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The Official HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread

  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [41]Mar 17, 2010
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    I just beat Pryce at the Mahogamy gym. Right now it's off to goldenrod city to kick Team Rocket out of the radio tower.

    My current team is Heracross lv 32,Charmeleon lv 33,Ampharos lv 31, Fraligatr lv 30,Togetic lv29, pidgeotto lv 30 (which I'll replace with something else when Togetic evolves)

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [42]Mar 17, 2010
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    I Beat Morty today and got my Fog Badge, and handled all the puzzles at the Ruins of Alph and I have to say one of the trainers there gave me so much trouble since I didn't have much of a chance to train that if it hadn't been for my Prinplup that knew how to use Brine then that Pokemon would had finished me off.

    Also checked out the Pokealthon and have completely dominated the Jump course. My advice is that though it takes time to figure out the controls for each of the games, but it becomes simple with practice. Also the amount of points you receive is based on how many you earned in the total score so it doesn't matter if you lose, but you will get an additional 100 if you come in first. Some of the prizes I will definitely earn myself to help me out.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [43]Mar 18, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    scizor and kingdra!? copycat! *kills*

    and it's possible to trade as soon as you get the pokedex

    haha, thanks. what's your pokemon team? if you don't mind me asking. i feel so behind compared to everyone. i barely beat Bugsy right now. WHY IS BUGSY'S SCYTHER SO POWERFUL NOW?!?! i can't believe i was struggling with it so i turned off my game twice to beat it. (ok so my Zubat turned level 17 right now & it learned Wing Attack -___- ...maybe if i wasn't lazy & trained my poke' i would've beaten than damn Scyther quicker.) well my current team is Bayleef lvl 18, Zubat lvl 17, & Flaaffy lvl 18.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [44]Mar 18, 2010
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    Cyndaquil (Hinorani) male

    Scyther (strikana) male

    Horsea (tattani) Female

    Swinub (Uriani) male

    Mareep (mariane) male

    Hoothoot (horane) female

    none of which will be evolved until I get to the rocket warehouse

    I've decided to abstain from evolving until they learn useful moves however because they are unevolved they have weak stats, however I havent been defeated..until I went to the ecruteak gym

    Morty Broke my undefeated streak and Chuck broke it again -__- wah! >_< I'm not sacred of jasmine or Pryce for obvious reasons

    but I hope Uriani levels up fast enough and I find a dragon scale....

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [45]Mar 18, 2010
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    I am kinda pissed right now. I beat Whitney and her dumb Stompin', Attractin' Miltank! My Aipom had a blast kickin' its cow behind. Now I am roaming Johto for Apricorns for the Pokeathlon. I am having the time of my life in those games! My Aipom, Grovyle, and Monferno won the Speed Course, while Marshtomp, Togetic, Grovyle won the Stamina Course.......

    About my 6th member, I have decided who it will be. For those who said Gible, you are SOOOO wrong! For those who Pichu, good job but you are also WRONG! I have decided on Scyther. I never trained one before and I want Scizor too since I have yet to train either one. But It's like looking for a needle in outer space in my Pokemon Platinum Version. That is why i am mad. Its even a pain to look for it in Soulsilver's Bug Catching Contest. The only one I found was one that defeated my Grovyle, thus ending the contest for me.

    I swear that Bug Contest is rigged! Why? Because I caught a Beedrill, highest level it can be, and a Butterfree, Level 13, which its highest can be Level 14. When I see the results, I didn't win with either one! My opponents caught Caterpie & Venonat!Cryand they beat me!!!

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [46]Mar 18, 2010
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    What? Scyther popped up fast on me in Platinum, you go to the route above your awesome beach house to catch the Scythers, right?

    Also, took me a day and a half, but here i have an Adamant Red Gyarados with semi-decent IVs! 8D Time to lvl up some more before beating up the old man, too bad TR hardly gave me any lvls...

    Edited on 03/18/2010 2:22pm
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [47]Mar 18, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    I am kinda pissed right now. I beat Whitney and her dumb Stompin', Attractin' Miltank! My Aipom had a blast kickin' its cow behind. Now I am roaming Johto for Apricorns for the Pokeathlon. I am having the time of my life in those games! My Aipom, Grovyle, and Monferno won the Speed Course, while Marshtomp, Togetic, Grovyle won the Stamina Course.......

    About my 6th member, I have decided who it will be. For those who said Gible, you are SOOOO wrong! For those who Pichu, good job but you are also WRONG! I have decided on Scyther. I never trained one before and I want Scizor too since I have yet to train either one. But It's like looking for a needle in outer space in my Pokemon Platinum Version. That is why i am mad. Its even a pain to look for it in Soulsilver's Bug Catching Contest. The only one I found was one that defeated my Grovyle, thus ending the contest for me.

    I swear that Bug Contest is rigged! Why? Because I caught a Beedrill, highest level it can be, and a Butterfree, Level 13, which its highest can be Level 14. When I see the results, I didn't win with either one! My opponents caught Caterpie & Venonat!Cryand they beat me!!!

    Maybe its just how they award points for it, but I also think the Bug Contest is rigged. My first time I caught a nice Beedrill and didn't even place, a Paras one first place... Second time, I caught a Pinsir at level 14 that took me forever to catch and I got beaten out of first by a Metapod...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [48]Mar 18, 2010
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    PinKunoichi wrote:

    BAC510 wrote:

    I am kinda pissed right now. I beat Whitney and her dumb Stompin', Attractin' Miltank! My Aipom had a blast kickin' its cow behind. Now I am roaming Johto for Apricorns for the Pokeathlon. I am having the time of my life in those games! My Aipom, Grovyle, and Monferno won the Speed Course, while Marshtomp, Togetic, Grovyle won the Stamina Course.......

    About my 6th member, I have decided who it will be. For those who said Gible, you are SOOOO wrong! For those who Pichu, good job but you are also WRONG! I have decided on Scyther. I never trained one before and I want Scizor too since I have yet to train either one. But It's like looking for a needle in outer space in my Pokemon Platinum Version. That is why i am mad. Its even a pain to look for it in Soulsilver's Bug Catching Contest. The only one I found was one that defeated my Grovyle, thus ending the contest for me.

    I swear that Bug Contest is rigged! Why? Because I caught a Beedrill, highest level it can be, and a Butterfree, Level 13, which its highest can be Level 14. When I see the results, I didn't win with either one! My opponents caught Caterpie & Venonat!Cryand they beat me!!!

    Maybe its just how they award points for it, but I also think the Bug Contest is rigged. My first time I caught a nice Beedrill and didn't even place, a Paras one first place... Second time, I caught a Pinsir at level 14 that took me forever to catch and I got beaten out of first by a Metapod...

    There are two primary factors you need to consider: Stats and HP. Stats is determined by the Pokemon's rarity (how often does it appear) and its level. How much HP it has left also contributes a good portion into the score, the more HP it has left the more points you get.

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  • Avatar of legersem


    [49]Mar 18, 2010
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    I agree, the Bug Catching Contest appears to be rigged. I entered twice today and the first time, even though I caught a Butterfree, I didn't even place and first prize went to a Metapod. How does that make sense? The second time, I caught a Scyther and, once again, I didn't place, even though third and first place went to people with Scythers and second went to a Venonat. I just don't understand anymore...in the old days, catching a Scyther or Pinsir pretty much guaranteed you would win...

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [50]Mar 18, 2010
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    It was very close, but I just beat the Elite 4~

    Hall of Fame Team: Feraligatr, Ampharos, Xatu, Umbreon, Arcanine and Ho-oh.

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [51]Mar 18, 2010
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    The way I won the Bug Catching Contest last Tuesday was that I caught a Scyther without injuring it, only because of my prior experience with the original Gold and Silver games. The best way to catch it is by not injuring it and if anyone wishes to use a non-damaging move that paralyzes or puts to Sleep. That's the best way to get first place with Pokemon like Butterfree, Beedrill, Scyther, and Pinsir.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [52]Mar 18, 2010
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    I let my older brother try the Bug Catching Contest just minutes ago and sure enough, he found one! I caught it, has the Lonely Nature and now I am going to train it a bit and teach it a few moves and trade it back.

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  • Avatar of legersem


    [53]Mar 19, 2010
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    Well, I am glad to see that they made Claire slightlyeasier in the new games by giving her a Gyarados. But even with an easy Pokemon, her two Dragonairs and Kingdra were sooo tough. I think, out of all of the regions, the Johto Gym Leaders are, by far, the strongest. I mean Whitney's Miltank was a pain in the a$$ in the old games (and in this one, too) and Claire is still as difficult as ever.

    Oh well, off to get the Master Ball tomorrow to catch Lugia and then over to Kanto for the Elite Four! Yay! But first, I need to catch an Onix and get a Metal Coat to evolve it into a Steelix before I go back to school on Saturday, otherwise I'll have no one to trade with! Plus, I need to get a Dusk Stone to evolve my Murkrow and a Water Stone for Poliwhirl...oh, so much to do in the next day...

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [54]Mar 19, 2010
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    legersem wrote:

    Well, I am glad to see that they made Claire slightlyeasier in the new games by giving her a Gyarados. But even with an easy Pokemon, her two Dragonairs and Kingdra were sooo tough. I think, out of all of the regions, the Johto Gym Leaders are, by far, the strongest. I mean Whitney's Miltank was a pain in the a$$ in the old games (and in this one, too) and Claire is still as difficult as ever.

    Oh well, off to get the Master Ball tomorrow to catch Lugia and then over to Kanto for the Elite Four! Yay! But first, I need to catch an Onix and get a Metal Coat to evolve it into a Steelix before I go back to school on Saturday, otherwise I'll have no one to trade with! Plus, I need to get a Dusk Stone to evolve my Murkrow and a Water Stone for Poliwhirl...oh, so much to do in the next day...

    Ever thought of taking a chill pill or a slow pill for that matter??? You guys sure are becoming like those Speed Gamers minus the catching of all the 493 Pokemon.......... Let's see, I am still at the Pokeathlon, racking uppoints using my Pokemon. I need a Shiny Stone to evolve my Togetic but I only got 1 more in my Platinum...... Wait, I can just trade my last one and when I get the Nat. Dex in SoulSilver, I can use my Athlete Points to buy Shiny Stones!!! I am the kind of person that hates using the last item!

    Team Update: Zephyr Badge,Hive Badge, Plain Badge.

    Grovyle- LV 19

    Monferno- LV 18

    Aipom- LV 18

    Marshtomp- LV 20

    Togetic- LV 17

    Scizor-LV 21

    Edited on 03/19/2010 12:18am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [55]Mar 19, 2010
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    legersem wrote:
    I think, out of all of the regions, the Johto Gym Leaders are, by far, the strongest.

    Kind of sad since they have the lowest levels too. I was surprised, Bugsy is actually a challenge now.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [56]Mar 19, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    legersem wrote:
    I think, out of all of the regions, the Johto Gym Leaders are, by far, the strongest.

    Kind of sad since they have the lowest levels too. I was surprised, Bugsy is actually a challenge now.

    It's pretty amazing what an ability can do. Darn Tecnician Scyther and Scrappy Miltank.
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [57]Mar 19, 2010
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    Well one thing I might add is that some of the Hoenn Gym Leaders were difficult, especially the combo of Tate & Liza, since I had to be prepared for their challenge which is even more difficult in Emerald.

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  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [58]Mar 19, 2010
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    Training to beat the kimono girls (that espeon and vaporeon are killing me with psychic and surf).

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [59]Mar 19, 2010
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    Kanto seems bigger in 3D for some reason... I got the Magnet train running, and I've beaten Lt. Surge and Janine so far. I've also ran into a few famous people that are far from there regions, such as Steven, Maylene and Crasher Wake. One thing I hate though is that the Department store in Celadon doesn't sell evolution stones anymore...

    Edited on 03/19/2010 3:29pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [60]Mar 19, 2010
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    well, i just said screw it to my previous plan and simply decided to destroy anything that stands in my path, current team:

    BurninHope- Quilava Lv 32 F
    PsychoPuff- Espeon Lv 32 F
    SeaCourage- Gyarados Lv 31 F
    Heart Hero- Togetic Lv 33 M
    MaxCharge- Ampharos Lv 34 M

    And i'll get a damn Swinub/Mamoswine: MastodonZR

    Edited on 03/19/2010 4:28pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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