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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1541]Dec 8, 2010
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    All the Pokemon that can learn it are Rock and Steel types

    So they're just ripping off some rocks or metal...

    But Vanipeti can also learn this move......

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1542]Dec 8, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    All the Pokemon that can learn it are Rock and Steel types

    So they're just ripping off some rocks or metal...

    But Vanipeti can also learn this move......

    Guess the sprinkles really aren't that good for ice cream.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1543]Dec 8, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    All the Pokemon that can learn it are Rock and Steel types

    So they're just ripping off some rocks or metal...

    But Vanipeti can also learn this move......

    Guess the sprinkles really aren't that good for ice cream.

    True, though what does Giaru and Geodude have left to cut off themselves? Though maybe we'll finally be able to see what is in Forretress's shell.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1544]Dec 8, 2010
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    No we won't, Body Purge just shoots out random balls around and the sprites stay the same.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1545]Dec 8, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    No we won't, Body Purge just shoots out random balls around and the sprites stay the same.

    I know, I was just talking in general (and maybe something the anime could do...).

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [1546]Dec 11, 2010
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    My guess would be...a Pineco.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1547]Dec 11, 2010
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    Ok, so after many revisions I think I have my three teams!



    "Grey": or

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1548]Dec 11, 2010
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    Looks good, though i gotta question why you'd use the electric squirrel. And, i suggest the dark dragon over the psychic.... bird thing.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1549]Dec 12, 2010
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    Because Emonga is cute! And I needed an Electric Type. I was thinking the Dragon too...but Shinbora gets STAB from Fly, I'll probably just use it until I can get the Dragon.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1550]Dec 12, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Because Emonga is cute! And I needed an Electric Type. I was thinking the Dragon too...but Shinbora gets STAB from Fly, I'll probably just use it until I can get the Dragon.

    In terms of Electric-type Pokemon Generation V didn't really have any winners which were non-Legendary, closest would be Shibirudon who's stronger then Ampharos but weaker than Luxray.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1551]Dec 12, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Because Emonga is cute! And I needed an Electric Type. I was thinking the Dragon too...but Shinbora gets STAB from Fly, I'll probably just use it until I can get the Dragon.
    lol okay then.
    Sounds good.

    @Pika: wha? *does quick searches* aaah i think i know why mine sucked in Platinum... and that Shinburon or whatever doesn't get good moves, only it's pre-evo... >_>

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1552]Dec 12, 2010
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    Yep, that's the curse of Stone evolutions!
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1553]Dec 12, 2010
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    Looking at it like that... i think i'll say no to Eelectro the good moves are past lvl 50... >_> I think i'll reform my team in a few hours due to that.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1554]Dec 12, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Looking at it like that... i think i'll say no to Eelectro the good moves are past lvl 50... >_> I think i'll reform my team in a few hours due to that.

    Use TMs on it, it's not like they'll go to waste being TMs are no longer one use.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [1555]Dec 12, 2010
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    No good electric types? I'd like you to meet my good friend Denchura.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1556]Dec 12, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Looking at it like that... i think i'll say no to Eelectro the good moves are past lvl 50... >_> I think i'll reform my team in a few hours due to that.

    Use TMs on it, it's not like they'll go to waste being TMs are no longer one use.

    Hmm. *checks TM list* yes... i like.

    @Psyduck: Ah Denchura, he is made of awesome and love.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1557]Dec 12, 2010
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    PsyduckRanger wrote:
    No good electric types? I'd like you to meet my good friend Denchura.

    I did look at Denchura's stats, and it's the lowest of the fully evolved non-Legendary Electric-types:

    HP: 70
    Attack: 77
    Defense: 60
    Sp. Attack: 97
    Sp. Defense: 60
    Speed: 108
    Total: 472

    HP: 75
    Attack: 100
    Defense: 63
    Sp. Attack: 80
    Sp. Defense: 63
    Speed: 116
    Total: 497

    HP: 85
    Attack: 115
    Defense: 80
    Sp. Attack: 105
    Sp. Defense: 80
    Speed: 50
    Total: 515

    If you care about Speed you're better going with Zebraika and if you don't then you're better with Shibibiru. I guess you can make an argument for Denchura for a Speed & Sp. Attack combo, though overall it's out performed.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1558]Dec 12, 2010
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    But, Denchura's typing is so awesome. And it looks so cool. *3*
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1560]Dec 12, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    But, Denchura's typing is so awesome. And it looks so cool. *3*

    Okay, let's talk about the typing:

    Weakness (x2): Rock & Fire
    Resistance (x.5): Fighting
    , Steel, Grass, & Electric

    Weakness (x2): Ground
    Resistance (x.5): Flying
    , Steel, & Electric*
    Immunity (x0): Electric* & Grass**

    Weakness (x2): Ground***
    Resistance: Flying
    , Steel, & Electric
    Immunity (x0): Ground***

    * If Zebraika has either the Ability Lightningrod or Motor Drive it becomes immune to Electric-type attacks.
    ** If
    Zebraika has the Ability Herbivorous it becomes immune to Grass-type attacks.
    Due to Shibibiru's only Ability, Levitate, it is immune to Ground-type attacks.

    Now while Denchura does lose the Electric-type's infamous Ground-type weakness, it now has a Rock-type weakness which honestly isn't any better then it being weak to Ground-types. It also has a second weakness, the Bug-types infamous Fire-type weakness. And as far as Resistance's go, nothing impressive.
    Going to
    Zebraika, an interesting thing to note that no matter what Ability it has it'll gain an immunity from it. Now for its usual Abilities this is nothing special as it's resistance to Electric-types anyway, however the Herbivorous brings up something interesting. Though Electric-types usually receive neutral damage from Grass-type attacks, Grass-type Pokemon are resistant to Electric-type attacks so in a battle with a pure Electric-type vs. a pure Grass-type the Grass-type will have the advantage. But now add in Zebraika with the Herbivorous Ability, although Grass-types are still resistant to Electric-type moves, Grass-type moves now do NO damage which shifts the advantage over to Zebraika.
    Last but not least we have
    Shibibiru who's claim to fame is that being a pure Electric-type and having the Ability Levitate it has no weaknesses, much like a Dark/Ghost-type combo. This honestly makes Shibibiru the overall winner, I mean you can't get any better then removing your weakness and then making it your immunity!

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