny has been around a very long time so much longer than Cyndaquil. Has it evolved? No it hasn't. So why would Cyndaquil somehow magically get to evolve. It might be a powerful Pokemon but evolution at this moment would not benefit it at all. There is no contest coming up, there's no Dawn-could-get-something arc coming up. Nothing. Dawn's Cyndaquil evolving would just to evolve it, maybe even allowing us to see a Typhlosion when she shows up for her guest appearance in the 5th gen region.

    My main point is this is not even remotely the same thing or even similar to May's Blaziken at all. So again I don't see how AG191 would prove anyone wrong. AG191 revolved around May. DP182 does NOT revolve around Dawn. Not even close to the same thing. Ash's Battle Frontier Journey was over in AG191. Ash hasn't even challanged the Sinnoh League yet in DP182.

    Edit: One thing I will agree to, is if in the future and Dawn has an episode with important focus (before Sinnoh is over) then I will agree that an evolution in that particular episode makes sense.

    Edited on 06/02/2010 11:11am
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [264]Jun 2, 2010
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    Well, Happiny's with Brock. She's barely out of her ball, and when she is, she isn't battling. They should seriously start focusing on Brock more. He'll make a great coordinator.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [265]Jun 2, 2010
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    he's a breeder

    not a coordinator

    they've been doing this for 600 something episodes now

    and stopping would be a middle finger to our faces

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [266]Jun 2, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    he's a breeder

    not a coordinator

    they've been doing this for 600 something episodes now

    and stopping would be a middle finger to our faces

    *points to that official blog thing* We already know, he's either out of the show for the next saga, or coming back as something that's not a breeder.
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [267]Jun 2, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    he's a breeder

    not a coordinator

    Dur, I know he's a breeder. I said he could be a great coordinator.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [268]Jun 2, 2010
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    dman_dustin wrote:
    Who still had a story in AG191? Both Ash and May were done, the only reason why Ash may still had things to do is because the Pokemon Anime revolves around him. But neither were superior to each other in that particular episode in terms of character development. You say May's Journey was over, but so was Ash's.

    This has nothing to do with Ash, no one was even talking about his journey being over.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    We know it's not her Cyndaquil but even so, there is no point or purpose for her Cyndaquil to magically evolve especially without a purpose, since unless Dawn gets harassed during the league she definitely doesn't have a reason to use anyone besides Piplup. May's Blaziken served a purpose, Dawn's hypothetical Quilava doesn't.

    Blaikzen served no real purpose either being introduced so late. One battle and it's gone.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    Look at it this way: Brock's Happiny has been around a very long time so much longer than Cyndaquil. Has it evolved? No it hasn't. So why would Cyndaquil somehow magically get to evolve.

    Unlike Happiny, Cyndaquil is actually used frequently. Happiny only needs an item to evolve, which again shows that age means notthing when it comes to evolution.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    It might be a powerful Pokemon but evolution at this moment would not benefit it at all.

    Combusken didn't really benefit her either until after she left the show. All it did was add a little extra power for her battle with Ash, and that wasn't that much of a benefit for it overall.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    My main point is this is not even remotely the same thing or even similar to May's Blaziken at all. So again I don't see how AG191 would prove anyone wrong.

    lostfan stated Cyndaquil shouldn't evolve because Dawn's contest journey in Sinnoh is over. May's was over in Kanto when Combusken evolved, so yeah, it does prove them wrong.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    AG191 revolved around May. DP182 does NOT revolve around Dawn. Not even close to the same thing. Ash's Battle Frontier Journey was over in AG191. Ash hasn't even challanged the Sinnoh League yet in DP182.

    That's not the point at all. May's Kanto journey was over, and Dawn's is essentially too. She's just with them to see Ash in the Sinnoh League. None of this ever had anything to do with Ash in the first place.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [269]Jun 3, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    dman_dustin wrote:
    Who still had a story in AG191? Both Ash and May were done, the only reason why Ash may still had things to do is because the Pokemon Anime revolves around him. But neither were superior to each other in that particular episode in terms of character development. You say May's Journey was over, but so was Ash's.

    This has nothing to do with Ash, no one was even talking about his journey being over.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    We know it's not her Cyndaquil but even so, there is no point or purpose for her Cyndaquil to magically evolve especially without a purpose, since unless Dawn gets harassed during the league she definitely doesn't have a reason to use anyone besides Piplup. May's Blaziken served a purpose, Dawn's hypothetical Quilava doesn't.

    Blaikzen served no real purpose either being introduced so late. One battle and it's gone.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    Look at it this way: Brock's Happiny has been around a very long time so much longer than Cyndaquil. Has it evolved? No it hasn't. So why would Cyndaquil somehow magically get to evolve.

    Unlike Happiny, Cyndaquil is actually used frequently. Happiny only needs an item to evolve, which again shows that age means notthing when it comes to evolution.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    It might be a powerful Pokemon but evolution at this moment would not benefit it at all.

    Combusken didn't really benefit her either until after she left the show. All it did was add a little extra power for her battle with Ash, and that wasn't that much of a benefit for it overall.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    My main point is this is not even remotely the same thing or even similar to May's Blaziken at all. So again I don't see how AG191 would prove anyone wrong.

    lostfan stated Cyndaquil shouldn't evolve because Dawn's contest journey in Sinnoh is over. May's was over in Kanto when Combusken evolved, so yeah, it does prove them wrong.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    AG191 revolved around May. DP182 does NOT revolve around Dawn. Not even close to the same thing. Ash's Battle Frontier Journey was over in AG191. Ash hasn't even challanged the Sinnoh League yet in DP182.

    That's not the point at all. May's Kanto journey was over, and Dawn's is essentially too. She's just with them to see Ash in the Sinnoh League. None of this ever had anything to do with Ash in the first place.

    Wow, haven't seen an argument this fierce since Ash & May in that one Advance Generation episode- The Bicker the Better!..... ~_~

    Edit- A tad bit of news was revealed....... Dawn will be wearing her cheerleading outfit. =D Oh My Gawd!

    Edited on 06/03/2010 12:30am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [270]Jun 3, 2010
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    ^Doesn't Dawn do that in every gym?
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [271]Jun 3, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    ^Doesn't Dawn do that in every gym?

    Uhhh, no? She only did this in Ash's rematch against Roark & against Maylene.....

    Anyways, Torterra gets pwned by Electivire, no wins for it.='(

    Pikachu beats a member of the Electivire family....... and gets beat by Luxray.

    Infernape beats Jolteon in about 50 seconds....... and it defeats Luxray using Blaze+ Flame Wheel. Surprisingly, Ash knew Infernape would listen to him, as seen when it approached Ash and it gave a determined grin, signaling Ash that Infernape has gained control of Blaze! This battle was the best out of all the Sinnoh gyms, since the background music was awesome... mainly the one with Torterra VS Electivire, Pika VS Electivire, Infernape VS Jolteon, Infernape VS Luxray and then the Greatest Everyday plays too!=0

    All in all, Ash wins the Beacon badge.

    Next we have Jasmine appearing in her HGSS clothing, and Flint is appearing, so Im not sure if that'sAsh's or Flint's Infernape battling her Steelix. of course Kenny uses Empoleon... -_-'And Ash uses Buizel.... the Pokemon originally belonging to Dawn..... WHERE IS AMBIPOM!?!?!?!?lol

    Edited on 06/03/2010 10:43am
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [272]Jun 3, 2010
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    I was suprised V didn't use Rachiu. Ash probably wouldnt stand a chance against it.

    Too bad Torerra lost so suddently. It looked pretty intense until it got KOed by ice punch.

    The lights going out and Inferape went Blaze was effing cool

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  • Avatar of sergkiller


    [273]Jun 3, 2010
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    Fantastic. More overrated monkey action.

    How many gyms has that thing starred in, again? Fantina, Byron, Candice and now Volkner? Four gyms? Screw that. If the league wasn't so enticing I'd be done with this saga.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [274]Jun 3, 2010
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    You're just jealous you didn't pick the most awesome starter ever lol. Anyway, Infernape controls his Blaze this time? God i must see the episode now. 0-0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [275]Jun 3, 2010
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    sergkiller wrote:
    Fantastic. More overrated monkey action. How many gyms has that thing starred in, again? Fantina, Byron, Candice and now Volkner? Four gyms? Screw that. If the league wasn't so enticing I'd be done with this saga.

    and against maylene and roark (under pauls control)

    so it's 6 gyms

    so what if it's used a lot

    get over it

    complaining wont help you

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  • Avatar of sergkiller


    [276]Jun 3, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    sergkiller wrote:
    Fantastic. More overrated monkey action. How many gyms has that thing starred in, again? Fantina, Byron, Candice and now Volkner? Four gyms? Screw that. If the league wasn't so enticing I'd be done with this saga.

    and against maylene and roark (under pauls control)

    so it's 6 gyms

    so what if it's used a lot

    get over it

    complaining wont help you

    This entire saga has been focused on Infernape. The only way I'll get over it is if he isn't used or seen until the battle with Paul [or if he is seen, then it's with Ash's entire team].
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [277]Jun 3, 2010
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    Infernape was Uber awesome *3*
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [278]Jun 3, 2010
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    It was a good gym battle, but I wouldn't call it Sinnoh's best at all. They keep cutting to Dawn, Brock, and flint after almost every freaking attacking, Torterra went down to quickly, Jolteon....wth? it didn't even put up a fight, and Infernape starred....for the fourth time in a row.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [279]Jun 4, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    It was a good gym battle, but I wouldn't call it Sinnoh's best at all. They keep cutting to Dawn, Brock, and flint after almost every freaking attacking, Torterra went down to quickly, Jolteon....wth? it didn't even put up a fight, and Infernape starred....for the fourth time in a row.

    Starring is when the said Pokemon defeats the Gym Leader's/Rivals/Important Trainers Main Pokemon..... Chimchar defeated Byron's Bronzor & Steelix, but Gliscor took down Bastiodon, so Gliscor starred there, not Chimchar, so its technically 3.... -_-

    I just had to get this pic uploaded!

    Edited on 06/04/2010 12:30am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [280]Jun 4, 2010
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    Ugh...no. That is not always the case. Chimchar defeated two out of three pokemon, clearly it was equally the star alongside Gliscor. So yeah, it is 4.

    Edited on 06/04/2010 1:28am
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