I am kinda pissed right now.
I beat Whitney and her dumb Stompin', Attractin' Miltank! My Aipom had a blast kickin' its cow behind.
Now I am roaming Johto for Apricorns for the Pokeathlon. I am having the time of my life in those games! My Aipom, Grovyle, and Monferno won the Speed Course, while Marshtomp, Togetic, Grovyle won the Stamina Course.......
About my 6th member, I have decided who it will be. For those who said Gible, you are SOOOO wrong!
For those who Pichu, good job but you are also WRONG!
I have decided on Scyther. I never trained one before and I want Scizor too since I have yet to train either one. But It's like looking for a needle in outer space in my Pokemon Platinum Version. That is why i am mad. Its even a pain to look for it in Soulsilver's Bug Catching Contest. The only one I found was one that defeated my Grovyle, thus ending the contest for me.
I swear that Bug Contest is rigged! Why? Because I caught a Beedrill, highest level it can be, and a Butterfree, Level 13, which its highest can be Level 14. When I see the results, I didn't win with either one! My opponents caught Caterpie & Venonat!
and they beat me!!!