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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Aug 11, 2007
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    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Edited on 08/11/2007 8:19pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]Aug 11, 2007
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    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Alzatia wrote:

    Phanthom221 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Ho-Oh for instance, it appeared in the first episode of the show,three years before Generation 2.
    Kelcleon was in a special orange island epidode

    Kecleon is GEN 3,Orange Islands happened during GEN 1. -_-'

    It was aried at the the end of the orange island saga. They were on a blimp and two female trainers said they lost there exocit pokemon. Ash argred to help. It then turns out these pokemon were Kecleon. Ash then tried to use his pokedex on them and it didnt work it said "no data recored" or somthing like that.

    That happened during Season 4, when they were in Johto.
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  • Avatar of Phanthom221


    [23]Aug 12, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Acually wynaut apeared in a jhoto epidode. I twas right after ash got his eight badge . they were then stolen. And wynaut Helped ash's noctwol and bayleaf to find it
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  • Avatar of Phanthom221


    [24]Aug 12, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Acually wynaut apeared in a jhoto epidode. I twas right after ash got his eight badge . they were then stolen. And wynaut Helped ash's noctwol and bayleaf to find it, Waimer also apperaed in pokemon heroes
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [25]Aug 12, 2007
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    Well, actually, the five of them probably were created by Arseus. It would be kind of lame if they appeared out of nowhere. :/
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  • Avatar of Alzatia


    [26]Aug 12, 2007
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    Actually 6,theres also the w/e the heck Giratina is. o.o
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [27]Aug 12, 2007
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    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Acually wynaut apeared in a jhoto epidode. I twas right after ash got his eight badge . they were then stolen. And wynaut Helped ash's noctwol and bayleaf to find it.

    Waimer also apperaed in pokemon heroes.

    Yes, but I'm talking about when they were first sighted, according to Bulbapedia they first appeared in the movie and then in the anime. Anyway I did forget one very importent and most famous one:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Ho-Oh - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP1 "Pokemon, I Choose You!"

    Someone Else: You forgot about Ho-Oh?
    Me: Yes.
    Somone Else: *looks at me for a few moments in silence and shock* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [28]Aug 12, 2007
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    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Acually wynaut apeared in a jhoto epidode. I twas right after ash got his eight badge . they were then stolen. And wynaut Helped ash's noctwol and bayleaf to find it, Waimer also apperaed in pokemon heroes

    And Wynaut is a Generation 3 pokémon, not Generation 4. Also, Beautifly does not appear in that book during Movie 3.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [29]Aug 12, 2007
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    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Acually wynaut apeared in a jhoto epidode. I twas right after ash got his eight badge . they were then stolen. And wynaut Helped ash's noctwol and bayleaf to find it, Waimer also apperaed in pokemon heroes
    And Wynaut is a Generation 3 pokémon, not Generation 4. Also, Beautifly does not appear in that book during Movie 3.

    Oops, sorry I guess I got confused with all the generations poor Wynaut got mis-generationed.

    As for the Beautifly, it could have just been a very decorative Butterfree, Bulbapedia did say it may have been a Beautifly or not.

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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [30]Aug 12, 2007
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    zatchbellcool wrote:
    well yeah it should end at sinnoh because its hard thinking of new pokemon! and also they allready made THE GOD OF ALL POKEMON! what would the other legendary be? the god of the god? really!

    serebii wrote:
    Arceus isn't the god of all Pokémon It is the Pokémon perceived as a god in the land of Sinnoh

    There you go

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [31]Aug 12, 2007
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Phanthom221 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Pokemon Debuts:
    Kecleon appearedduring the Season 4(Jhoto League Champions)EP 205 "The Kecleon Caper".

    To mkae things easier, here is Pokemon who appeared before their generation:

    Generation II Pokemon:
    Togepi - Season 1 (Origenal Series) EP51 "Who Gets To Keep Togepi?"
    Marill - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon theFirst Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Snubbull - Pikachu's Vacation (Pokemon the first Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back)
    Donphan - Pokemon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
    Elekid - Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pokemon the Movie2000: The Power of One)
    Lugia - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
    Slowking - Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

    Generation III Pokemon:
    Beautifly - Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown*
    Wailmer - Pikachu's PikaBoo (Pokemon 4Ever)
    Volbeat - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Duskull - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Latias - Pokemon Heroes
    Latios - Pokemon Heroes
    Kecleon - Look Above.

    Generation VI Pokemon:
    Wynaut - Camp Pikachu (Pokemon Heroes)
    Munchlax - Destiny Deoxys
    Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Bonsly - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Mime Jr. - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Weavile - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
    Chatot - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Buizel - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Mantyke - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
    Manaphy - Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

    * It was briefly seen in the book Molly and her father were looking through.

    BTW, if you want to add anything I missed, then go right ahead.

    Arceus: The Creation/Alpha Pokemon:
    Okay, yes Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. However it is NOT a god Pokemon. It is known as the Creation/Alpha Pokemon and is supposedly the first Pokemon to exist. Yes it did create Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf which created the Universe and the mental properties (Emotion, Will, Knowledge). However may I remind you that this is a Sinnoh Myth. No one really knows where these 6 pokemon came from and did these things. For all we know Arceus could just behave a bigego, Palkia likes to fly around in space, Dialga likes time travelling, Mesprit could enjoy robbing you from emotion, Uxie could enjoy robbing you of knowledge, and Azelf could enjoy robbing you from moving. Or I could be taking the word myth as what it means and not what the show wants it to be again like I did in the "What Is A Pokemon Master" thread.

    Acually wynaut apeared in a jhoto epidode. I twas right after ash got his eight badge . they were then stolen. And wynaut Helped ash's noctwol and bayleaf to find it, Waimer also apperaed in pokemon heroes
    And Wynaut is a Generation 3 pokémon, not Generation 4. Also, Beautifly does not appear in that book during Movie 3.

    Oops, sorry I guess I got confused with all the generations poor Wynaut got mis-generationed.

    As for the Beautifly, it could have just been a very decorative Butterfree, Bulbapedia did say it may have been a Beautifly or not.

    I checked the movie today, it wasn't a Beautifly and in my opinion does not look similar to one.
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  • Avatar of Bloo_91


    [32]Aug 15, 2007
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    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers.
    But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon.

    Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."
    Edited on 08/15/2007 4:12pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [33]Aug 15, 2007
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    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers. But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon. Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."

    Hey, you stole a lot of my ideas! I made a baby pre-evolution for Kangaskhan (Though it's not Babykhan, the name which I gave it kinda goes with the play-on-words Winnie the Pooh did with two of their characters). I also made a pre-evolution for Lickitung as well but I didn't do anything with Kecleon or Milktank. As for everything else, I do have something for them (though I kinda combined the Electric-type and Flying-Type together...). Also, just to be totally random, I did a few new type combination along with a few old ones.

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  • Avatar of Markuss0123


    [34]Aug 15, 2007
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    seto_kiaba99 wrote:
    even if arseus was the god pokemon pokemon, why would his revealance be the end of pokemon? they can eaily come up with a pokemon strong than him still. a dark enemy with matched strength, demigods etc.

    that is something i don't think they'll do, i'm even surprised that now that really religious peoplearen't complaining about the fact that they made a game in which creation was made by 2 dragons and a weird horse looking thing. making an anti-christ pokemon so to speak would really get people fired up. but in the beginning, legendary pokemon were supposed to be these unobtainable superbeings that were incredibly rare, you'd think that gamefreak could make the games a little more challenging when it comes to legends. but if you think about it giratina controls another dimension, and the pokedex entry for it says that it appears in an ancient graveyard, it makes me think it's the opposite of arceus.

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  • Avatar of Bloo_91


    [35]Aug 15, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers. But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon. Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."

    Hey, you stole a lot of my ideas! I made a baby pre-evolution for Kangaskhan (Though it's not Babykhan, the name which I gave it kinda goes with the play-on-words Winnie the Pooh did with two of their characters). I also made a pre-evolution for Lickitung as well but I didn't do anything with Kecleon or Milktank. As for everything else, I do have something for them (though I kinda combined the Electric-type and Flying-Type together...). Also, just to be totally random, I did a few new type combination along with a few old ones.

    Great minds thing alike...seriously I had no clue you had these ideas. Well, anyway, I was thinking of an angel Pokemon who is a Fighting/Flying-type. It would have the wings of an angel but at the same time it would kick a** like a Fighting-type.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [36]Aug 15, 2007
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    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers. But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon. Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."

    Hey, you stole a lot of my ideas! I made a baby pre-evolution for Kangaskhan (Though it's not Babykhan, the name which I gave it kinda goes with the play-on-words Winnie the Pooh did with two of their characters). I also made a pre-evolution for Lickitung as well but I didn't do anything with Kecleon or Milktank. As for everything else, I do have something for them (though I kinda combined the Electric-type and Flying-Type together...). Also, just to be totally random, I did a few new type combination along with a few old ones.

    Great minds thing alike...seriously I had no clue you had these ideas. Well, anyway, I was thinking of an angel Pokemon who is a Fighting/Flying-type. It would have the wings of an angel but at the same time it would kick a** like a Fighting-type.

    We must, however my angel-pokemon is flying/normal, is a legendary, and isa sibling to Darkrai.

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  • Avatar of Bloo_91


    [37]Aug 15, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers. But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon. Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."

    Hey, you stole a lot of my ideas! I made a baby pre-evolution for Kangaskhan (Though it's not Babykhan, the name which I gave it kinda goes with the play-on-words Winnie the Pooh did with two of their characters). I also made a pre-evolution for Lickitung as well but I didn't do anything with Kecleon or Milktank. As for everything else, I do have something for them (though I kinda combined the Electric-type and Flying-Type together...). Also, just to be totally random, I did a few new type combination along with a few old ones.

    Great minds thing alike...seriously I had no clue you had these ideas. Well, anyway, I was thinking of an angel Pokemon who is a Fighting/Flying-type. It would have the wings of an angel but at the same time it would kick a** like a Fighting-type.

    We must, however my angel-pokemon is flying/normal, is a legendary, and isa sibling to Darkrai.

    That's also a good idea, but how is fair to the angel Pokemon to have a weakness and Darkai none? What about Normal/Ghost-type. It wouldn't be weakned by anything except Dark. And it could have an ability, like...let's say Light Veil, protecting it against all Dark-type attacks.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [38]Aug 15, 2007
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    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers. But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon. Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."

    Hey, you stole a lot of my ideas! I made a baby pre-evolution for Kangaskhan (Though it's not Babykhan, the name which I gave it kinda goes with the play-on-words Winnie the Pooh did with two of their characters). I also made a pre-evolution for Lickitung as well but I didn't do anything with Kecleon or Milktank. As for everything else, I do have something for them (though I kinda combined the Electric-type and Flying-Type together...). Also, just to be totally random, I did a few new type combination along with a few old ones.

    Great minds thing alike...seriously I had no clue you had these ideas. Well, anyway, I was thinking of an angel Pokemon who is a Fighting/Flying-type. It would have the wings of an angel but at the same time it would kick a** like a Fighting-type.

    We must, however my angel-pokemon is flying/normal, is a legendary, and isa sibling to Darkrai.

    That's also a good idea, but how is fair to the angel Pokemon to have a weakness and Darkai none? What about Normal/Ghost-type. It wouldn't be weakned by anything except Dark. And it could have an ability, like...let's say Light Veil, protecting it against all Dark-type attacks.

    What do you mean Darkrai doesn't have any weaknesses? It's a pure Dark-Type and gains x2 weakness to Fighting and Bug type attacks.

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  • Avatar of Bloo_91


    [39]Aug 15, 2007
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Bloo_91 wrote:
    Shadow made a good point where Ho-Oh entered the series during the first episode. The creators could of created it long before G/S, or it could of been a rough-draft to draw viewers. But I think the creators have already started to or will start to make new Pokemon. Anyway, I think there will be a pre-evolved form of Kangkhaskhan, named Babykhan. It sounds like a good name to me. I also think there will be pre-evolved forms of Kecleon, Lickitung, Miltank and maybe a couple of other Normal-type Pokemon. There's going to be the three starters, at least 10 Legendaries, and similar versions of past Pokemon; Arbok=Seviper, Shellos/Gastrodon=Slugma/Magcargo, Carnivine=Victreebel. Also, there's going to be the typical Bird Pokemon family at the beginning of the list like there always is, along with the Electric-type (Electrike, Pikachu, Mareep, Shinx). There's probably going to be a couple of Bug-types, and as well as the Nomal-type (Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Sentret). When you think about it, not that many new Pokemon are "fresh."

    Hey, you stole a lot of my ideas! I made a baby pre-evolution for Kangaskhan (Though it's not Babykhan, the name which I gave it kinda goes with the play-on-words Winnie the Pooh did with two of their characters). I also made a pre-evolution for Lickitung as well but I didn't do anything with Kecleon or Milktank. As for everything else, I do have something for them (though I kinda combined the Electric-type and Flying-Type together...). Also, just to be totally random, I did a few new type combination along with a few old ones.

    Great minds thing alike...seriously I had no clue you had these ideas. Well, anyway, I was thinking of an angel Pokemon who is a Fighting/Flying-type. It would have the wings of an angel but at the same time it would kick a** like a Fighting-type.

    We must, however my angel-pokemon is flying/normal, is a legendary, and isa sibling to Darkrai.

    That's also a good idea, but how is fair to the angel Pokemon to have a weakness and Darkai none? What about Normal/Ghost-type. It wouldn't be weakned by anything except Dark. And it could have an ability, like...let's say Light Veil, protecting it against all Dark-type attacks.

    What do you mean Darkrai doesn't have any weaknesses? It's a pure Dark-Type and gains x2 weakness to Fighting and Bug type attacks.

    I forgot. I thought he was like Sableye or Spiritomb. Man, my mind is slippin'. Okay, Normal/Flying-type sounds cool then.
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  • Avatar of frogsinmywine


    [40]Aug 16, 2007
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    Just about every bird Pokemon is the Normal/Flying type..........the only pure Flying type is Arseus with the Sky Plate.
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