Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Well this is certainly good news! My sister and I had a heart attack after finding out how early the release date is this time!!! I actually love all the new names, especially Gigalith, but I'm kinda sad over Blitzle. Why couldn't they have done Zebolt or something?
And by the way, Toys R Us is also giving preorders on the games, and I just placed mine today. Toys R Us isn't included on the official site as one of the retailers giving out preorders though... Any news yet on special preorder bonus items?
SalKing2 wrote: |
Well this is certainly good news! My sister and I had a heart attack after finding out how early the release date is this time!!! I actually love all the new names, especially Gigalith, but I'm kinda sad over Blitzle. Why couldn't they have done Zebolt or something? And by the way, Toys R Us is also giving preorders on the games, and I just placed mine today. Toys R Us isn't included on the official site as one of the retailers giving out preorders though... Any news yet on special preorder bonus items? |
I'm thinking it'll probably be the Reshiram/Zekrom figurines that came with Japanese pre-orders. They did it for Platinum with Origin Giratina and HeartGold/SoulSilver with Ho-oh/Lugia respectively.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
I am slow, but i realized thanks to a friend that in this gen, Rotom can become an Electric/Fire pokemon with Levitate. |
It'll still be weak to Water- and Rock-type Pokemon.
TKnHappyNess wrote: | ||
I'm thinking it'll probably be the Reshiram/Zekrom figurines that came with Japanese pre-orders. They did it for Platinum with Origin Giratina and HeartGold/SoulSilver with Ho-oh/Lugia respectively. |
Well, I don't think figurines came with the Japanese release. I think they got keychains for each respective game, and if you got both you got a Pokéball cloth to clean your DS. Oh well, I'll still be looking forward to those if thats what we get! I'll love to attach it to my car keys!
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
It'll still be weak to Water- and Rock-type Pokemon. |
Yayz for new English names:
Wargle = Braviary (the Valiant Pokemon)
Minezumi = Patrat (the Scout Pokemon)
Gochiruzeru = Gothitelle (the Astral body Pokemon)
Rankurusu = Reuniclus (the Multiplying Pokemon)
Desukan = Cof@griques (the Coffin Pokemon) (whose name is censored; no surprise there...)
Mogurew = Drilbur (the Mole Pokemon)
Kibago = Axew (which is pronounced "ah-zoo"; the Tusk Pokemon)
Koromori = Woobat (the Bat Pokemon)
Musharna keeps its names, just like its pre-evolution. (It's the Drowsing Pokemon.)
Dust-proof = Overcoat
Sand Power = Sand Force
Sand Strength = Sand Rush
Mummy keeps its Japanese name.
Double Chop = Duel Chop
You First = After You
Free Fall = Sky Drop
Heart Stamp keeps its Japanese name.
And finally, Mokomo's English name is Fennel... and I don't like it. I'm honestly not that crazy about most of the Pokemon names, as well; but, as with the others, I'm sure I'll get used to them... Axew doesn't sound so bad to me, and Patrat suits Minezumi quite well IMO.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
Unconfirmed by the way |
Water_Pokemon_Master wrote: |
* #494 - Victini * #495 - Snivy * #496 - Servine * #497 - Serperior * #498 - Tepig * #499 - Pignite * #500 - Emboar * #501 - Oshawott * #502 - Dewott * #503 - Samurott * #504 - Patrat * #505 - Watchog * #506 - Lillipup * #507 - Herdier * #508 - Stoutland * #509 - Purrloin * #510 - Liepard * #511 - Pansage * #512 - Simisage * #513 - Pansear * #514 - Simisear * #515 - Panpour * #516 - Simipour * #517 - Munna * #518 - Musharna * #519 - Pidove * #520 - Tranquill * #521 - Unfezant * #522 - Blitzle * #523 - Zebstrika * #524 - Roggenrola * #525 - Boldore * #526 - Gigalith * #527 - Woobat * #528 - Swoobat * #529 - Drilbur * #530 - Excadrill * #531 - Audino * #532 - Timburr * #533 - Gurdurr * #534 - Conkeldurr * #535 - Tympole * #536 - Palpitoad * #537 - Seismitoad * #538 - Throh * #539 - Sawk * #540 - Sewaddle * #541 - Swadloon * #542 - Leavanny * #543 - Venipede * #544 - Whirlipede * #545 - Scolipede * #546 - Cottonee * #547 - Whimsicott * #548 - Petilil * #549 - Lilligant * #550 - Basculin * #551 - Sandile * #552 - Krokorok * #553 - Krookodile * #554 - Darumaka * #555 - Darmanitan * #556 - Maractus * #557 - Dwebble * #558 - Crustle * #559 - Scraggy * #560 - Scrafty * #561 - Sigilyph * #562 - Yamask * #563 - Cof@grigus * #564 - Tirtouga * #565 - Carracosta * #566 - Archen * #567 - Archeops * #568 - Trubbish * #569 - Garbodor * #570 - Zorua * #571 - Zoroark * #572 - Minccino * #573 - Cinccino * #574 - Gothita * #575 - Gothorita * #576 - Gothitelle * #577 - Solosis * #578 - Duosion * #579 - Reuniclus * #580 - Ducklett * #581 - Swanna * #582 - Vanillite * #583 - Vanillish * #584 - Vanilluxe * #585 - Deerling * #586 - Sawsbuck * #587 - Emolga * #588 - Karrablast * #589 - Escavalier * #590 - Foongus * #591 - Amoonguss * #592 - Frillish * #593 - Jellicent * #594 - Alomomola * #595 - Joltik * #596 - Galvantula * #597 - Ferroseed * #598 - Ferrothorn * #599 - Klink * #600 - Klang * #601 - Klinklang * #602 - Tynamo * #603 - Eelektrik * #604 - Eelektross * #605 - Elgyem * #606 - Beheeyem * #607 - Litwick * #608 - Lampent * #609 - Chandelure * #610 - Axew * #611 - Fraxure * #612 - Haxorus * #613 - Cubchoo * #614 - Beartic * #615 - Cryogonal * #616 - Shelmet * #617 - Accelgor * #618 - Stunfisk * #619 - Mienfoo * #620 - Mienshao * #621 - Druddigon * #622 - Golett * #623 - Golurk * #624 - Pawniard * #625 - Bisharp * #626 - Bouffalant * #627 - Rufflet * #628 - Braviary * #629 - Vullaby * #630 - Mandibuzz * #631 - Heatmor * #632 - Durant * #633 - Deino * #634 - Zweilous * #635 - Hydreigon * #636 - Larvesta * #637 - Volcarona * #638 - Cobalion * #639 - Terrakion * #640 - Virizion * #641 - Tornadus * #642 - Thundurus * #643 - Reshiram * #644 - Zekrom * #645 - Landorus * #646 - Kyurem |
The fact that there's a pignite and no Seamurai/Oceamurai in that list must mean it's fake.
No it mustn't. Maybe they thought of the obvious pun for Tepig's line after all. And maybe they didn't go with either of those puns...
Love that they removed the violence from Wargle...especially as it's supposed to be such an American inspired Pokémon XD
I rather like that list...Some of the are odd ("Roggenrola"? LOVE IT! XD) but for the most part I think that's a solid bunch of names, hope they turn out to be accurate.
More English names revealed:
* Cheren remain Cheren, Bel becomes Bianca.
* Black City & White Forest remain the same.
* C-Gear stays as the C-Gear.
I'm-a wondering, do we have any idea when Black & White are set in relation to the rest of the series yet?
EDIT: Of course, just thought, it must be a fair while after any previous generation, as we see the foreign Rocket Grunt from GSCHGSS, now with a wife and how old is the kid?
PsyduckRanger wrote: |
Well bear in mind that that Ash & every other player character before BW was supposed to be 10, and the school kid is clearly a few years younger than that... Still, big gap. |
Being it was decided to keep Ash at 10, the anime has decided to ignore the passing of time. However between games time has passed, as it was clearly stated Generation II happened 3 years after Johto & Generation IV took place around the time as Generation II.