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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [1]Nov 7, 2009
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    well there arent many games on this forum so i want to lighten it up. ill select two pokemon. first to 5 votes moves on. round 1 match 1 is....

    Cherubi vs Totodile! i vote for totodile.

    Totodile: 1

    Cherubi: 0

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Nov 7, 2009
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    I vote for Cherubi. I think Cherubi would win because it has the type advantage over Totodile (Grass vs. Water).

    Cherubi: 1 vote

    Totodile: 1 vote

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [3]Nov 8, 2009
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    (this doesnt have to be based on who has the advantage. its the one you like more. also you may vote once a day.)

    Cherubi: 1 vote Totodile: 2 votes
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Nov 9, 2009
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    I still say Cherubi should win. It's been a day since I last posted in this thread, so I'm gonna cast another vote for Cherubi right now.

    Cherubi: 2 votes

    Totodile: 2 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [5]Nov 9, 2009
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    Cherubi: 2 votes Totodile: 3 votes (can you try to get more people to play? at this rate cherubi wont win without someones backup anyway)
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [6]Nov 9, 2009
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    Cherubi- 3 Totodile- 3
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Nov 9, 2009
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    Cherubi VS. Totodile, not exactly the match of the century but nevertheless let's examine this scenario, shall we?

    Pokemon: Cherubi
    Type: Grass
    Chlorophyll (In sunny weather, the Speed stat is doubled)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 45
    =Attack: 35
    =Defense: 45
    =Special Attack: 62
    =Special Defense: 53
    =Speed: 35
    =Total: 275
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, & Ice
    Resistance (.5x): Ground, Water, Grass, & Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    It doesn't really have a diverse moveset with it's only attacking moves being Normal- and Grass-types which doesn't help defend against its weaknesses. However, it actually does learn two powerful moves. First is Take Down at level 31 which is a bit risky for Cherubi being a base stage Pokemon and having little HP. However the second move it learns is SolarBeam at level 37. Now while alone that first turn charge seems just as risky as a Take Down, Cherubi can learn Sunny Day at level 22. Changing the weather to sunny eather will mean SolarBeam can immidietly be used (and Cherubi gets its Speed doubled due to its Ability to boot!).
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Again, all damaging moves it has are Normal- and Grass-types. It can learn Toxic via TM06 but all in all you're better off with using the Sunny Day + SolarBeam combo.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Same old story, but it can get GrassWhistle which could be a handy stalling move. Also it can get Weather Ball in HeartGold and SoulSilver meaning in the right weather condition Cherubi might have a move which can be super effective. Similiarly it can get Nature Power which in the right environment can help it take care of a weakness.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Interestingly it can learn the Rock-type Rollout which is super effective against all but one of its weaknesses (Poison), but the rest are just the same song and dance. Snore is here too but if you want a sleep inducing move try Breeding Grasswhistle onto it.

    Pokemon: Totodile
    Type: Water
    Ability: Torrent (Raises Water-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 50
    =Attack: 65
    =Defense: 64
    =Special Attack: 44
    =Special Defense: 48
    =Speed: 43
    =Total: 314
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Now it does learn the Ice-type move Ice Fang to handle that Grass-type weakness, and it also learns Dark- and Fighting-type moves along with the expected Normal- and Water-type moves. In addition it begins learning powerful moves around level 20. Moves such as Thrash, Crunch, Aqua Tail, Superpower, and Hydro Pump all come quickly below level 50.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    It can learn a large variety of move types, espcially the Ground-type Dig to handy its Electric weakness.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dragon-type moves are added such as Dragon Claw and Dragon Dance furthering increasing its moveset.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Nothing special, except if you want to teach it Snore to have a sleep inducing move.

    I'll have to give my vote over to Totodile as, even if Cherubi was able to set-up a Sunny Day, any of the Ice-type moves Totodile can learn will probably take Cherubi down before the next turn which Cherubi would be able to launch a SolarBeam. In this match, who moves first is the key factor meaning the one with the highest Speed and the right move will be winning. In this case, it's Totodile who is the fastest and the wisest move to use would be Ice Fang or Ice Punch.



    Cherubi: 3 | Totodile: 4

    Edited on 12/23/2009 10:47pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [8]Nov 10, 2009
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    Cherubi: 3 | Totodile: 5

    and totodile moves on. next match is Magmortar vs. Charizard!
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [9]Nov 10, 2009
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    I like the idea.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [10]Nov 11, 2009
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    Magmortar vs. Charizard, you say? Then I vote for Magmortar.

    Magmortar: 1 vote

    Charizard: 0 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [11]Nov 11, 2009
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    Magmortar: 1 vote Charizard: 1 votes
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Nov 11, 2009
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    Pokemon: Magmortar
    Type: Fire
    Ability: Flame Body
    = (In Battle: If hit by a Physical attack, the attacking Pokemon is burned)
    = (Outside of Battle: If this Pokemon and an egg are in your party, the number of steps need to hatch the egg is halved)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 75
    =Attack: 95
    =Defense: 67
    =Special Attack: 125
    =Special Defense: 95
    =Speed: 83
    =Total: 540
    Weakness (2x): Ground, Rock, & Water
    Resistance (.5x):
    Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Not much type coverage, but it does learn ThunderPunch which can take care of its Water-type weakness. It also learn Sunny Day to power-up its Fire-type attacks (Flamethrower, Lava Plume, Fire Blast, etc.) and even knows Hyper Beam.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    With TMs it has much more to choose from, especially SolarBeam to take care of its Ground- and Rock-type weakness (plus can do the Sunny Day + SolarBeam combo). It can also learn a good set of Fighting-type moves (such as Focus Punch, Focus Blast, & Brick Break) and the Electric-type attack Thunderbolt if you're looking for more weakness cover.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Nothing really here which you couldn't get something equal or better through TM/HM. The Fire-type Flare Blitz might be the only thing which might be worth it, maybe even the Electric-type ThunderPunch.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Same as above, Snore is here if you want a sleep-inducing move.

    Pokemon: Charizard
    Type: Fire/Flying
    Blaze (Raises Water-type moves by 150% if HP is below 1/3)
    Base Stats:
    =Attack: 84
    =Defense: 78
    =Special Attack: 109
    =Special Defense: 85
    =Speed: 100
    =Total: 534
    Weakness (4x): Rock
    Weakness (2x): Water
    & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting
    , Steel, & Fire
    Resistance (.25x): Bug
    & Grass
    Immunity: Ground
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    Though it has nothing to hurt its weaknesses, Charizard can learn powerful Flying-, Fire-, and even a Dragon- and a Ghost-type move. Ais Slash, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, even if Charizard doesn't stay around for long, it can still dish out plenty of damage.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Once again, various choices. Main problem to take care of is the Rock-type weakness which a Fighting-type move like Focus Punch, Brick Break, or Focus Blast can handle. Or if you also want to cover the Water- and Electric-type we have the ever popular SolarBeam and it can also learn Sunny Day through TM11 as well. Otherwise we have nothing that can really take on Water-types but do have the Ground-type moves Earthquake and Dig to handle Electric-types.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    The Dark-type Crunch and Dragon-type Outrage & Dragon Rush look good, and maybe even the Rock-type Rock Slide.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    As always we have the Fire Starter super move Blast Burn. From here we see that the Dragon-type Outrage can also be learned from here and finally we have something to combat the Water-type weakness, the Electric-type move ThunderPunch.

    So how does everything stand out? While a bit stronger, with Charizard have immunity to Ground-type attacks such as Earthquake, Magmorter is stick using Rock-type and Electric-type attacks for super effective damage such as Rock slide and Thunderbolt, with Rock Slide being the more dangerous for Charizard. But even then Charizard's stats might not support the power he needs to take Magmorter out. So my final vote goes to...


    (He's my favorite Pokemon, so )


    Magmorter: 1 | Charizard: 2

    Edited on 11/11/2009 2:08pm
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [13]Nov 11, 2009
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    ok. so new rule. to speed this up the first to 3 wins.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [14]Nov 12, 2009
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    Magmorter: 1 | Charizard: 3

    charizard has won! next up is Snorlax vs Onix!
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [15]Nov 13, 2009
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    Alright, then I vote for Snorlax!

    Snorlax: 1 vote

    Onix: 0 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [16]Nov 13, 2009
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    same here.

    Snorlax: 2 votes Onix: 0 votes
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [17]Nov 14, 2009
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    Alright, it's been a day since my last post! Time for me to post again! I vote for Snorlax!

    Snorlax: 3 votes

    Onix: 0 votes

    Snorlax wins!

    Alright! Next match is Dragonite vs. Garchomp!

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [18]Nov 14, 2009
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    i decide the matches. but snorlax does win. however i would of liked to see pikachu do another match up. fine aerni will go with your match up but dont just walk along and say a new round.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [19]Nov 14, 2009
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    Sorry about not posting in the Snorlax VS. Onix fight. I was planning too but got a bit caught up in things. So as a special treat I'll reveal who was indeed better in the last match-up and do the Dragonite VS. Garchomp comparison! So here we go:

    Pokemon: Snorlax
    Type: Normal
    = Immunity (Prevents poisoning)
    = Thick Fat (Halves the damage of Fire- and Ice-type attacks)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 160
    =Attack: 110
    =Defense: 65
    =Special Attack: 65
    =Special Defense: 110
    =Speed: 30
    =Total: 540
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    Nothing that is super effective against its weakness but it hopefully has enough HP to take at least one super effective hit. However it doesn't really have an impressive moveset. As you can guess, many of its attacks are based on sleeping: Yawn allows you to put your opponent to sleep, Rest puts you to sleep but heals you completely, Snore is a weak attack but can be used while the Pokemon is asleep (infact you can't use it unless the Pokemon is asleep), and Sleep Talk chooses one of your moves randomely and uses it. It should also be noted that Snorlax can learn Defense Curl and Rollout, and anyone who battled Whitney will know what a dangerous combination that is. Plus it gets STAB from moves like Body Slam and Giga Impact.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Snorlax has a nice list here. First off, it can learn Psychic to take care of any Fighting-types that get too close. Then from here it knows a lot of other moves: Focus Punch, Blizzard, SolarBeam (it also learns Sunny Day), Thunder (it also learns Rain Dance), Earthquake, Fire Blast, and Focus Blast. Plus it gets STAB for Hyper Beam, Strength, and Rock Climb. It also can learn Surf interesting enough.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    *Yawn* Only thing interesting here is Double-Edge which it gets STAB for.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Can learn Gunk Shot, Outrage, and Superpower. It also gets STAB for Last Resort.

    Pokemon: Onix
    Type: Rock/Ground
    = Rock Head (Prevents recoil damage except from a Life Orb or using Struggle)
    = Sturdy (Prevents OHKO moves)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 35
    =Attack: 45
    =Defense: 160
    =Special Attack: 30
    =Special Defense: 45
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 385
    Weakness (4x): Water & Grass
    Weakness (2x): Fighting, Ground, Steel, & Ice
    Resistance (.5x):
    Normal, Flying, Rock, & Fire
    Resistance (.25x):
    Immunity (0x): Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):
    Good thing it's a Rock-type as Ice-type are weak to Rock which Onix learn plenty of. If that wasn't overkill enough, it also learns Iron Tail further making using an Ice-type against it a bad idea. From here it's just the basics of getting STAB from Stone Edge. It also can learn Slam, Double-Edge, and DragonBreath.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Wow... talk about sticking with the basics. It doesn't gain much type variations. Noteable moves would be Earthquake, Dig, Dragon Pulse, Rock Slide, Flash Cannon, Strength, and Rock Climb. I'll also like to note the only Fighting-type move it can learn is here and it's the weak Rock Smash. Maybe it'll be better as a set-up Pokemon as it has Stealth Rock, Toxic, and Sandstome. Plus, when you're done with it, it knows Explosion.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Did I mention Explosion? Oh... how about Rock Slide?... I see. Oh, oh! It can get Defence Curl and Rollout plus it gets STAB from it!
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    STAB from Ancient Power. Earth Power, Headbutt, and Iron Head.

    Yay, Onix might attack first, but Snorlax will eat it alive. So:


    (and what do you know, it was the winner!)

    Now onto the new main event! Dragonite VS. Garchomp!

    Pokemon: Dragonite
    Type: Dragon/Flying
    Ability: Inner Focus (Prevents flinching except while the user us using Focus Punch)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 91
    =Attack: 134
    =Defense: 95
    =Special Attack: 100
    =Special Defense: 100
    =Speed: 80
    =Total: 600
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Rock & Dragon
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Bug, Fire, & Water
    Resistance (.25x): Grass
    Immunity (0x): Ground
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    If you're a final stage Dragon-type, you are most likely to have a quadruple weakness to Ice-types. Because of this, and considering your status, you better have a move whcih can handle at least that. Dragonite has no problem as it has Fire Punch for Ice-types, Aqua Tail for Rock-types, and a various amount of Dragon-type moves for Dragon-types (such as Outrage and Dragon Rush, oh, and they get STAB too). In addition to Fire Punch it learns the other two elemtenal punches, Slam, Wing Attack (STAB makes this stronger), and can Roost to heal. And of course, the all popular Hyper Beam *cough*Lance*cough*.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Focus Punch, Dragon Claw (STAB), Blizzard, Iron Tail, Thunder (can learn Rain Dance), Earthquake, Fire Blast (takes care of 'em Ice-types real good), Aerial Ace (ouch, it gets STAB), Steel Wing, Foucs Blast, Dragon Pulse (SSSSSTAB), Giga Impact, Stone Edge, and pretty much all the HMs except Rock Climb (though you'll be stupid to make it a HM Slave).
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Only thing thats worth here is DragonBreath and ExtremeSpeed.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Gets Draco Meteor and gets STAB from it. Other noteworthy moves are Heat Wave and Super Power. If you want it learns Snore to put Pokemon asleep.

    Pokemon: Garchomp
    Type: Dragon/Ground
    Sand Veil
    = (In Battle: Evasion incrases by 25% in a Sandstorm and doesn't get hurt in a Sandstorm)
    = (Outside of Battle: If this Pokemon is leading your party and are in an area with a sandstorm, the wild Pokemon encounter rate is decreased by 50%)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 108
    =Attack: 130
    =Defense: 95
    =Special Attack: 80
    =Special Defense: 80
    =Speed: 102
    =Total: 600
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Dragon
    Resistance (.5x): Poison
    , Rock, & Fire
    Immunity (0x): Electric
    Moveset Analysis (Level Up):

    Fire Fang takes care of Ice-types real nice. Know Dragon Claw and Dragon Rush to handle Dragon-types and also gets STAB from them. Gets STAB from Dig but it's the only useful Ground-type attack it learns. Being it has that Sand Veil Ability, might as well teach is Sandstorm. Other noteworthy moves I guess would include Take Down, Slash, and Crunch.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Hyper Beam, Iron Tail, Earthquake (STSTSTABABAB), Fire Blast, Dragon Pulse (STAB, your it!), Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Poison Jab, and a good amount of HMs.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Not a bad list actually. Body Slam, Double-Edge, Iron Head, and Thrash. Oh, and STAB-tastic DragonBreath and Outrage.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Aqua Tail, Headbutt, and Snore. Dragon-type STAD is Draco Meteor. And Ground-type STAB (for a Ground-type it doesn't have a lot of good Ground-type moves) is Earth Power.

    Now this is a close call. However with the power of Ice-type attacks on its side and being immune to a type the other gets STAB from, Dragonite has the adventage. Though it's a bit slow, its high defences might keep it alive from Garchomp's Dragon-type attack to give it a devastating Ice Beam or Blizzard.


    Dragonite: 1 | Garchomp: 0

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [20]Nov 14, 2009
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    Garchomp, simply no contest man, it should kill Dragonite in one hit before Dragonite gets it's chance.
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