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generation 5 predictions

  • Avatar of catnapper123


    [81]May 31, 2008
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    I think they should make a evoled form for mightyena and absol

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [82]May 31, 2008
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    catnapper123 wrote:

    I think they should make a evoled form for mightyena and absol

    Yay, Absol needs a evolution or pre-evolution, but I think Mightyena is perfectly fine.

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  • Avatar of scoutergirl


    [83]Jun 2, 2008
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    Lapras having a pre-evolution would be cool
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [84]Jun 3, 2008
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    I have an idea for Absol's evolution....................................Machsol-Dark/Steel

    An evolved form of Torkoal.....................Torktank-Fire/Steel

    What do you think?

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  • Avatar of Megaman200798


    [85]Jun 3, 2008
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    Miltank should have either a preevole or after evolution ;D

    So should Pinsir

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  • Avatar of Mega_Charizard


    [86]Jun 4, 2008
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    Currently there are 42 Pokemon that do not evolve so i'll list the ones IMO that are likely candidates and whether they should get an evolution or pre-evolution

    Generation I:

    Farfetch'd - evolution

    Kangaskhan - pre-evolution

    Pinsir - pre-evolution

    Tauros - pre evolution

    Lapras - pre evolution

    Aerodactyl - pre-evolution

    Generation II:

    Girafarig - evolution

    Qwilfish - evolution

    Heracross - pre-evolution

    Corsola - evolution

    Delibird - evolution

    Skarmory - pre-evolution

    Stantler - pre-evolution

    Smeargle - evolution

    Miltank - pre-evolution

    Generation III:

    Sableye - evolution

    Mawile - evolution

    Plusle & Minun - Evolutions

    Volbeat & Illumise - Evolutions

    Torkoal - Evolution

    Spinda - Evolution

    Zangoose & Seviper - evolutions

    Lunatone & Solrock - evolutions

    Castform - evolution

    Kecleon - evolution

    Tropius - pre-evolution

    Absol - pre-evolution

    Luvdisc - evolution

    Generation IV

    Pachirisu - evolution

    Chatot - evolution

    Carnivine - pre-evolution

    Edited on 06/04/2008 1:27am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Miamiheatboy3


    [87]Jun 4, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    I have an idea for Absol's evolution....................................Machsol-Dark/Steel

    An evolved form of Torkoal.....................Torktank-Fire/Steel

    What do you think?

    i like those ideas
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [88]Jun 4, 2008
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    Thanks, finally someone repleys to my ideas!

    I came up with the last Eeveelution, which is Draceon(Dragon), I don't think there will be Physical Type form of Eevee, so I think Pokemon will end after they run out of Eeveelutions unless they add another Special Type, since there are an odd number amount of Pokemon Types.

    Oh yeah, w'm going to creat a Topic & its called "Creat & Own a 5th Generation Pokemon". The purpose, is to creat a Pokemon & you can find out if your idea manages to be used in the 5th Generation.

    1) You need to have at least the Pokemon Name, Type, & Ability. You don't need a pic, so don't worry. Mine has Machsol & Torktank already, so head to my New Topic.

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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [89]Jun 4, 2008
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    Flame Pokemon: Cat
    Aqua Pokemon: Dog
    Plant Pokemon: Bird (to match Torchic (fire) and Piplup (water) )

    I see Ash getting the Aqua Pokemon (so it evolves all the way) and the 5th gen girl can get the Plant bird (thus ending any sort of pattern that Ash has with plant Pokemon).

    The reason why I put it like this, is there's hardly any Aqua water animals left to base Pokemon off, and I don't like the idea of a bipedal dolphin (the only dolphin Pokemon I see is also psychic (straight off like Bulbasaur had 2 types) and it levitates off the ground with it's psychic abilities. But I think it's time they had a Dog/Bird/Cat Pokemon thing. and While Cat/Mouse/Dog might make more sense, I should point out a Plant bird makes more sense than a Plant mouse, and also they have yet to complete the birds of three types (Torchic, Piplup, ?) and then anything after that could be whatever they want. Also the Plant bird's final evolution might be something looking like a (that land bird that has feathers growing out of it's tail and the male of its species looks more beautiful than the female, since I can't say it I hope you understand, I can't say it because of some censor thing), I don't know what it's second type would be though (if it has one).

    Tv.com is getting on nerves and by Pokemon I mean Pokemon like (Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treeko, Torchic, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup)

    Sorry for the other words like Plant, Aqua, Flame, Tv. Com apparently has a problem with some sort of stringed words together and this is the only way it'll let me post this.

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  • Avatar of Miamiheatboy3


    [90]Jun 4, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    Thanks, finally someone repleys to my ideas!

    I came up with the last Eeveelution, which is Draceon(Dragon), I don't think there will be Physical Type form of Eevee, so I think Pokemon will end after they run out of Eeveelutions unless they add another Special Type, since there are an odd number amount of Pokemon Types.

    Oh yeah, w'm going to creat a Topic & its called "Creat & Own a 5th Generation Pokemon". The purpose, is to creat a Pokemon & you can find out if your idea manages to be used in the 5th Generation.

    1) You need to have at least the Pokemon Name, Type, & Ability. You don't need a pic, so don't worry. Mine has Machsol & Torktank already, so head to my New Topic.

    your welcome. and i will check out your topic as soon as i can BAC510
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [91]Jun 5, 2008
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    I think someone hates me, they erased my Topic, just like the Pokemon Ability game Topics, it WAS JUST FOR FUN! I don't know who removed my Topic & I want to know why "they" removed it. It took a while to write it!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [92]Jun 5, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    I think someone hates me, they erased my Topic, just like the Pokemon Ability game Topics, it WAS JUST FOR FUN! I don't know who removed my Topic & I want to know why "they" removed it. It took a while to write it!

    Too many game threads. We can only have a certain number of game threads at one time, though there a few "on-going" game threads that I think should have ended awhile ago. And a good amount are just copies of each other.

    Specifically, I'm talking about the "Letter Games". We so far have three. Here are their names, topic, number of posts, and something a little extra:

    Game: Pokemon Letter Game
    Topic: A name of a Pokemon is given, you look at the last letter of the previous Pokemon and then have to come up with a Pokemon that starts with that letter.
    Posts: 1,495
    Trivia: There are only 493 Pokemon! That thread has enough posts to go through all the pokemon 3 TIMES!

    Game: Pokemon Move Letter Game
    Topic: A name of a Pokemon Attack (or move) is given, you look at the last letter of the previous Pokemon Attack and then have to come up with a Pokemon Attack that starts with that letter.
    Posts: 616
    Trivia: There are only 467 Pokemon Attacks! This thread is half way of going through all the Pokemon Attacks TWICE!

    Game: Pokemon Ability Letter Game
    Topic: A name of a Pokemon Ability is given, you look at the last letter of the previous Pokemon Ability and then have to come up with a Pokemon Ability that starts with that letter.
    Posts: 197
    Trivia: There are only 121 Pokemon Abilities! This thread has gone through all the Pokemon Abilities nearly TWICE!

    So why haven't these threads end? Because no one made a good set of rules, specifically a rule that you can't use a Pokemon/Attack/Ability that has already been used. without that rule these threads can go on and on and on. so unless someone stops these games no more game threads can be created.

    I did try making a game thread awhile ago, but some spammer spammed it and caused it to be deleted. However I have a new, simplier game in mind but can't make it as long as these 3 forever game threads remain.

    BTW, if you wanted to see how a game thread should be like, go to my old one HERE.

    Edited on 06/05/2008 4:51pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of Miamiheatboy3


    [93]Jun 5, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    I think someone hates me, they erased my Topic, just like the Pokemon Ability game Topics, it WAS JUST FOR FUN! I don't know who removed my Topic & I want to know why "they" removed it. It took a while to write it!
    Its ok calm down no one hates you, we were just running out of space on the forums. If anything they whould erase of the "letter games"
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [94]Jun 6, 2008
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    Ok, I made up another 5th Generation Pokemon: Zenatu- Psychic/Flying. Guess where it comes from?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [95]Jun 6, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Ok, I made up another 5th Generation Pokemon: Zenatu- Psychic/Flying. Guess where it comes from?

    One thing, Flying is faint purple.

    Zenatu? Is it a combination of Zen, a Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight, and Natu, the #177 Little Bird Pokemon.

    (Natu's name might come from Atu, an Aztec god. The "N" might relate to it's "Native" appearance.)

    Don't know if it is a pre-evolution of Natu (doubt it though), branch evolution of Natu, or further evolution of Xatu.

    Edited on 06/06/2008 5:26pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [96]Jun 6, 2008
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    I thought it was that color.

    As for the "Zen" part, it just sounds cool & Zen Headbutt is a Psychic Type move, so I guess it would have that attack & it would be an alternative to evolving to Xato, i guess. To many evolutions to Pokemon from other Generations, but few alternative evolutions.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [97]Jun 6, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    I thought it was that color.

    As for the "Zen" part, it just sounds cool & Zen Headbutt is a Psychic Type move, so I guess it would have that attack & it would be an alternative to evolving to Xato, i guess. To many evolutions to Pokemon from other Generations, but few alternative evolutions.

    This is the type-color breakdown:

    Fire - Orange
    Water - Blue
    Grass - Green
    Electric - Yellow
    Psychic - Pink
    Ice - Light Blue
    Dragon - Dark Blue
    Dark - Dark Brown
    Normal - Grey
    Fighting - Red
    Flying - Faint Purple
    Poison - Purple
    Ground - Tan
    Rock - Brown
    Bug - Olive
    Ghost - Dark Purple
    Steel - Light Grey
    ??? - Black

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [98]Jun 7, 2008
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    Those letter games are really getting on my skin! I already told them to put some rules or else I'll find a way to end it.

    Anyways, right now I'm trying to find out some 5th Generation Pokemon that aren't from pre-evolutions, evolutions, etc. from other Generations. It might take a while but I'll find one.

    Also I'm using my topic "Looking for Friend Codes on Pokemon Diamond" which is on Page 2 as my "Own & Create a 5th Genereation Pokemon" because it wasn't locked, or removed yet, so feel free to go there & predict & own a 5th genreation Pokemon & see if it is used as a 5th Gnereation!

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  • Avatar of Vergomax


    [99]Jun 7, 2008
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    I think that if there is a 5th generation anime, then the starter trainer might get the grass type starter of the region because if you look back, in Houen, May got Torchic, a fire type and in Sinnoh, Dawn got Piplup, a water type. Plus, it would be the first grass type starter not owned by Ash.

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  • Avatar of Yusei08


    [100]Aug 5, 2008
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    I think that the main Pokemon that should get pre-evolutions and evolutions should be:

    Meowth ( Pre-Evolution )
    Lapras ( Pre-Evolution )
    Pinsir ( Pre-Evolution )
    Aerodactyl ( Pre-Evolution )
    Dunsparce ( Evolution )
    Shuckle ( Evolution )
    Torkoal ( Evolution )

    There has GOT to be a Lapras pre-evolution in the next generation! I remember seeing Shellos and thinking that it may be the pre-evolution but it wasn't!

    There is also likely to be a male/female group Pokemon again like in previous Generations ( Gen 1: Nidoking / Nidoqueen, Gen 3: Volbeat / Illumise, Gen 4: Wormadam / Mothim ) . I'm hoping there will also be more fire types as there were next to none, except for the new starter and the evolution of Magmar, and too many water types in the last 2 Generations.
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