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The Official HeartGold and SoulSilver Thread

  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [21]Mar 15, 2010
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    The Lighthouse in Olivine almost stumped me with how to get to the top, but I figured it out and the 3D graphics they used for the outside floor are awesome, you can actually see the sky in the game from there. Team change: Feraligatr, Butterfree, Flaaffy, Eevee (which I'm trying to get to become an Umbreon), Growlithe and Natu. Tomorrow, I'm gonna trade a Pokemon holding a master ball I saved into the game so I can get one of the beast trio.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [22]Mar 15, 2010
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    I still haven't beaten Whitney, why must wild pokemon have such low levels? @__@

    EDIT: Had to use my revive, but, beat Whitney *snuggles burninhope* Best girl ever ^___^

    EDIT2: Well, now i'm facing Morty's gym, all those gastlys are perfect to lvl up my PsychoPuff and Heart Hero since they're basically untouchable by ghosts and Heart Hero's Extrasenzory destroys them >8D
    My team ATM is:
    BurninHope- Cyndaquil F 22
    Heart Hero- Togepi M 23
    Bamboozle- Wooper M 21
    MaxCharge- Mareep M 22
    PsychoPuff- Eevee F 12

    Edited on 03/16/2010 9:22am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of legersem


    [23]Mar 16, 2010
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    Question: Does anyone know if walking around with your Pokemon (not in the PokeWalker, in the game) increases its happiness? I am trying to get an Espeon before Eevee gets to Lvl. 15 so it can learn Confusion upon evolving, so I obviously can't train it very much. I was hoping that walking with it would help, even if it took forever.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [24]Mar 16, 2010
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    I think it does, but not sure how much. I've walked with my Eevee almost since i got her and i'm already near Cianwood and she has yet to try and evolve.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [25]Mar 16, 2010
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    legersem wrote:

    Question: Does anyone know if walking around with your Pokemon (not in the PokeWalker, in the game) increases its happiness? I am trying to get an Espeon before Eevee gets to Lvl. 15 so it can learn Confusion upon evolving, so I obviously can't train it very much. I was hoping that walking with it would help, even if it took forever.

    For every 256 steps your Pokemon's Happiness increases by 1 (2 if you caught it in a Luxury Ball). You can find out more about how to increase your Pokemon's Happiness with THIS Bulbapedia page.

    edmasterchaos wrote:
    I think it does, but not sure how much. I've walked with my Eevee almost since i got her and i'm already near Cianwood and she has yet to try and evolve.

    Well first you'll need to walk a lot in order to get a Pokemon that evolves through Happiness to evolve once it levels up. Being you need to have the Pokemon's Happiness be at 220 or above, and most Pokemon you catch/given to you/traded over have their Happiness at about 70, you would need to walk at least 38,400 steps if you're going to raise its Happiness by walking alone.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [26]Mar 16, 2010
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    Made it to Violet City. Taking it slow with my level 10 Cyndaquil and trying to catch a darn male Mareep!
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [27]Mar 16, 2010
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    I just got my Eevee to Umbreon at the Lake of Rage, but it started to evolve earlier into Espeon when I was in Cianwood... Had to wait for night time. I cleaned out Team Rocket, and got the red Gyarados which I nicknamed Crimson. My team now is the same, only evolved with the exception of Growlithe... *needs a firestone* ._.

    Edited on 03/16/2010 7:49pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [28]Mar 16, 2010
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    PinKunoichi wrote:

    I just got my Eevee to Umbreon at the Lake of Rage, but it started to evolve earlier into Espeon when I was in Cianwood... Had to wait for night time. I cleaned out Team Rocket, and got the red Gyarados which I nicknamed Crimson. My team now is the same, only evolved with the exception of Growlithe... *needs a firestone* ._.

    Nice, i myself am just got to Mohagony, can't wait to catch the Red Gyarados for later.

    I'm so proud of my team ATM

    Heart Hero- Togepi M 28
    PsychoPuff- Eevee F 28
    MaxCharge- Mareep M 28
    BurninHope- Cyndaquil F 29
    Bamboozle- Wooper M 29
    BruteForce- Tauros M 15

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [29]Mar 16, 2010
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    Competed in the Bug Catching Contest Today and won by catching a Scyther without attacking it. Good thing my experience from the original Gold and Silver helped me out.

    Also got ahold of a Quick Claw and a Soothe Bell as well. Plan to put that Soothe Bell to good use to help with most of my happiness evolutions.

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  • Avatar of legersem


    [30]Mar 16, 2010
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    OK, so I followed your guys's advice and my Eevee evolved today into an Espeon at Lvl. 15, so it learned Confusion. Good thing, too, or else Morty probably would have kicked my a$$ with Gengar.

    And I entered into the Bug Catching Contest too. I caught a Beedrill but my Poliwag got killed by a Pinsir (stupid critical hit...) before I could catch it. Not that it would have mattered because the winner won WITH A FREAKING CATERPIE!!!Yell

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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [31]Mar 16, 2010
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    legersem wrote:

    OK, so I followed your guys's advice and my Eevee evolved today into an Espeon at Lvl. 15, so it learned Confusion. Good thing, too, or else Morty probably would have kicked my a$$ with Gengar.

    And I entered into the Bug Catching Contest too. I caught a Beedrill but my Poliwag got killed by a Pinsir (stupid critical hit...) before I could catch it. Not that it would have mattered because the winner won WITH A FREAKING CATERPIE!!!Yell

    I used my Geodude when I entered that contest, but I made sure to save first in case of a problem. Other than that I caught Sudowoodo today using a Love Ball as my last resort, and got the Berry Planter. I also met Bill, and one difference from the GBC games is that he mentions Lannette of Hoenn who was the PC operator in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald which surprised me abit. Other than that I took it easy abit today since I don't want to create too much stress on myself.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [32]Mar 17, 2010
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    legersem wrote:

    OK, so I followed your guys's advice and my Eevee evolved today into an Espeon at Lvl. 15, so it learned Confusion. Good thing, too, or else Morty probably would have kicked my a$$ with Gengar.

    And I entered into the Bug Catching Contest too. I caught a Beedrill but my Poliwag got killed by a Pinsir (stupid critical hit...) before I could catch it. Not that it would have mattered because the winner won WITH A FREAKING CATERPIE!!!Yell

    Oh, i *removes all gangsta talk i would have used for the next sentence* defeated Morty and his Gengar with surprising ease thanks to my Togepi, by using extrasensory which was super effective since Gengar couldn't use Shadow Ball on the normal type.

    I'm now probably going to waste this whole day trying to catch a Red Gyarados with good IVs and Nature @___@

    Edited on 03/17/2010 7:27am
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [33]Mar 17, 2010
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    Adv193 wrote:

    legersem wrote:

    OK, so I followed your guys's advice and my Eevee evolved today into an Espeon at Lvl. 15, so it learned Confusion. Good thing, too, or else Morty probably would have kicked my a$$ with Gengar.

    And I entered into the Bug Catching Contest too. I caught a Beedrill but my Poliwag got killed by a Pinsir (stupid critical hit...) before I could catch it. Not that it would have mattered because the winner won WITH A FREAKING CATERPIE!!!Yell

    I used my Geodude when I entered that contest, but I made sure to save first in case of a problem. Other than that I caught Sudowoodo today using a Love Ball as my last resort, and got the Berry Planter. I also met Bill, and one difference from the GBC games is that he mentions Lannette of Hoenn who was the PC operator in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald which surprised me abit. Other than that I took it easy abit today since I don't want to create too much stress on myself.

    They're just teasing us with references to a ruby & sapphire remake

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [34]Mar 17, 2010
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    I'm in Blackthorn with a lv. 43 Ampharos, lv. 43 Quagsire, and lv. 43 Typhlosion. I need an Ice type bad but I don't want to have to train it as much as my others. Is it crazy to try to beat the Elite 4 with only 4 strong Pokemon?
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [35]Mar 17, 2010
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    Yes, especially if those are the levels yo are going to challenge them at.
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [36]Mar 17, 2010
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    I beat Clair got a master ball and right now, at I'm at the top of the Bell Tower trying to catch Ho-oh.

    Edited on 03/17/2010 3:08pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [37]Mar 17, 2010
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    curse you all for being so far in such a short time >_< I'm training cause morty broke my undefeated streak...wah...

    um why are our posts like this?

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [38]Mar 17, 2010
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    My Team Now: Inferno(Cyndaquil) Lv. 12 and Lightning(Mareep) Lv. 12. Preparing to challenge Falkner now that I got through Sprout Tower and got the TM Flash. Yes I am going insanely slow.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [39]Mar 17, 2010
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    Bah, i would've gotten past Clair by now if i weren't trying to get an Adamant Red Gyarados with good IVs...
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [40]Mar 17, 2010
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    I finally go me a Ho-oh, and Raikou~ Now for some serious training for the Pokemon league.

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