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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [121]Aug 5, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Sorry I wasn't trying to steal from you. I actually drew a bunch of Pok*emon-like creatures awhile back, and one of them was like a dolphin, but this was years ago. The Tyrogue family is exclusively male, including Hitmontop, and thats what gave me the idea for a female version. And also on Bulbapedia it notes that Tauros and Miltank are male and female counterparts.

    Oh, didn't know Tyrogue and it's evolutions was all male. Well that pretty much means there can't be a female evolution for it, only a female counterpart. However there is one Pokemon that is male and female but look masculine...

    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialists like Gretta and Maylene, but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seems a little one sided in the category if you ask me.
    Edited on 08/05/2008 7:28pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [122]Aug 5, 2008
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    starlit_angel wrote:
    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialist like Gretta and Maylene but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seem a little one sided in the category if you ask me.

    Well fighting has always been seen as a masculine trait due to when people think of fighting they imagine muscular men with clutched fist and a focused glare in their eyes, ready to pound their competitor to the floor.

    Here are Pokemon who have genders that seem out of place:

    * Mr. Mime can be female.
    * Slowbro and Slowking can be female.
    * Machop, Machoke, and Machamp can be female.
    * Makuhita and Hariyama can be female.
    * Misdreavus and Mismagius can be male.
    * Bellossom can be male.

    They fixed Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir by having Kirlia being able to evolve into Gallade. However I would like to know why, out of the 4 Pokemon families mentioned above, did they give Snorunt and Glalie a female evolution in Froslass?

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [123]Aug 5, 2008
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    Haha. Slowqueen.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [124]Aug 6, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialist like Gretta and Maylene but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seem a little one sided in the category if you ask me.

    Well fighting has always been seen as a masculine trait due to when people think of fighting they imagine muscular men with clutched fist and a focused glare in their eyes, ready to pound their competitor to the floor.

    Here are Pokemon who have genders that seem out of place:

    * Mr. Mime can be female.
    * Slowbro and Slowking can be female.
    * Machop, Machoke, and Machamp can be female.
    * Makuhita and Hariyama can be female.
    * Misdreavus and Mismagius can be male.
    * Bellossom can be male.

    They fixed Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir by having Kirlia being able to evolve into Gallade. However I would like to know why, out of the 4 Pokemon families mentioned above, did they give Snorunt and Glalie a female evolution in Froslass?

    If anything is a improvement is that they fix that problem. It can be weird to have a female Mr.Mime or male Lopunny which is disturbing.

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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [125]Aug 6, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialist like Gretta and Maylene but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seem a little one sided in the category if you ask me.

    Well fighting has always been seen as a masculine trait due to when people think of fighting they imagine muscular men with clutched fist and a focused glare in their eyes, ready to pound their competitor to the floor.

    Here are Pokemon who have genders that seem out of place:

    * Mr. Mime can be female.
    * Slowbro and Slowking can be female.
    * Machop, Machoke, and Machamp can be female.
    * Makuhita and Hariyama can be female.
    * Misdreavus and Mismagius can be male.
    * Bellossom can be male.

    They fixed Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir by having Kirlia being able to evolve into Gallade. However I would like to know why, out of the 4 Pokemon families mentioned above, did they give Snorunt and Glalie a female evolution in Froslass?

    If anything is a improvement is that they fix that problem. It can be weird to have a female Mr.Mime or male Lopunny which is disturbing.

    You forgot Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [126]Aug 6, 2008
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    starlit_angel wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialist like Gretta and Maylene but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seem a little one sided in the category if you ask me.

    Well fighting has always been seen as a masculine trait due to when people think of fighting they imagine muscular men with clutched fist and a focused glare in their eyes, ready to pound their competitor to the floor.

    Here are Pokemon who have genders that seem out of place:

    * Mr. Mime can be female.
    * Slowbro and Slowking can be female.
    * Machop, Machoke, and Machamp can be female.
    * Makuhita and Hariyama can be female.
    * Misdreavus and Mismagius can be male.
    * Bellossom can be male.

    They fixed Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir by having Kirlia being able to evolve into Gallade. However I would like to know why, out of the 4 Pokemon families mentioned above, did they give Snorunt and Glalie a female evolution in Froslass?

    If anything is a improvement is that they fix that problem. It can be weird to have a female Mr.Mime or male Lopunny which is disturbing.

    You forgot Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic.

    I decided against putting Lopunny, Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic on the list because they just don't seem that female to me.

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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [127]Aug 6, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    starlit_angel wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialist like Gretta and Maylene but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seem a little one sided in the category if you ask me.

    Well fighting has always been seen as a masculine trait due to when people think of fighting they imagine muscular men with clutched fist and a focused glare in their eyes, ready to pound their competitor to the floor.

    Here are Pokemon who have genders that seem out of place:

    * Mr. Mime can be female.
    * Slowbro and Slowking can be female.
    * Machop, Machoke, and Machamp can be female.
    * Makuhita and Hariyama can be female.
    * Misdreavus and Mismagius can be male.
    * Bellossom can be male.

    They fixed Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir by having Kirlia being able to evolve into Gallade. However I would like to know why, out of the 4 Pokemon families mentioned above, did they give Snorunt and Glalie a female evolution in Froslass?

    If anything is a improvement is that they fix that problem. It can be weird to have a female Mr.Mime or male Lopunny which is disturbing.

    You forgot Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic.

    I decided against putting Lopunny, Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic on the list because they just don't seem that female to me.

    mystery dungeons has them as all females if you ever played that game

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [128]Aug 6, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    starlit_angel wrote:
    xboxliveguy wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    starlit_angel wrote:
    Yeah, it kinda ticks me off a little. There have been female fighting type specialist like Gretta and Maylene but the only fighting type Pok*emon that looks in the least like a female is the dual-type Medicham, and Heracross now that the females of the species has a heart shaped horn. It just seem a little one sided in the category if you ask me.

    Well fighting has always been seen as a masculine trait due to when people think of fighting they imagine muscular men with clutched fist and a focused glare in their eyes, ready to pound their competitor to the floor.

    Here are Pokemon who have genders that seem out of place:

    * Mr. Mime can be female.
    * Slowbro and Slowking can be female.
    * Machop, Machoke, and Machamp can be female.
    * Makuhita and Hariyama can be female.
    * Misdreavus and Mismagius can be male.
    * Bellossom can be male.

    They fixed Ralts, Kirlia, and Gardevoir by having Kirlia being able to evolve into Gallade. However I would like to know why, out of the 4 Pokemon families mentioned above, did they give Snorunt and Glalie a female evolution in Froslass?

    If anything is a improvement is that they fix that problem. It can be weird to have a female Mr.Mime or male Lopunny which is disturbing.

    You forgot Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic.

    I decided against putting Lopunny, Roselia, Roserade, and Milotic on the list because they just don't seem that female to me.

    mystery dungeons has them as all females if you ever played that game

    I have it, but my brother took it when I was playing through Pokemon Ranger. Why don't they have multiple save files on games like Mystery Dungeon and Pokemon Ranger? They aren't part of the main series afterall, especially Mystery Dungeon.

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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [129]Aug 12, 2008
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    Mega_Charizard wrote:

    Currently there are 42 Pokemon that do not evolve so i'll list the ones IMO that are likely candidates and whether they should get an evolution or pre-evolution

    Generation I:

    Farfetch'd - evolution

    Kangaskhan - pre-evolution

    Pinsir - pre-evolution

    Tauros - pre evolution

    Lapras - pre evolution

    Aerodactyl - pre-evolution

    Generation II:

    Girafarig - evolution

    Qwilfish - evolution

    Heracross - pre-evolution

    Corsola - evolution

    Delibird - evolution

    Skarmory - pre-evolution

    Stantler - pre-evolution

    Smeargle - evolution

    Miltank - pre-evolution

    Generation III:

    Sableye - evolution

    Mawile - evolution

    Plusle & Minun - Evolutions

    Volbeat & Illumise - Evolutions

    Torkoal - Evolution

    Spinda - Evolution

    Zangoose & Seviper - evolutions

    Lunatone & Solrock - evolutions

    Castform - evolution

    Kecleon - evolution

    Tropius - pre-evolution

    Absol - pre-evolution

    Luvdisc - evolution

    Generation IV

    Pachirisu - evolution

    Chatot - evolution

    Carnivine - pre-evolution

    You forgot Ditto and Unown, though I just can't imagine how those things would evolve... Dunsparce, Shuckle, Relicanth, Spititomb, and Rotom are also missing. I'll admit Relicanth makes sense not evolving and Spiritomb is another wierd pokemon whose evolved form could get messy but Dunsparce, Shuckle, and Rotom all seem like they could have evolutions.

    I'll add the pokemon that have only two evolutions. The ones with * next to them I think are unlikely to gain any more evolutions.

    Generation I (start)

    Rattata -> Raticate - evolution or pre evolution

    Spearow -> Fearow - evolution or pre evolution

    Ekans -> Arbok - evolution (Seviper would have been perfect...)

    Sandshrew ->Sandslash - evolution (perhaps to Ground/Rock or Ground/Steel?)

    Vulpix -> Ninetails - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*

    Paras -> Parasect - evolution*

    Venonat -> Venomoth - evolution*

    Diglet -> Dugtrio - evolution*

    Meowth -> Persian - evolution or pre evolution

    Psyduck -> Golduck - evolution or pre evolution

    Mankey -> Primeape - post evolution

    Growlithe -> Arcanine - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*

    Tentacool -> Tentacreul - evolution (possibly via Water Stone?)*

    Ponyta -> Rapidash - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*

    Doduo -> Dodrio - pre evolution (can we say Doduno?)

    Seel -> Dewgong - evolution or pre evolution

    Grimer -> Muk - evolution or pre evolution

    Shellder -> Cloyster - evolution (perhaps to Ice/Steel?)

    Onyx -> Steelix - pre evolution

    Drowzee -> Hypno - evolution or pre evolution (perhaps evolves via Moon Stone?)

    Krabby -> Kingler - evolution or pre evolution

    Voltorb -> Electrode - post or pre evolution*

    Exeggcute -> Exeggutor - (side evolution via Sun Stone?)*

    Cubone -> Marowak - evolution or pre evolution

    Likitung -> Lickilicky - pre evolution

    Koffing -> Weezing - evolution

    Tangela -> Tangrowth - pre evolution*

    Goldeen -> Seaking - evolution or pre evolution

    Staryu -> Starmie - evolution or pre evolution

    Mime Jr. -> Mr. Mime - evolution*

    Scyther -> Scisor - pre evolution or side evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Smoochum -> Jynx - evolution*

    Magikarp -> Gyrados - evolution (perhaps Water/Dragon?)*

    Omanyte ->Omastar -evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Kabuto -> Kabutops - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Munchlax -> Snorlax - evolution*

    Generation II (start)

    Sentret -> Furret - evolution

    Hoothoot -> Noctowl - evolution

    Ledyba -> Ledian - evolution*

    Spinarak -> Ariados - evolution*

    Chinchou -> Lanturn - evolution

    Natu -> Xatu - evolution

    Bonsly -> Sudowoodo - evolution

    Aipom -> Amipom - pre evolution

    Sunkern -> Sunflora - (side evolution via Leaf Stone?)*

    Yanma -> Yanmega - pre evolution*

    Whooper -> Quagsire - evolution

    Murkrow -> Honchkrow - pre evolution

    Misdreavus -> Mismagius - pre evolution

    Wynaut -> Wobuffet - evolution

    Pineco -> Forretress - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Gligar -> Gliscor - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Snubble -> Granbull - evolution

    Sneasel -> Weavile - evolution or pre evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)

    Teddiursa -> Ursaring - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Sluguma -> Magcargo - evolution? (Metal Coat + trade for Fire/Steel?)

    Remoraid -> Octillery - evolution or pre evolution?*

    Mantyke -> Mantine - evolution

    Houndour -> Houndoom - evolution (possiby via Dusk or Fire Stone?)

    Phanapy -> Donphan - evolution

    Generation III (start)

    Poochyena -> Mightyyena - evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)

    Zigzagoon -> Linoone - evolution

    Taillow -> Swellow - evolution or pre evolution

    Wingull -> Pelipper - evolution or pre evolution

    Surskit -> Masquerain - evolution? side evolution?*

    Shroomish -> Breloom - evolution or side evolution (possibly via Sun or Leaf Stone?)

    Makuhita -> Hariyama - evolution or pre evolution

    Nosepass -> Probopass - evolution or pre evolution (possibly via Metal Coat to become pure Steel or Steel/Rock?)

    Skitty -> Delcatty - evolution

    Meitite -> Medicham - pre evolution

    Electrike -> Manectric - evolution or pre evolution (if possibly evolve via Thunder Stone?)

    Gulpin -> Swalot - evolution?*

    Carvanha -> Sharpedo - pre evolution? post evolutin? side evolution?*

    Wailmer -> Wailord - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Numel -> Camerupt -> pre evolution? evolution? side evolution?*

    Spoink -> Grumpig - evolution? side evolution?*

    Cacnea -> Cacturne - pre evolution or side evolution (possibly via Sun or Leaf Stone?)

    Swablu -> Altaria - evolution or pre evolution (if pre I hope they make it pure Flying)

    Barboach -> Wishcash - evolution or pre evolution?*

    Corphish -> Crawdaunt - evolution or pre evolution? (Crawdunt would have made an excellent third for Krabby)

    Baltoy -> Claydol - pre evolution (possibly side via Metal Coat for Steel/Psychic?)*

    Lileep -> Cradily - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)*

    Anorith -> Armaldo - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)*

    Feebas -> Miltoc - evolution (possibly Water/Dragon?)*

    Shuppet -> Banette - evolution or side evolution (possibly with Reaper Cloth or Dusk Stone?)

    Chingling -> Chimecho - evolution (possibly with Metal Coat for Psychic/Steel?)

    Fourth Generation

    Bidoof -> Bibarel - evolution

    Kricketot -> Kricketune - evolution*

    Cranidos -> Rampardos - evolution (Ancient Power +level up?)

    Shieldon -> Bastiodon - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Combee -> Vespiquen - pre evolution (plus maybe an evolution for males?)

    Buizel -> Floatzel - evolution or pre evolution

    Cherubi -> Cherrim - evolution or side evolution (possibly with Leaf or Sun Stone?)

    Shellos -> Gastrodon - evolution or pre evolution (possibly more colors?)

    Drifloon -> Drifblim - evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)

    Buneary -> Loppunny - evolution

    Glameow -> Purugly - evolution or side evolution (possibly Purbeauty?)

    Stunky -> Skuntank - evolution or pre evolution

    Bronzor -> Bronzong - evolution? side evolution?*

    Riolu -> Lucario - evolution

    Hippopotas -> Hippowdon - evolution? pre evolution?*

    Skorupi -> Drapion - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Croagunk -> Toxicroak - pre evolution

    Finneon -> Lumineon - evolution or pre evolution

    Snover -> Abomasnow - evolution or pre evolution


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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [130]Aug 12, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:
    Mega_Charizard wrote:

    Currently there are 42 Pokemon that do not evolve so i'll list the ones IMO that are likely candidates and whether they should get an evolution or pre-evolution

    Generation I:

    Farfetch'd - evolution

    Kangaskhan - pre-evolution

    Pinsir - pre-evolution

    Tauros - pre evolution

    Lapras - pre evolution

    Aerodactyl - pre-evolution

    Generation II:

    Girafarig - evolution

    Qwilfish - evolution

    Heracross - pre-evolution

    Corsola - evolution

    Delibird - evolution

    Skarmory - pre-evolution

    Stantler - pre-evolution

    Smeargle - evolution

    Miltank - pre-evolution

    Generation III:

    Sableye - evolution

    Mawile - evolution

    Plusle & Minun - Evolutions

    Volbeat & Illumise - Evolutions

    Torkoal - Evolution

    Spinda - Evolution

    Zangoose & Seviper - evolutions

    Lunatone & Solrock - evolutions

    Castform - evolution

    Kecleon - evolution

    Tropius - pre-evolution

    Absol - pre-evolution

    Luvdisc - evolution

    Generation IV

    Pachirisu - evolution

    Chatot - evolution

    Carnivine - pre-evolution

    You forgot Ditto and Unown, though I just can't imagine how those things would evolve... Dunsparce, Shuckle, Relicanth, Spititomb, and Rotom are also missing. I'll admit Relicanth makes sense not evolving and Spiritomb is another wierd pokemon whose evolved form could get messy but Dunsparce, Shuckle, and Rotom all seem like they could have evolutions.

    I'll add the pokemon that have only two evolutions. The ones with * next to them I think are unlikely to gain any more evolutions.

    Generation I (start)

    Rattata -> Raticate - evolution or pre evolution

    Spearow -> Fearow - evolution or pre evolution

    Ekans -> Arbok - evolution (Seviper would have been perfect...)

    Sandshrew ->Sandslash - evolution (perhaps to Ground/Rock or Ground/Steel?)

    Vulpix -> Ninetails - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*

    Paras -> Parasect - evolution*

    Venonat -> Venomoth - evolution*

    Diglet -> Dugtrio - evolution*

    Meowth -> Persian - evolution or pre evolution

    Psyduck -> Golduck - evolution or pre evolution

    Mankey -> Primeape - post evolution

    Growlithe -> Arcanine - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*

    Tentacool -> Tentacreul - evolution (possibly via Water Stone?)*

    Ponyta -> Rapidash - evolution (possibly via Fire Stone?)*

    Doduo -> Dodrio - pre evolution (can we say Doduno?)

    Seel -> Dewgong - evolution or pre evolution

    Grimer -> Muk - evolution or pre evolution

    Shellder -> Cloyster - evolution (perhaps to Ice/Steel?)

    Onyx -> Steelix - pre evolution

    Drowzee -> Hypno - evolution or pre evolution (perhaps evolves via Moon Stone?)

    Krabby -> Kingler - evolution or pre evolution

    Voltorb -> Electrode - post or pre evolution*

    Exeggcute -> Exeggutor - (side evolution via Sun Stone?)*

    Cubone -> Marowak - evolution or pre evolution

    Likitung -> Lickilicky - pre evolution

    Koffing -> Weezing - evolution

    Tangela -> Tangrowth - pre evolution*

    Goldeen -> Seaking - evolution or pre evolution

    Staryu -> Starmie - evolution or pre evolution

    Mime Jr. -> Mr. Mime - evolution*

    Scyther -> Scisor - pre evolution or side evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Smoochum -> Jynx - evolution*

    Magikarp -> Gyrados - evolution (perhaps Water/Dragon?)*

    Omanyte ->Omastar -evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Kabuto -> Kabutops - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Munchlax -> Snorlax - evolution*

    Generation II (start)

    Sentret -> Furret - evolution

    Hoothoot -> Noctowl - evolution

    Ledyba -> Ledian - evolution*

    Spinarak -> Ariados - evolution*

    Chinchou -> Lanturn - evolution

    Natu -> Xatu - evolution

    Bonsly -> Sudowoodo - evolution

    Aipom -> Amipom - pre evolution

    Sunkern -> Sunflora - (side evolution via Leaf Stone?)*

    Yanma -> Yanmega - pre evolution*

    Whooper -> Quagsire - evolution

    Murkrow -> Honchkrow - pre evolution

    Misdreavus -> Mismagius - pre evolution

    Wynaut -> Wobuffet - evolution

    Pineco -> Forretress - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Gligar -> Gliscor - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Snubble -> Granbull - evolution

    Sneasel -> Weavile - evolution or pre evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)

    Teddiursa -> Ursaring - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Sluguma -> Magcargo - evolution? (Metal Coat + trade for Fire/Steel?)

    Remoraid -> Octillery - evolution or pre evolution?*

    Mantyke -> Mantine - evolution

    Houndour -> Houndoom - evolution (possiby via Dusk or Fire Stone?)

    Phanapy -> Donphan - evolution

    Generation III (start)

    Poochyena -> Mightyyena - evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)

    Zigzagoon -> Linoone - evolution

    Taillow -> Swellow - evolution or pre evolution

    Wingull -> Pelipper - evolution or pre evolution

    Surskit -> Masquerain - evolution? side evolution?*

    Shroomish -> Breloom - evolution or side evolution (possibly via Sun or Leaf Stone?)

    Makuhita -> Hariyama - evolution or pre evolution

    Nosepass -> Probopass - evolution or pre evolution (possibly via Metal Coat to become pure Steel or Steel/Rock?)

    Skitty -> Delcatty - evolution

    Meitite -> Medicham - pre evolution

    Electrike -> Manectric - evolution or pre evolution (if possibly evolve via Thunder Stone?)

    Gulpin -> Swalot - evolution?*

    Carvanha -> Sharpedo - pre evolution? post evolutin? side evolution?*

    Wailmer -> Wailord - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Numel -> Camerupt -> pre evolution? evolution? side evolution?*

    Spoink -> Grumpig - evolution? side evolution?*

    Cacnea -> Cacturne - pre evolution or side evolution (possibly via Sun or Leaf Stone?)

    Swablu -> Altaria - evolution or pre evolution (if pre I hope they make it pure Flying)

    Barboach -> Wishcash - evolution or pre evolution?*

    Corphish -> Crawdaunt - evolution or pre evolution? (Crawdunt would have made an excellent third for Krabby)

    Baltoy -> Claydol - pre evolution (possibly side via Metal Coat for Steel/Psychic?)*

    Lileep -> Cradily - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)*

    Anorith -> Armaldo - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)*

    Feebas -> Miltoc - evolution (possibly Water/Dragon?)*

    Shuppet -> Banette - evolution or side evolution (possibly with Reaper Cloth or Dusk Stone?)

    Chingling -> Chimecho - evolution (possibly with Metal Coat for Psychic/Steel?)

    Fourth Generation

    Bidoof -> Bibarel - evolution

    Kricketot -> Kricketune - evolution*

    Cranidos -> Rampardos - evolution (Ancient Power +level up?)

    Shieldon -> Bastiodon - evolution (Ancient Power + level up?)

    Combee -> Vespiquen - pre evolution (plus maybe an evolution for males?)

    Buizel -> Floatzel - evolution or pre evolution

    Cherubi -> Cherrim - evolution or side evolution (possibly with Leaf or Sun Stone?)

    Shellos -> Gastrodon - evolution or pre evolution (possibly more colors?)

    Drifloon -> Drifblim - evolution (possibly via Dusk Stone?)

    Buneary -> Loppunny - evolution

    Glameow -> Purugly - evolution or side evolution (possibly Purbeauty?)

    Stunky -> Skuntank - evolution or pre evolution

    Bronzor -> Bronzong - evolution? side evolution?*

    Riolu -> Lucario - evolution

    Hippopotas -> Hippowdon - evolution? pre evolution?*

    Skorupi -> Drapion - pre evolution? side evolution?*

    Croagunk -> Toxicroak - pre evolution

    Finneon -> Lumineon - evolution or pre evolution

    Snover -> Abomasnow - evolution or pre evolution


    You wrote all that for your first Post!

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  • Avatar of clank3


    [131]Aug 12, 2008
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    Pretty good, but stuff like pre evolutions for small pokemon like goldeen and Krabby won't work.
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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [132]Aug 12, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    You wrote all that for your first Post!

    I'm very eager on this topic. I actually have a list of all the non existant types of pokemon that I planned to share. I didn't want to include them in the previous post as I felt it would make the post too long. I wanted to wait until someone replied so that I wouldn't double post.

    clank3 wrote:
    Pretty good, but stuff like pre evolutions for small pokemon like goldeen and Krabby won't work.

    Thanks! I know some of the pre evolutions probably won't work out but then who'd have thought Clefairy and Jigglypuff would have gotten pre evolved forms? Personally I'm hoping they not only introduce a pre Kangaskhan but also an evolved form that is a Normal/Fighting type.

    I hope they will include the non-existing types in time.

    001) Normal/Bug

    002) Normal/Grass

    003) Normal/Fire

    004) Normal/Ice

    005) Normal/Electric

    006) Normal/Ground

    007) Normal/Rock

    008 ) Normal/Steel

    009) Normal/Poison

    010) Normal/Fighting

    011) Normal/Dark

    012) Normal/Ghost

    013) Normal/Dragon

    014) Flying/Normal

    015) Flying

    016) Flying/Bug

    017) Flying/Grass

    018 ) Flying/Fire

    019) Flying/Water

    020) Flying/Ice

    021) Flying/Electric

    022) Flying/Ground

    023) Flying/Rock

    024) Flying/Steel

    025) Flying/Poison

    026) Flying/Fighting

    027) Flying/Psychic

    028 ) Flying/Dark

    029) Flying/Ghost

    030) Flying/Dragon

    031) Bug/Normal

    032) Bug/Fire

    033) Bug/Ice

    034) Bug/Electric

    035) Bug/Psychic

    036) Bug/Dark

    037) Bug/Dragon

    038 ) Grass/Normal

    039) Grass/Bug

    040) Grass/Fire

    041) Grass/Water

    042) Grass/Electric

    043) Grass/Steel

    044) Grass/Ghost

    045) Grass/Dragon

    046) Fire/Normal

    047) Fire/Bug

    048 ) Fire/Grass

    049) Fire/Water

    050) Fire/Ice

    051) Fire/Electric

    052) Fire/Poison

    053) Fire/Psychic

    054) Fire/Dark

    055) Fire/Ghost

    056) Fire/Dragon

    057) Water/Normal

    058 ) Water/Bug

    059) Water/Fire

    060) Water/Ghost

    061) Ice/Normal

    062) Ice/Bug

    063) Ice/Grass

    064) Ice/Fire

    065) Ice/Electric

    066) Ice/Rock

    067) Ice/Steel

    068 ) Ice/Poison

    069) Ice/Fighting

    070) Ice/Dragon

    071) Electric/Normal

    072) Electric/Bug

    073) Electric/Grass

    074) Electric/Fire

    075) Electric/Water

    076) Electric/Ice

    077) Electric/Ground

    078 ) Electric/Rock

    079) Electric/Poison

    080) Electric/Fighting

    081) Electric/Psychic

    082) Electric/Dark

    083) Electric/Dragon

    084) Ground/Normal

    085) Ground/Bug

    086) Ground/Grass

    087) Ground/Fire

    088 ) Ground/Ice

    089) Ground/Electric

    090) Ground/Steel

    091) Ground/Poison

    092) Ground/Fighting

    093) Ground/Dark

    094) Ground/Ghost

    095) Rock/Normal

    096) Rock/Fire

    097) Rock/Ice

    098 ) Rock/Electric

    099) Rock/Poison

    100) Rock/Fighting

    101) Rock/Ghost

    102) Rock/Dragon

    103) Steel/Normal

    104) Steel/Bug

    105) Steel/Grass

    106) Steel/Fire

    107) Steel/Water

    108 ) Steel/Ice

    109) Steel/Poison

    110) Steel/Fighting

    111) Steel/Dark

    112) Steel/Ghost

    113) Poison/Normal

    114) Poison/Grass

    115) Poison/Fire

    116) Poison/Water

    117) Poison/Ice

    118 ) Poison/Electric

    119) Poison/Rock

    120) Poison/Steel

    121) Poison/Psychic

    122) Poison/Ghost

    123) Poison/Dragon

    124) Fighting/Normal

    125) Fighting/Flying

    126) Fighting/Bug

    127) Fighting/Grass

    128 ) Fighting/Fire

    129) Fighting/Water

    130) Fighting/Ice

    131) Fighting/Electric

    132) Fighting/Ground

    133) Fighting/Rock

    134) Fighting/Poison

    135) Fighting/Dark

    136) Fighting/Ghost

    137) Fighting/Dragon

    138 ) Psychic/Normal

    139) Psychic/Bug

    140) Psychic/Fire

    141) Psychic/Water

    142) Psychic/Ice

    143) Psychic/Electric

    144) Psychic/Ground

    145) Psychic/Poison

    146) Psychic/Dark

    147) Psychic/Ghost

    148 ) Psychic/Dragon

    149) Dark/Normal

    150) Dark/Bug

    151) Dark/Electric

    152) Dark/Ground

    153) Dark/Rock

    154) Dark/Steel

    155) Dark/Poison

    156) Dark/Fighting

    157) Dark/Psychic

    158 ) Dark/Dragon

    159) Ghost/Normal

    160) Ghost/Bug

    161) Ghost/Grass

    162) Ghost/Fire

    163) Ghost/Water

    164) Ghost/Ice

    165) Ghost/Electric

    166) Ghost/Ground

    167) Ghost/Rock

    168 ) Ghost/Steel

    169) Ghost/Fighting

    170) Ghost/Psychic

    171) Dragon/Normal

    172) Dragon/Bug

    173) Dragon/Grass

    174) Dragon/Fire

    175) Dragon/Water

    176) Dragon/Ice

    177) Dragon/Electric

    178 ) Dragon/Rock

    179) Dragon/Steel

    180) Dragon/Poison

    181) Dragon/Fighting

    182) Dragon/Dark

    183) Dragon/Ghost

    Of course I could be off since there are 492 different pokemon. Please let me know if I'm missing some that should be there or have some there that are existing types. I also hope that they introduce an 18th element: Light. I can see this element being strong against Ghost and Dark types but weak against Grass, Fire, and Electric types. It would be a great use against Sableye and Spiritomb.

    Edited on 08/13/2008 1:05pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [133]Aug 13, 2008
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    dark/fire, and all of the flying types except for fighting.

    p.s. I would like to see alternate slow poke evolutions (maybe to give a new rival to eeveelutions, as opposed to tyrogue). Here are my ideas:

    1.Slowam (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the arm (with the ring brace, an item of my own design that looks like a ring made of diamond that fits around the arm (evolved when traded)) and the new shell is a bit larger and twisted, also allowing it to use it as a shield along with increased strength.

    2.Slowick (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites a leg (with another item called the speed herb, a ring made of leaves, vines, and herbs that goes around the leg (evolved when traded)) and the shell has grown onto both legs, giving it more energy from the shelder, alowing it to run at high speeds.

    3.Slowing (water/flying): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the back (withe the sea sap, which is made from mashed up coral, mud, and honey that is rubbed on slowpoke's back (evolved when traded)) and the shell forms what seems like an armor that fits around the arms, legs, and back that form a wing membrane, allowing it to glide like gligar. The wings also have enhanced strength, since they are technically a shell.

    4.Slownhold (water/steel): has slowbro's head, but the it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the stomach must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from johto (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks more like lairron but with slownhold's head sticking out of a shell that covers the whole body, making it quadrapedal, and the shell is very spikey and the shell can slide on the ground very easily due to slickness. It's stomach is it's only weak point, because it is not covered in the shell, and this pokemon is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not suffer from recoil damage. Has very high defense.

    5.Slowtimate (water/dragon): has slowbro's head, but it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the back must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from hoenn (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks a bit like aggron but slow timate's head is surrounded by a huge armor except for the back which is not covered and is it's only weak point. It is bipedal and the shell has many small spikes. It is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not need to recharge after attacks like hyper beam. Has very high attack.

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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [134]Aug 13, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:

    dark/fire, and all of the flying types except for fighting.

    p.s. I would like to see alternate slow poke evolutions (maybe to give a new rival to eeveelutions, as opposed to tyrogue). Here are my ideas:

    1.Slowam (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the arm (with the ring brace, an item of my own design that looks like a ring made of diamond that fits around the arm (evolved when traded)) and the new shell is a bit larger and twisted, also allowing it to use it as a shield along with increased strength.

    2.Slowick (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites a leg (with another item called the speed herb, a ring made of leaves, vines, and herbs that goes around the leg (evolved when traded)) and the shell has grown onto both legs, giving it more energy from the shelder, alowing it to run at high speeds.

    3.Slowing (water/flying): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the back (withe the sea sap, which is made from mashed up coral, mud, and honey that is rubbed on slowpoke's back (evolved when traded)) and the shell forms what seems like an armor that fits around the arms, legs, and back that form a wing membrane, allowing it to glide like gligar. The wings also have enhanced strength, since they are technically a shell.

    4.Slownhold (water/steel): has slowbro's head, but the it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the stomach must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from johto (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks more like lairron but with slownhold's head sticking out of a shell that covers the whole body, making it quadrapedal, and the shell is very spikey and the shell can slide on the ground very easily due to slickness. It's stomach is it's only weak point, because it is not covered in the shell, and this pokemon is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not suffer from recoil damage. Has very high defense.

    5.Slowtimate (water/dragon): has slowbro's head, but it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the back must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from hoenn (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks a bit like aggron but slow timate's head is surrounded by a huge armor except for the back which is not covered and is it's only weak point. It is bipedal and the shell has many small spikes. It is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not need to recharge after attacks like hyper beam. Has very high attack.

    I'm not sure - Tyrogue doesn't seem to me to be a Eevee substitute - it doesn't evolve via the stones but instead by having defense and attack-related abilities. I could see them doing another Eevee with a bug type that goes through a caccoon stage where exposure to different elemental stones causes changes to it.

    I think they'd do well to give Tauros and Miltank and Volbeat and Illumise a single, preevolved form that evolves depending on if its male or female. Plusle and Minun and Latios and Latias also seem like they ought to have common pre evolutions, though what that'd be for Plusle and Minun I'm not sure and Latios and Latias are generally considered legendaries and so unlikely to have pre evolved forms.

    I'd like them to introduce the regions north of Johto and Kanto but south of Sinnoh - possibly including the missing route numbers. I'd also like them to put the Orange Islands in the game as well as a Dark Gym.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [135]Aug 13, 2008
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    What about my ideas? There posted on my Signature. There Abilities & Type & the way to evolve them is listed as well. I will make a Move List soon but I like some of those ideas you guys have & none are remotely close to mine.
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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [136]Aug 13, 2008
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    I think there should be 3 Eeveelution for the first time since Generation I. Actually, I believe they should have done 3 in Sinnoh (Ice, Grass, Ground) but they didn't take that opportunity for some reason.

    I think a Poison, Ghost, and Bug Eeveelution in Generation V would be suitable.
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  • Avatar of Naivlys


    [137]Aug 13, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    What about my ideas? There posted on my Signature. There Abilities & Type & the way to evolve them is listed as well. I will make a Move List soon but I like some of those ideas you guys have & none are remotely close to mine.

    Torktank- Fire/Steel. Ability- Shell Defense{Cuts Physical damage in half}: Torkoal holds held item: Shell Armor & level up.

    Draceon- Dragon. Ability- Dragon Guard{All Dragon Type Moves are increased by 1.5}: Last Eeveelution. Will probably evolve when traded & a special condition is met.

    Zenatu- Psychic/Flying. Ability- Future Scan{Detects a super effective move that is used on it & has a 30% Chance of evading it}. Alternate evolution of Natu.

    My personal favorite: Machsol- Dark/Steel. Ability- Pressure. Evolution of Absol.

    Dawn's next capture: Cyndaquil. August 7th, 2008. This is my idea!!

    Well Torkoal was a completely random pokeon where it was placed and coming so close to Camerupt it almost looked like it ought to have been Camerupt's evolution. I'm also surprised it's a pure Fire type rather than a Fire/Rock type. I can see both a pre evolution and the evolution you mentioned in its future.

    Trading an Eevee holding Dragon Scale would be a logical way to bring about Draceon. A similar transformation could occur by trading Eeve with Metal Coat - turning it into a Steel type (Bladeon, perhaps).

    Zenatu would make a good evolution of Natu.

    Seaig wrote:
    I think there should be 3 Eeveelution for the first time since Generation I. Actually, I believe they should have done 3 in Sinnoh (Ice, Grass, Ground) but they didn't take that opportunity for some reason. I think a Poison, Ghost, and Bug Eeveelution in Generation V would be suitable.

    I think everyone expects Eevee to eventually be able to turn into a pure version of each type. Let's face it, it's called the "evolution pokemon" for a reason. They missed the chance to use Dusk Stone and Moon Stone for Umbreon and Espeon but it could be they might come into use for a Ghouleon (Ghost) and some other type like Fighting (Battleon?), Bug (Inseon?), Flying (Floateon?), Poison (Toxeon?), Rock (Stoneon?), or Ground (Dirteon?). Er, I tend to be like Leonardo da Quirm when it comes to names but you get my drift.

    For myself I'd love to see something take Fire and Ice and create two pokemon from the combo - one Fire/Ice the other Ice/Fire - and base them off the concepts of Yin and Yang.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [138]Aug 13, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:

    BAC510 wrote:
    What about my ideas? There posted on my Signature. There Abilities & Type & the way to evolve them is listed as well. I will make a Move List soon but I like some of those ideas you guys have & none are remotely close to mine.

    Torktank- Fire/Steel. Ability- Shell Defense{Cuts Physical damage in half}: Torkoal holds held item: Shell Armor & level up.

    Draceon- Dragon. Ability- Dragon Guard{All Dragon Type Moves are increased by 1.5}: Last Eeveelution. Will probably evolve when traded & a special condition is met.

    Zenatu- Psychic/Flying. Ability- Future Scan{Detects a super effective move that is used on it & has a 30% Chance of evading it}. Alternate evolution of Natu.

    My personal favorite: Machsol- Dark/Steel. Ability- Pressure. Evolution of Absol.

    Dawn's next capture: Cyndaquil. August 7th, 2008. This is my idea!!

    Well Torkoal was a completely random pokeon where it was placed and coming so close to Camerupt it almost looked like it ought to have been Camerupt's evolution. I'm also surprised it's a pure Fire type rather than a Fire/Rock type. I can see both a pre evolution and the evolution you mentioned in its future.

    Trading an Eevee holding Dragon Scale would be a logical way to bring about Draceon. A similar transformation could occur by trading Eeve with Metal Coat - turning it into a Steel type (Bladeon, perhaps).

    Zenatu would make a good evolution of Natu.

    Seaig wrote:
    I think there should be 3 Eeveelution for the first time since Generation I. Actually, I believe they should have done 3 in Sinnoh (Ice, Grass, Ground) but they didn't take that opportunity for some reason. I think a Poison, Ghost, and Bug Eeveelution in Generation V would be suitable.

    I think everyone expects Eevee to eventually be able to turn into a pure version of each type. Let's face it, it's called the "evolution pokemon" for a reason. They missed the chance to use Dusk Stone and Moon Stone for Umbreon and Espeon but it could be they might come into use for a Ghouleon (Ghost) and some other type like Fighting (Battleon?), Bug (Inseon?), Flying (Floateon?), Poison (Toxeon?), Rock (Stoneon?), or Ground (Dirteon?). Er, I tend to be like Leonardo da Quirm when it comes to names but you get my drift.

    For myself I'd love to see something take Fire and Ice and create two pokemon from the combo - one Fire/Ice the other Ice/Fire - and base them off the concepts of Yin and Yang.

    I think Eevee's evolutions are based on Special types only because they have done every single Special Type:

    Fire, Electric, Water, Psychic, Dark, Grass, & Ice. All there is left is Dragon. Either they are using up the Special Types first & then moving on to the Physical Types or this might be a clue that Pokemon might be coming to an end soon.

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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [139]Aug 13, 2008
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    Naivlys wrote:
    freezebird wrote:

    dark/fire, and all of the flying types except for fighting.

    p.s. I would like to see alternate slow poke evolutions (maybe to give a new rival to eeveelutions, as opposed to tyrogue). Here are my ideas:

    1.Slowam (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the arm (with the ring brace, an item of my own design that looks like a ring made of diamond that fits around the arm (evolved when traded)) and the new shell is a bit larger and twisted, also allowing it to use it as a shield along with increased strength.

    2.Slowick (water/fighting): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites a leg (with another item called the speed herb, a ring made of leaves, vines, and herbs that goes around the leg (evolved when traded)) and the shell has grown onto both legs, giving it more energy from the shelder, alowing it to run at high speeds.

    3.Slowing (water/flying): looks like slowbro, but the shellder instead bites the back (withe the sea sap, which is made from mashed up coral, mud, and honey that is rubbed on slowpoke's back (evolved when traded)) and the shell forms what seems like an armor that fits around the arms, legs, and back that form a wing membrane, allowing it to glide like gligar. The wings also have enhanced strength, since they are technically a shell.

    4.Slownhold (water/steel): has slowbro's head, but the it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the stomach must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from johto (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks more like lairron but with slownhold's head sticking out of a shell that covers the whole body, making it quadrapedal, and the shell is very spikey and the shell can slide on the ground very easily due to slickness. It's stomach is it's only weak point, because it is not covered in the shell, and this pokemon is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not suffer from recoil damage. Has very high defense.

    5.Slowtimate (water/dragon): has slowbro's head, but it evolves under special circumstances, two shellder bite the ears, one on the tail, two on the arms, two on the legs, one on the stomach, and one on the back, the one on the back must then evolve into a cloyster and jump off (evolves when traded with a water stone from hoenn (recieved in-game)(evolve when traded)) it looks a bit like aggron but slow timate's head is surrounded by a huge armor except for the back which is not covered and is it's only weak point. It is bipedal and the shell has many small spikes. It is one of two ultimate forms of slowpoke. It also does not need to recharge after attacks like hyper beam. Has very high attack.

    I'm not sure - Tyrogue doesn't seem to me to be a Eevee substitute - it doesn't evolve via the stones but instead by having defense and attack-related abilities. I could see them doing another Eevee with a bug type that goes through a caccoon stage where exposure to different elemental stones causes changes to it.

    I think they'd do well to give Tauros and Miltank and Volbeat and Illumise a single, preevolved form that evolves depending on if its male or female. Plusle and Minun and Latios and Latias also seem like they ought to have common pre evolutions, though what that'd be for Plusle and Minun I'm not sure and Latios and Latias are generally considered legendaries and so unlikely to have pre evolved forms.

    I'd like them to introduce the regions north of Johto and Kanto but south of Sinnoh - possibly including the missing route numbers. I'd also like them to put the Orange Islands in the game as well as a Dark Gym.

    I didn't mean that tyrogue was a substitute for eevee, but I meant that it rivals with the evolutions, having the second most.

    I also know that some of my slowpoke evolutions are a little farfetched (not the pokemon) but it would be pretty cool.

    P.S. I agree with the dark gym idea.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [140]Aug 13, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:

    P.S. I agree with the dark gym idea.

    We defenetly need a Dark Type Gym.

    Just for the heck of it, I'll make the Gym Rosters for the predicted 5th Generation Region:

    *The # of Pokemon in each Gym will be Anime-Wise, not Game-Wise*

    Gym #1: Rock Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #2: Bug Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #3: Electric Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #4: Fighting Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #5: Poison Types- 3 VS 3

    Gym #6: Fire Types- 2 on 2 Double Battle

    Gym #7: Dark Types- 4 VS 4

    Gym #8: Psychic Types- 5 VS 5

    Edited on 08/13/2008 3:50pm
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