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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1521]Nov 25, 2010
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    thec0mebackman wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Just so you know thec0mebackman, these two are version exclusives for Black.


    why yes, was aware of that... but since the StoneAgeVulture is so far in the game, I'm just going to trade it over when I get Black first to my White. same with CuteShiftry-Mini-Me, lol. I hate version exclusives sometimes

    edit: I don't really like that Electric Eel Pokemon. any suggestions as to which Poke I should replace it with? I want a strong, intimidating one!

    I suggest one of these three:

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1522]Nov 26, 2010
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    Oh, BTW everyone, the Ken Sugimori for the Gym Leaders AND Elite Four have been released! So as I said before, I'll now go through each one so let's get started:

    Gym Leader: Dent, Pod, & Corn
    Type: Grass, Fire, Water
    City: Sanyou City
    Badge: Tri Badge

    As one comment from Youtube once said: "The Jonas Brothers would like to battle!"
    Well what is there to say, I'll give them credit for having an interesting gimmick, albeit a cheap one assuring they'll always have an advantage over your starter (people have always complained the first Gym Leader was either easier and harder determining what starter you picked and now there is no argument, for Black and White it's always unfair). However when I think of a Gym Leader I think someone who waiters would be serving, not the waiters themselves (and don't get into the "they're sommeliers!", they're waiters, infact a sommelier is a type of waiter who just sniffs wine and tells you how much it'll cost old it is). I also don't get their theme naming. Now usually I won't mention it as ALL the Gym Leader's Japanese name is after a certain plant or product of a plant, but here it comes partly into play as it's the shape of their badge! They're name is partly derived from the vegetable corn: Dent comes from a type called "Dent Corn", Pod comes a type called "Pod Corn", and if I have to tell you where Corn's name comes from I'll hit you over the head with a bushel of NORMAL CORN. Their badge (which I have below with the other badges) is sorta shaped like corn with three kernels each a color corresponding to the type they train. Now before I go on I should also mention that their name also comes from a word which "tri-", a prefix meaning "three", can be put in front of: Dent comes from "Trident", Pod comes for "Tripod", and Corn comes from "Tricorn" (and before you ask/laugh, a Tricorn (or Tricorne) is those old style hats which has three corners and you always see Revolutionary War Era British and American soldiers wearing in the movies. Yes, I too thought it originally meant a unicorn that has three horns instead of one). Not much to say about them, though I do wonder what they're English names will be. They could technically keep them as is as their theme naming actually matters for their badge as well as their gimmick.

    Gym Leader: Aloe
    Type: Normal
    City: Shippou City
    Badge: Basic Badge

    I wonder what Ken thought when he was doing this quick "re-draw", probably something along the lines that the fans are nuts.
    And here comes miss controversy waiting-to has already happened. Okay, let's get this out of the way, yes, she is no doubt the first "black" Gym Leader (Gym Leaders like Brock there are arguments over, but it's 100% confirmed Aloe is of African decent). Further more, as you can see in the "re-draw" and if you bothered to actually look at her waist in the original artwork instead of her apron she is infact thin, her apron just makes her look big (despite it's kind of obvious her stomach doesn't reach that far down). Finally yes, I know her title is "Natural-born Mama", I bet you 99,999 Pokedollars that that's not going to be in the English version. Oh, one more thing, she either a museum curator or a librarian, not a cook (you're thinking of the Disney Princess that is of African decent). Now that we got all this out of the way, let's continue.
    Her being Normal-type both fits yet doesn't fit. In Shippou Museum the main attraction is a skeleton of a Dragon-type Pokemon, and being all Fossil-type Pokemon are Rock-type she could have just as easily been a Rock-type Gym Leader. However being a Rock-type Gym Leader has been pretty in game and technically every Generation (Jasmine used to be a Rock-type Gym Leader until her Onix evolved into a Steelix and she changed to a Steel-type Gym Leader) and they want to move away from that I suppose her being Normal-type is the next possible choice. Well, that or being a Grass-type but being that was taken by Dent I think we'll now move on to the next Gym Leader and the first one we haven't seen art for yet! Get ready, for here it comes!

    Gym Leader: Arti
    Type: Bug
    City: Hiun City
    Badge: Beetle Badge

    GEEZ! WHAT IS WITH THAT OVERBITE! Just because he trains Bug-types doesn't mean he also has to eat wood!
    I have NO idea how you relate art to bugs but the Pokemon Company somehow did... and I'm still waiting for their explanation. An no, the "butterfly" buckle on his pants doesn't count as a connection. Though going back to his teeth, now I'm sure it's not suppose to be an overbite but rather that teeth art style where all the teeth are connect in a "U" shape despite the fact you're looking straight at the character, but come on when you saw his art you thought the first thing I did. Actually if you look at his "VS Sprite" you can see that yes, he does have normal teeth and no overbite. I also don't like his clothing, red and olive green don't mesh well together in my opinion, and throwing black stripes in on his pants makes it even more obvious. If they were trying to make him bold and stand out, then congratulations you did, but if that wasn't attention then what was exactly?

    Gym Leader: Kamitsure
    Type: Electric
    City: Raimon City
    Badge: Bolt

    *Wolf whistle* Humina Humina! Oh, and she's pretty too!
    Yes, one of the Gym Leaders official artwork I'm sure many have been waiting for, it probably only took as long as 10 minutes for naughty artwork for her and the 6th Gym Leader to appear on the internetz (yes, with the "z")! Breaking more traditions, Kamitsure is the first Electric-type Gym Leader to not have a relation to the military, actually I'm not quite sure what here theme is, maybe a DJ? Though probably not a very good one, here's a hint Kamitsure, in order to hear anything you need to combine the plugs of your headphones together and plug it into the headphone slots. Her clothes also gives off an Electabuzz-family vibe for obvious reasons which I actually like, being a Gym Leader is an Elite Pokemon Trainer of a specific type you would think that they would also derive some style from Pokemon of their type... though kind of odd here it's the Electabuzz-family even though they're a Generation I Pokemon.

    Gym Leader: Yacon
    Type: Ground
    City: Hodomoe City
    Badge: Quake Badge

    Let's play guess the stereotype! I'm going to say... Oil Tycoon Cowboy Businessman!
    Unova is based on New York, New York is a state of the United States, what is another well-known state of the United States, the biggest state of them all and they don't let us forget: Texas! And just as night follow day the stereotypes come right rolling in. Texas is in the wild west famous for cowboys this he has a cowboy hat, check! Texas has lots of oil fields and many businessmen from Texas, atleast the most well known ones, are oil tycoons meaning he needs a briefcase, watch, and cellphone, check check check! Being oil is found underground he's a Ground-type Gym Leader, checkaroony! No wonder why there isn't a lot United States-based thing in Unova, they spent most of their stereotype points into this guy! So before I mention ex-President Bush (darn it!), let's move on!

    Gym Leader: Fuuro
    Type: Flying
    City: Fukiyose City
    Badge: Jet Badge

    I see Fuuro got dressed for this occasion, and we thank her for it.
    Kamitsure's lesbian lover The girl who blew all the guys away (and most of her clothing *feels SPDShadowRanger giving him nasty glares* Okay, okay, I'll stop with the naughty jokes), or as I like to call her, Propeller Hair! Being SPDShadowRanger has just paper shredded most of my jokes, I'll end off on this, what exactly does Japan think of when someone says "America" or "United States" and then "Airlines"? For those who don't know, I think she's suppose to be a pilot as her Gym is based on an airport theme. I would have said she was a stewardess, but she would be instantly fired due to every single uniform violation there is. Wait, was that a naughty joke? Gah! SPDShadowRanger, put away that Shadow Saber!! AAAAAH!!!

    Gym Leader: Hachiku
    Type: Ice
    City: Sekka City
    Badge: Icicle Badge

    "What's your name?" "Hachiku" "God bless you" "That's my name" "You're name is 'God Bless You'?"
    *Tape recorder begins playing* Hey everyone, just incase SPDShadowRanger decides to go after me due to all my naughty Kamitusre and/or Fuuro jokes, I have made this recording for the other Gym Leaders. Skip over to track 2 to begin with Yacon or track 3 to begin with Hachiku. *You skip over to track 3* Wow, SPDShadowRanger let me live past my Kamitsure comments? Anyway, Hachiku, yay, here is where Japan forgot Unova was based in New York. I think this guy is suppose to be some kind of monk/priest, but I'm not to sure if they have ice variety of either of those (and if they do, well, you now know what Hachiku is based on). Really I can't say much else, though for some reason everyone likes comparing him to the Pokemon Specials "Mask of Ice", Pryce's alter ego who controls Neo Team Rocket. I don't know why, I guess because of the mask and the fact they're both their region's 7th Gym Leader who train Ice-type Pokemon (and just to mention it, Candice is also her region's 7th Gym Leader that trains Ice-type Pokemon, so much for Black and White breaking traditions, huh?).

    Gym Leader: Iris OR Shaga
    Type: Dragon
    City: Souryuu City
    Badge: Legend Badge

    I can't help to notice there is a bit of a contrast between these two.
    As we all know, depending on what version you're playing the 8th Gym Leader is either Iris, famously known as Ash's newest female companion in the anime, if you're play Pokemon White or Shaga if you're playing Pokemon Black. Now like I said in my little caption, they're suppose to be the absolute foils of each other: female/male, young/old, dark-skinned/light-skinned, playful/serious, etc.. However this makes absolute no difference when you battle them as they're Pokemon are the same EXCEPT all of Iris's Pokemon are female and all of Shaga's Pokemon are male (surprising, right?). I'm not exactly sure what they're themes are. The anime makes Iris seems like a wild girl and Shaga's title says he's a "Spartan Mayor" so take that as you wish. Personally I like Shaga more then Iris, he looks like he's ready to pound you into the ground and stop you from going onto the Unova League and then lecture you on what you did wrong. Iris looks like one of those girls you would tease in Elementary School (if you were a boy of course) and otherwise would laugh at her if she actually tried sounding tough. However being I'm buying Pokemon White Iris will be the 8th Gym Leader I'm versing and because I said all this her team is going to pound mine to the ground.

    And though I said I was going to show the Badges on the bottom with Dent, Pod, and Corn, instead I'm going to save those for the Elite Four's bottom page as I think this post has gone on long enough. As to why I don't change the part of Dent, Pod, and Corn's discussion on where I say the badge's will be on the bottom of this post, well I'm too lazy so think of this as a retcon like how they retcon that Legendary Pokemon with multiple formes have to have an "e" at the end of "form" for no particular reason.

    NEXT UP: Elite Four!

    Edited on 11/26/2010 8:51pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1523]Nov 26, 2010
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    Shaga looks really badass there.
    holy crap Kamitsure is sooo hot, hotter than the sixth leader, but not by much. Gotta look up NICE fanart of her.
    Overall, eh, never cared too much about the gym leaders. They'll all be fodder up 'till the last two anyway.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1524]Nov 26, 2010
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    Elite Four: Shikimi
    Type: Ghost

    Get it, she's a writer AND trains Ghost-types. She's a "ghost writer". Hahahahaha. *starts glaring*
    Okay, WHAT is that thing around her neck? It looks like a bowtie on steroids! Also is she suppose to be goth or gothic lolita? If she is, I'm sorry, there is something ruining that look and it's not the giant bowtie, it's the glasses. I'm just hoping whatever she's writing its a re-write of Harry Potter in the Pokemon World and not a re-write of Twilight in the Pokemon world *shudders at mere thought*. Or worse, a re-write of "My Immortal" in the Pokemon World *slaps himself for thinking of something that is such as horrible*.

    Elite Four: Giima
    Type: Dark

    Let's take our "Usual Vampire Names" to see this guys English Name: Vlad, Alucard, Bram, Stoker, Lugosi,... What? How did Edward get in here?
    *Sigh* Yes, one of our Elite Four is a vampire-type guy. Now all we need is a zombie and we have the current monster duo that is ALL OVER today's popular culture, they could even throw in a werewolf for good measure. But being they made him a Dark-type trainer, his team looks to be safe from having any of the bat Pokemon from filling it (if he was the Flying-type Trainer you'd know he would have had Crobat, Gliscor, and Kokoromori in his party). Not much else to say, though I do wonder if this guy is simply a creation from the "Twilight" fad and if we didn't have that would we still have him as an Elite Four or would the popular monster of this alternate time be used instead and I would be asking this same question leading into a never-ending cycle... Now time for something completely different. And by completely different, I mean the same thing I've been doing except the next one is a familiar face and this time she actually does something!

    Elite Four: Caitlin
    Type: Psychic

    CAITLIN! You've sure grown the last time we saw you... your hair even more so...
    Finally Caitlin gets off her thrown from the Generation IV Battle Frontier's Battle Castle to show she has become a Psychic Elite Four member! Okay, so here's the actual deal on Cailin. Want to know why we never battled her but instead her Butler Darach? Apparently Caitlin has strong Psychic powers and whenever she lost a battle she would get so upset her psychic powers will go crazy and being throwing things around. Thus she wasn't allowed to battle when she and her butler were put in charge of the Battle Castle when she was younger. However now she is older and she has gained control of her Psychic powers... and she pretty much has to or else all that hair on her head would break her neck if gravity ever got a hold of it, and I don't think the weight from that hat would help things either. Another interesting fact about her, Caitlin has only appeared in games which had a Psychic Elite Four member: Lucian in Platinum, Will in HeartGold and SoulSilver, and herself in Black and White.

    Elite Four: Renbu
    Type: Fighting

    I think you need to let out your pants, they look they're very tight and movement preventing...
    Final Elite Four (though technically he could be the first as they let you battle these guys in any order you want) we'll be going over is Renbu, yet another African decent trainer but this time for the Elite Four! As for being the first African decent Elite Four, I think he was confirmed of being "Black" though of course we have arguments about Phoebe of the Hoenn Elite Four being the first "Black" Elite Four. Anyway I think this guy is a kickboxer, which is a marital arts that uses kicks and punches. I don't know why I think that, probably because of the pants, they look like something a kickboxer would wear so they could kick easily (though wearing shorts would probably be even easier).

    Champion: Adeku

    Bulbapedia just uploaded his artwork so now I don't need to go back... unless I want to get a better pic... and until Pokemon Grey when they introduce the Frontier Brains...
    Finally we have Champion Adeku and I just want to say that guy is cheating! Look, he has six Pokeballs around his neck, 3 on his right hip, and probably another 3 on his other side (and who knows if he has any more Pokeballs on his back). I bet you in Pokemon Grey when we re-match him he'll have an entire different team! And really he has no reason to stick with the Pokemon he has the first time you battle him, unlike previous Champions who had a "mascot" Pokemon (Lance had Dragonite, Steven had Metagross, and Cynthia had Garchomp), none of the Pokemon he has look like a "mascot" for him. Maybe Ulgamoth being its his highest level Pokemon and it's part Fire-type and he's a redhead, though other then that I wouldn't be surprised if in Pokemon Grey they go "Let's give him an entire different team for re-matches as there is no Pokemon he has which represents him". And maybe that's what they were going for, I don't know his age but he gives a "I'm older then I look" vibe and looks like a sensei and thus a master of many different strong Pokemon.

    And with that I'm done, but of course I did make a promise so here is a quick look at the Badges:

    (Going from left to right)
    Tri Badge - A jagged ear of corn with a blue, red, and green kernel.
    Basic Badge - A book spine.
    Beetle Badge - Segmented bug wing(s).
    Bolt Badge - A lightning bolt.
    Quake Badge - Layers of land sliding off as if a result of an earthquake.
    Jet Badge - A feather with a talon.
    Icicle Badge - Three icicles.
    Legend Badge - Shaped like a side view of a draconic face with "beak" pointing downwards.

    Now I have mixed feelings about the badges, on one hand they went in a WHOLE new direction with the design having these be slim. Now while this is a revolutionary idea which is always welcomed, I also think that this is also these badges downfall. Not a lot of details could be given to these badges, and the reason you'll mostly be looked at them is because of their unique slim shape and now because of their designs which is what I like to see more in a badge then the shape. It's also due to this lack of details that some badges like the Beetle and Legend which it's very difficult to know what they are suppose to be representing. Overall I give these badges a nice try but could use some work.

    And with that said I'm off to let you all enjoy the artwork and post what you think of them/would have liked to see/posting your fquips about them/complaining about my jokes. Now if you don't mind, the tape on this recorder is about to run out. What? Don't you remember that in the Gym Leader post you had to play a tape recording I made because SPDShadowRanger decided to chase me down for my naughty jokes with Kamitsure and Fuuro? Well now you do, and this tape will self destruct in 3... 2... *the tape had run out before it could get to 1*

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1525]Nov 26, 2010
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    Thanks for the artwork Pikachu!

    1) Shaga's beard looks like its eating him.

    2) Hahaha, can't believe Pokemon went Twilight! Love the Vampire guy.

    3) Shikimi looks like Velma with a fan tied to her neck lol.

    4) Adeku reminds me of Lance. It the orange hair....

    5) Yacon artwork just cracks me up lol. Hold them up, cowboy

    Edited on 11/26/2010 11:44pm
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1526]Nov 27, 2010
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    syrusfan likes Fuuro

    Eh, som I like, some I don't

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1527]Nov 27, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Gym Leader: Fuuro
    Type: Flying
    City: Fukiyose City
    Badge: Jet Badge

    I see Fuuro got dressed for this occasion, and we thank her for it.
    Kamitsure's lesbian lover The girl who blew all the guys away (and most of her clothing *feels SPDShadowRanger giving him nasty glares* Okay, okay, I'll stop with the naughty jokes), or as I like to call her, Propeller Hair! Being SPDShadowRanger has just paper shredded most of my jokes, I'll end off on this, what exactly does Japan think of when someone says "America" or "United States" and then "Airlines"? For those who don't know, I think she's suppose to be a pilot as her Gym is based on an airport theme. I would have said she was a stewardess, but she would be instantly fired due to every single uniform violation there is. Wait, was that a naughty joke? Gah! SPDShadowRanger, put away that Shadow Saber!! AAAAAH!!!

    I'v said it before and I'll say it again..... I'm in love! I was never really attracted to models.... what's so great about them? Nearly flat-chested and are skinnier then a twig. Kamitsure's best friend is her index finger..... *barf barf*. So yea, good job game designers... Where the hell are the girls here that dress like that!?!?!?!?!?!

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1528]Nov 28, 2010
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    Guide dang it!

    Turns out, there's a way for you to continue without the need to catch Reshiram/Zekrom. If your team is full as well as your boxes the game will continue without you needing to capture it apparently, and the dragon will be on Dragon Spiral Tower at level 50 with a chance of being Shiny since in the part before N it cannot be shiny. So, just catch 246 pokemon and you can catch the mascot legendary like the other legendaries.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1529]Nov 28, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Guide dang it!

    Turns out, there's a way for you to continue without the need to catch Reshiram/Zekrom. If your team is full as well as your boxes the game will continue without you needing to capture it apparently, and the dragon will be on Dragon Spiral Tower at level 50 with a chance of being Shiny since in the part before N it cannot be shiny. So, just catch 246 pokemon and you can catch the mascot legendary like the other legendaries.

    ... Well that's kind of unfair that the one before you battle N can't be Shiny, I mean sure you can't knock it out but thus you can keep knocking it out until it's a shiny but that's no different from a person soft restarting when after getting into a battle with a Legendary if it isn't Shiny. It's not like their Shiny is that much different, Reshiram just has golden rings around its neck and tail while Zekrom looks to have a blue lens shining on it which also turned its red eyes into blue. If they made their Shiny drastically different (like maybe have Reshiram be black and Zekrom be white) then I guess that'll qualify the extra effort and also explain why they didn't want a Shiny of your Legendary in the battle (kind of ruins the whole yin/yang thing going on when both Pokemon are the same color).

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1530]Nov 28, 2010
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    Something interesting popped up

    Now we know how Daikenki uses Shell Blade

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1531]Nov 28, 2010
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    Sweet monkey jesus i love that very first poster.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1532]Nov 28, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Something interesting popped up

    Now we know how Daikenki uses Shell Blade

    Looks more like a Spear Blade if you ask me....

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [1533]Nov 29, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:

    why yes, was aware of that... but since the StoneAgeVulture is so far in the game, I'm just going to trade it over when I get Black first to my White. same with CuteShiftry-Mini-Me, lol. I hate version exclusives sometimes

    edit: I don't really like that Electric Eel Pokemon. any suggestions as to which Poke I should replace it with? I want a strong, intimidating one!

    I caught the electric Spider.... Denchura, well Bachuru.... its a pretty good type, recieves normal damage from flying and normal damage from Ground.... Fire & Rock as its weaknesses is pretty good.

    you *caught* it? meaning you have the game already? =/ jealous, lol but thanks
    edmasterchaos wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Just so you know thec0mebackman, these two are version exclusives for Black.


    why yes, was aware of that... but since the StoneAgeVulture is so far in the game, I'm just going to trade it over when I get Black first to my White. same with CuteShiftry-Mini-Me, lol. I hate version exclusives sometimes

    edit: I don't really like that Electric Eel Pokemon. any suggestions as to which Poke I should replace it with? I want a strong, intimidating one!

    I suggest one of these three:

    thank you's. I'm def' torn between that giant bug & the electric spider. decisions decisions

    that first poster is just.... beautiful (insert hearts) too damn epic. I love Daikenki even more
    &oh my.. I'm lovin' the gym leaders, badges & Elite 4 members! how long must we wait for this game...

    Edited on 11/29/2010 11:38pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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    [1534]Nov 30, 2010
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    If i were you i'd go with Denchura (the electric) looking at the movepool for the other guy, it's not so good for your regular play.
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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [1535]Nov 30, 2010
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    Whose catchable earlier, Fushide or Bachuru?
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    [1536]Nov 30, 2010
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    Fushide, i believe.
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    [1537]Nov 30, 2010
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    ericwashere15 wrote:
    Whose catchable earlier, Fushide or Bachuru?

    Bachuru isn't available until after beating the 5th Gym..... coincidentally before the 6th Gym, which is Flying types.... It worked well since my Denchura owned Fuuro. Those curves were no match for me.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1538]Dec 1, 2010
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    Suddenly the sixth gym sounds exciting....

    The three final starter forms look a lot better now.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1539]Dec 6, 2010
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    Official site updated again

    Zorua and Zoroark remain

    Zorua is the Tricky Fox Pokemon and it's ability is Illusion

    Zoroark is the Illusion Fox Pokemon

    Claw Sharpen is Hone Claws

    and Trickery is Foul Play

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1540]Dec 7, 2010
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    Move: Body Purge
    Type: Steel
    Category: Status
    Target: Self
    PP: 15 (max 24)
    Effect: Raises Speed by 2 stages, halves the Pokemon weight.

    Why am I tellingf you all this? Well the move's description explains it all:

    Description: It cuts off useless parts of its body. It sharply raises its speed and makes its weight lighter.


    Edited on 12/07/2010 11:07pm
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