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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [61]Apr 1, 2008
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    I know it might be strange... but Tauros needs a pre-evoultion... Smoochum should evolve into someone else and maybe someone evolve into Lapras... Maybe Eevee should havce a ground and steel type evolutiion... as well as dragon... i mean they can do just about anything right?
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  • Avatar of WB4LIFE


    [62]Apr 1, 2008
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    I think pinsir nedds a pre-evolution if they have a 5th generation.
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  • Avatar of AnimeMadness


    [63]Apr 2, 2008
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    Sorry for necro-posting but I just wanted to state something that someone else told me... You can believe whatever you want.

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Ho-Oh for instance, it appeared in the first episode of the show,three years before Generation 2.

    Back when they were just beginning to create pokemon, the Ho-Oh that was seen in the first episode was meant to be the original design for Moltres. That's why you don't see Moltres in the first season opening theme song for both Japanese and dubbed. But I guess they decided to change Moltres' design to balance out Zapdos and Articuno.
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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [64]Apr 2, 2008
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    That would be cool... I think they really need to fix up smoochum and Jynx.... that evolution stinks... they alse need more move/ level up and gender evoultions.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [65]Apr 2, 2008
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    AnimeMadness wrote:
    Back when they were just beginning to create pokemon, the Ho-Oh that was seen in the first episode was meant to be the original design for Moltres. That's why you don't see Moltres in the first season opening theme song for both Japanese and dubbed. But I guess they decided to change Moltres' design to balance out Zapdos and Articuno.

    They already knew what Moltres looked like, the Pokemon game came out first afterall. Sure Red, Blue, and Green's sprites aren't the best but you can still tell it apart from Ho-Oh.

    TotallyTyler01 wrote:
    That would be cool... I think they really need to fix up smoochum and Jynx.... that evolution stinks... they alse need more move/ level up and gender evoultions.

    There isn't much you can do with the Jynx evolution line besides adding an evolution for Jynx. Jynx has been determined as a 100% female species, and so has Smoochum.

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  • Avatar of mikey20100


    [68]Apr 2, 2008
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    this might sound weird but i thing they should make an evolution to aresus, and a pre-evolution to articuno, zapdos, and moltres just like how tyrogue is with hitmontop, hitmonlee, and hitmonchan.

    i was thinking of it to be like a bright white bird, normal/flying, and it knows only basic moves like tackle, fly, take down, ect.

    its not that good but when it evolves by getting a strong friendship, a high amount of sp. attack, and lvl 50. It will have oustanding stats for which ever bird u chose it to become.

    it could be about 5 feet to 6 feet tall, wing spand of 5 feetish.

    only one and found after the 3 birds collide (like in movie 2000) an egg will for and hatch soon and fly off to an ice mountian. Then a thunder stormy area. Then a volcano or where it is very hot.

    The shiny for could be pitch black.

    that's all (i think)

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  • Avatar of wolfgirl135


    [71]Apr 4, 2008
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    game-master20 wrote:
    back to the newpokemon i always wanted to see a pree evolution to heracross and a evolution to farfetch'd also it would be nice to see an evolution or pre evolution to absol

    A pree evolution or evolution to absol would be cool its one of my fav. pokemon and I wish there was an evolution or pree evolution because I have over twenty of Absol and I wish they'd make a new evolution to it so I can get it.

    Edited on 05/11/2008 11:58am
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  • Avatar of tailed_beast_2


    [73]Apr 4, 2008
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    it would be so awesome if there was a possibility of multiple save files
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [74]Apr 4, 2008
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    tailed_beast_2 wrote:
    it would be so awesome if there was a possibility of multiple save files

    Well for the main stream games I understand why they only have one save slot, but for the side games like Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon and Pokemon Ranger, I don't see why they shouldn't have multiple save files.

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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [76]Apr 5, 2008
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    I think there should definately be more evolutions to pokemon. Like for a Pichu to evolve, it must have a high friendship... but what if you could give Pichu an item or maybe move level up, and it evolved into something different than Pikachu and Raichu.

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  • Avatar of Miamiheatboy3


    [77]Apr 7, 2008
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    You know what they should do is make two games one game has fire water and grass starters BUT the other game has dark fighting and Pshyic starters

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  • Avatar of tailed_beast_2


    [78]Apr 8, 2008
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    what about a




    they could make the starter evolutions these types

    Edited on 04/08/2008 5:25pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [79]Apr 8, 2008
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    Eevee was made for ONLY Special Types, not Physical Types. But a Dragon Type Eevee- [Draceon]-thats my prediction for its US name would be a good Pokemon & that would mean the end of Eevee's Evolutions, unless they add another Special Type- since their is an uneven amount of Types altogether.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [80]Apr 8, 2008
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    I thought Diamond & Pearl was going to be Fighting, Psychic & Dark types, MAYBE they will do that.....someday?

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