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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [161]Aug 25, 2008
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    Omega_Porunga wrote:
    I don't think there will be gen. 5 they might come up with 7 new pokemon but not another 100.

    i don't think so also. I don't know where people get the idea there will be a gen 5.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [162]Aug 25, 2008
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    Generation V was confirmed, we just don't know anything about it.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [163]Aug 25, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Generation V was confirmed, we just don't know anything about it.

    Source and Link please

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [164]Aug 25, 2008
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    Masamitsu Hidaka Interview - 14th paragraph:

    "Now an overall question about the show. Will Ash ever become a Pokemon Master? He laughed and fell back on the couch. He blatantly said that when Ash becomes a Pokemon Master, the show will end. It will be the last episode. Going back to my first interview, I did not mention that he stated the show was cyclical because it could be - the audience is constantly replaced (since children get older and leave, and new children come in), so they are allowed to get away with having the same repetitive goal. So, the show would probably continue the same way - collect badges, travel through different regions, never age. Will Ash and Pikachu ever be replaced? No. Will they ever age? No. Will there be a 5th generation of Pokemon and will the show keep continuing? He laughed even harder and said of course. Pokemon will continue for many generations to come, and as he made it sound, probably forever."

    Click HERE to read the whole thing.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [165]Aug 26, 2008
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    It was too obvious. With out a doubt, the franchise will live on.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [166]Aug 26, 2008
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    First off who Hidaka?.............................

    second, who is he referring to when he say "he"

    third, dosen't the creator have something to say about this?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [167]Aug 26, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:

    First off who Hidaka?.............................

    second, who is he referring to when he say "he"

    third, dosen't the creator have something to say about this?

    Masamitsu Hidaka used to be the director of Pokemon until Season 9, he then retired from the position to become the shows storyboard artist.

    What do you men by the 2nd line?

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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [168]Aug 26, 2008
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    ^^ nevermind
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  • Avatar of lordlad666


    [169]Aug 26, 2008
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    ok its my turn to talk nd leave a long mesage with my ideas so listen up.

    wen it comes to the show im not tht big of a fan due to the fact that after the 1st season i got bored with ash nd started to hate him with the fury of a thousand gods. ash as the main character can never have a strong pokemon because then he'd be almost unstopable which is why he releases or gives away his strong pokemon

    examples charizard squirtle butterfree beedrill pidgeot primeape haunter lapras & larvitar all were pretty strong pokemon that he either gave away to other trainers who could "train em better" or so that they could be "happy" -.- personaly i fell that ash is a loser nd has long over played his role as main character. at 1 point it was before diamond nd pearl but after hoen there was a mine series of pokemon staring the boy nd girl from gold nd silver. i would of loved to see there adventures but the only had 2 or 3 episode were they saved a ledgendary dog either suicune or raikou i cant remember which. also during these 2 or 3 eps they showed 2 non idiotic team rocket members atila nd hun who had strong non loser type pokemon like jessie nd james do.

    i liked team rocket at the begining but after the 1st season the whole capture pikachu thing got old nd i wanted to see some non stupid things like they leave ash alone go capture a strong pokemon come back nd give ash a fight for his money even though he'd still win. but no sadly team rocket trys the same thing almost every time capture pikachu w/ electire prof item but either forget to prof it of other elements or they get cocky settle down relax giving ash nd team time to find em.

    when it comes to the games i love em. i'd really love to see a new game with new pokemon nd i like the ideas people were throwing around. the changes id make to the pokemon games are the villans. team rocket were cool villans capture pokemon nd sell em nd keep the strong 1s for themselfs. team magma nd aqua were stupid their ideas killed every one. i loved galatics ideas of making a new universe nd if i changed anything id keep team galatic nd allow u to chalenge there grunts even after u beat the leader i loved beating the grunts but after the leaders the grunts go away =[

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  • Avatar of Seaig


    [170]Aug 29, 2008
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    I really wish Farfetch'd would get an evolved form that is either Water/Flying or Grass/Flying.

    They should make a baby cow pokemon that is able to evolve into either Tauros (if male) or Miltank (if female).

    Lapras could easily have an unevolved form or even an evolved form.

    Same goes for Girafarig!
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [171]Aug 29, 2008
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    I'm afraid to say that the one Pokemon that has become virtually impossible to make a pre-evolution is Kangaskan. The baby in it's pouch is apparently a Kangaskan, but a much younger one. This means that Kangaskan grow up like regular animals. Also, you can't make an evolution of it. Kangaskan is big enough already. The makers of Pokemon should have made the younger Kangaskan a different Pokemon that evolves into Kangaskan, but they refused, and now it's too late.

    In the Generation Five I made up, I made several evolutions and pre-evolutions. Note, I cannot say the names of them, otherwise I'll be breaking the rules.

    I made:

    • A pre-evolution of Murkrow and evolution of Mismagius
    • An evolution of Mantine
    • An evolution of Pachirisu
    • A pre-evolution and evolution of Torkoal
    • An evolution of a male Combee
    • Evolutions of Aerodactyl, Kabutops and Omastar
    • An evolution of Xatu
    • A pre-evolution of Croagunk
    • An evolution of Parasect
    • An evolution of Marowak
    • A Dragon evolution, Cosmic evolution and Dream evolution of Eevee (Cosmic and Dream are two new types I made up) bringing the total of Eeveelutions to ten, and ending at ten

    There you have it.

    Edited on 08/29/2008 1:55pm
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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [172]Aug 29, 2008
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    what did you mean by "Breaking the rules"?
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  • Avatar of PokemonKanto


    [173]Aug 29, 2008
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    I really think Marowak deserves to evolve its pretty small and not as strong as other pokemon at there last forms...
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [174]Aug 30, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:
    what did you mean by "Breaking the rules"?

    Your not allowed to make up new Pokemon. You can describe them, but if you say the name, it's apparently a copyright of Nntendo. It would be great to list all of the Pokemon I made, but it is a strict rule.

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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [175]Aug 30, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    freezebird wrote:
    what did you mean by "Breaking the rules"?

    Your not allowed to make up new Pokemon. You can describe them, but if you say the name, it's apparently a copyright of Nntendo. It would be great to list all of the Pokemon I made, but it is a strict rule.

    I don't see how, I don't see why Nintendo would care for fan made Pokemon, it exists everywhere, and I don't see them getting in trouble for it.

    I also don't see how it breaks copyright rules either.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [176]Aug 30, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    freezebird wrote:
    what did you mean by "Breaking the rules"?

    Your not allowed to make up new Pokemon. You can describe them, but if you say the name, it's apparently a copyright of Nntendo. It would be great to list all of the Pokemon I made, but it is a strict rule.

    Wait, what? That's not how copyrights work. Nintendo can't own ideas. It's only when they trademark a name/pokemon you can't use it commercially without obtaining the rights to it. But, you are allowed to use portions of the works that demonstrates or shows a meaning ex; fair use.


    1.The banner for Pokemon on Tv.com can't be a raw image of a copyrighted source but it can contain modified images to show a meaning of some kind.

    2. Duskgold and Dawnsilver have been trademarked so people know it's associated with them and that people won't make their own version/game.

    Sorry for going off topic, just clarifying what it means.

    Edited on 08/30/2008 6:38am
    Edited 4 total times.
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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [177]Aug 30, 2008
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    McBanka wrote:
    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    freezebird wrote:
    what did you mean by "Breaking the rules"?

    Your not allowed to make up new Pokemon. You can describe them, but if you say the name, it's apparently a copyright of Nntendo. It would be great to list all of the Pokemon I made, but it is a strict rule.

    Wait, what? That's not how copyrights work. Nintendo can't own ideas. It's only when they trademark a name/pokemon you can't use it commercially without obtaining the rights to it. But, you are allowed to use portions of the works that demonstrates or shows a meaning ex; fair use.


    1.The banner for Pokemon on Tv.com can't be a raw image of a copyrighted source but it can contain modified images to show a meaning of some kind.

    2. Duskgold and Dawnsilver have been trademarked so people know it's associated with them and that people won't make their own version.

    Sorry for going off topic, just clarifying what it means.

    Once I opened a thread where you can mix and match Pokemon adn SPD locked and deleted it. I asked him why and people said to me that you're not allowed to make new Pokemon. not even ones made up of existing ones.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [178]Aug 30, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:

    Once I opened a thread where you can mix and match Pokemon adn SPD locked and deleted it. I asked him why and people said to me that you're not allowed to make new Pokemon. not even ones made up of existing ones.

    Well, I guess I can see why he did that because it is derivative work thus making it potential infringement bait but... you know what, I'm confused because I'm getting 2 countries copyright laws mixed up.

    To put it, this site is commercial and unless owner approved then the only exception is fair use exemption under the discretion of the editor. But outside of that, you can make whatever want until whatever work is claimed. Also, it's in the TOS

    Terms of service wrote:
    DVDs, VHS tapes, downloads, screen captures, and any other copyrighted material, in part or in whole, owned by someone else

    Edit: Or what Pikachu said.

    Edited on 08/30/2008 7:06am
    Edited 6 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [179]Aug 30, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:
    Once I opened a thread where you can mix and match Pokemon adn SPD locked and deleted it. I asked him why and people said to me that you're not allowed to make new Pokemon. not even ones made up of existing ones.

    Actually that is so arguements don't start. SPDShadowRanger doesn't want an arguement to break out, and if he sees a board that may cause an arguement then he's going to lock it. In a Pokemon creation board, two people can create the same Pokemon and if one thinks their idea is better the might for some reason "rub the fact" at the other user, causing them to argue back. Unlikely scenario to happen but there are people that are strange like that.

    This board seems to be allowed because it is mainly Generion V predictions. It's not purely making up Pokemon but rather discussion of might be coming in the 5th Generation. Who knows, Maybe SPDShadowRanger is hoping if Generation V Pokemon and/information are released we'll begin discussing them here and abandon creating our own Pokemon on the thread.

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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [180]Aug 30, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    dark_drapion57 wrote:
    Once I opened a thread where you can mix and match Pokemon adn SPD locked and deleted it. I asked him why and people said to me that you're not allowed to make new Pokemon. not even ones made up of existing ones.

    Actually that is so arguements don't start. SPDShadowRanger doesn't want an arguement to break out, and if he sees a board that may cause an arguement then he's going to lock it. In a Pokemon creation board, two people can create the same Pokemon and if one thinks their idea is better the might for some reason "rub the fact" at the other user, causing them to argue back. Unlikely scenario to happen but there are people that are strange like that.

    This board seems to be allowed because it is mainly Generation V predictions. It's not purely making up Pokemon but rather discussion of might be coming in the 5th Generation. Who knows, Maybe SPDShadowRanger is hoping if Generation V Pokemon and/information are released we'll begin discussing them here and abandon creating our own Pokemon on the thread.

    the only way they we will gte info is if the 8th gen consoles are announced,I have some research to do
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