Are you sure it didn't have ANY spotlight in Sinnoh? Maybe it didnt have the BEST spotlight but it had some. I suggest you watch DP185, NOW!
The Battle Factory? Were in Isshu, not Hoenn/Sinnoh. There wont be a Battle Factory, hell, there isn't even a Battle Tower in Gen V, only a Battle Subway. I swear, people see Ash use reserves in the Sinnoh League and now they think in every suceeding League that reserves will be used. >__>
It's this kind of thinking that really makes me on reconsidering staying in any Forum. I left here because not much happens here, but the serebiiforums are pissing me off because some of them have such a dumb way of seeing things and taking things and making a bigger deal then they really are.X( I know people are entitled to opinions but some things are so stupid.
Just for giggles and laughs, here are some of the dumbest things I heard there:
SPPF User #1- I dont like the series because Iron Tail looks stupid.
My Response- You are disappointed at the fact that Iron Tail looks more like an iron tail?
SPPF User #2- Made a Thread about How the Isshu League will play Out.
My Response- How the hell are we supposed to know? it's too early to speculate on that subject, Ash isn't even 1/8 of the way there, probably like in 2-3 years til' we reach the Isshu League anways.
SPPF User #3- OMGZZZZZZZZZ Pikachu got beat by a water type?
My Response- I suggest you shut up. Who are you, a newcomer to the series?
SPPF User #4- When will Iris have her first battle?
My Response- Somebody needs to check the games out, she is a gym leader in one of the versions and even if she isn't one in the Anime, I am sure she won't be a noobz.
People really need to stop having that mindset, oh just because it happened in the previous series, it will happen in the next one.
Edited on 10/15/2010 5:44pm
Edited 2 total times.