EPISODE: BW073 "Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!"
And with this episode we're done with the Clubsplosion! It was an okay arc but, as I've voiced last time, the end result has me asking why was Ash & co. here again? Seriously, unless Stephan is going to win the Unova League, there was very little reason for Ash & co. to have participated (though Scraggy did learn Focus Blast... not that it couldn't have learned Focus Blast through another way). It's time for the Semi-Finals with Bianca vs. Stephan and Ash vs. Montgomery. Will Stephan and his karate-action Bert win or Bianca and her fire pig? Will Ash and his molting lizard win or will Montgomery and his judo-tossing Ernie? Who will be taking home the Clubplosion title? And what fetish will we be forced to deal with now that we're done with Binaca's? I shudder to think about the last one, but for the other three you can go and read on ahead. *shudders*
Making Them Squeal Like A Pig:
We start the episode right away with the Stephan & Sawk) vs. Bianca & Emboar battle... oh wait, opener and title. Ash says this is going to be a great battle as Cilan says he wishes they both could win and since Cilan spoke that means Burgundy has to say something saying he spoke like a "soft Connoisseur loser"... and it actually makes Cilan sad.

REALLY Cilan? Out of all the insults Burgundy threw at you, it was that one which made you bow your head in shame?
Georgia says strength always win and they knows who's strong... her. Iris reminds Georgia that she did lose but Georgia snaps back saying it wasn't against a Dragon-type so it didn't count (but you were still knocked out of the tournament meaning you're whole "I'm the strongest" speech amounts to nothing unless your point was since Bianca beat you that means she's going to win). The referee finally declares the start of the battle which Sawk starts with a... Bulk Up.

Being this is the last episode of the Clubsplosion I'm going to guess we're going to see a lot of these from Sawk and Throh. Thus, besides possibly one for Throh, this is the last time I'm going to picture Sawk's Bulk Up... HURRAH!
Emboar uses a Hammer Arm but Sawk dodges, which Bianca complains about, before using Karate Chop which hits Emboar knocking it back. Emboar charges in with an Arm Thrust but Sawk dodges once more, Bianca complains once more, and Sawk hits Emboar once more but this time with Close Combat. Bianca tells Emboar to grab Sawk which it does despite the beat down it went through and throws Sawk with which I'm assuming is Fling (though Bianca never says the move). Sawk uses Bulk up again as Emboar attacks with Flamethrower, Sawk dodges, Bianca b****es, and Sawk hits Emboar with a Karate Chop (sensing a pattern yet?). Whether you do see a pattern or not, it doesn't matter, Sawk's last Karate Chop has knocked out Emboar meaning Stephan & Sawk are going into the Finals.
Burgundy is amazed by the strength of Sawk's Karate Chop (well, it did Bulk Up twice) which Cilan also comments on which annoys Burgundy. Bianca thanks Emboar and recalls it as Iris says she can't believe Bianca lost while Ash tells Stephan he'll be meeting him at the Finals as Cilan tells Ash his battle is next so he better head to the battlefield.
Not Focusing On The Toss Down:
So we start off the Ash & Scraggy vs. Montgomery & Throh battle.
Don George: First, a trainer with unlimited courage, a genuine breathe of fresh air, here comes Ash!
Comment: Yeah... we've been following Ash for about 14 (15 in Japan) years now... he's as much a "breathe of fresh air" as air in a sealed basement.
I'll just jump to the battle with Scraggy using Leer on Throh which Cilan says Scraggy is trying to lower Throh's Defense though it's clear by now that the only way the opponent's Defense will be lowered by Scraggy's Leer is if the opponent started laughing at it. Throh, however, is unamused and stares right back at Scraggy which Iris says is Leer though Montgomery says Leer isn't one of Thorh's moves, it's stare is just its "knack" to terrorize its opponents. Throh's stare down works and Scraggy backs up intimidated though Ash tells Scraggy to not back down and he'll glare at it too...

Ash used Leer. It's not very effective. Actually it's quite humiliating... for him.
Montgomery says they're wasting their time as Throh gives a "come closer" gesture which Ash responds with by having Scraggy use Focus Blast in a seemingly smart move. However, Montgomery and Throh just stand still which shocks Freddy O'Martian though it doesn't take long for the Focus Blast to get close to Throgh before turning 90 degrees.

There's a fine line between missing and completely failing... Ash is a few miles in the "completely failing" side.
Cilan says they probably predicted Scraggy's Focus Blast will miss so Ash tells Scraggy to keep using Focus Blast until it hits Throh... you can probably guess what happens next.

Georgia: It doesn't look like those Focus Blasts are worrying them one bit.
Comment: Gee, I wonder why...
Montgomery decides to end Ash's embarrassment and has Throh use Superpower though Ash says "that's what he wanted to happen" (sure...) and has Scraggy use Hi Jump Kick. However Montgomery reveals he was expecting that, which is much more believable, and has Throh switch to Circle Throw which it does sending Scraggy flying to Montgomery's feet. Scraggy gets up and uses Headbutt which hits Throh on its nose making a metallic "ding" sound, though overall not effecting Throh.

And this is what we call a "No Sell".
Throh grabs Scraggy and throws it with Superpower, Scraggy hitting the ground hard at Ash's feet though gets up and uses Focus Blast. Bianca says Focus Blast might hit with Iris adding in since it's so close it'll cause a lot of damage but if anyone can miss an attack at point blank range it's Ash and we see just how:

How did Ash get this far into the tournament? Oh, right, he just battled filler characters.
Montgomery tells Throh to use Seismic Toss as Scraggy tries to get away but Throh just grabs it and does the Seismic Toss, knocking Scraggy out and moving Montgomery to the Finals to battle Stephan.
Iris: Poor Ash and Scraggy lost.
Georgia: It was a long shot, wasn't it?
*Iris glares at Georgia*
Comment: Actually Iris, I got to agree with Georgia, infact, if it wasn't for the filler characters, I would say Ash would have been knocked out sooner.
Burgundy is amazed by Throh's Seismic Toss while Cilan says that Scraggy did great (at what? Lasting only a little bit longer then the other Pokemon which faced Throh? That's only because of Ash's messing around at the beginning) which Ash agrees with as he recalls Scraggy. Freddy O'Martian announces that the Finals will be Stephan & Sawk vs. Montgomery & Throh though Don George suggests they take a lunch break.
Lunching On By:
Scene transition to Bianca feeling up Sawk's muscles.

I was hoping we were done with Bianca's disturbing fetish...
Anyway we're at the Pokemon Center and after Bianca goes back to her seat (apparently she's eating with Georgia and Burgundy. Also I think Sawk is in Cilan's seat), Ash notices Stephan and Sawk aren't eating and ask aren't they hungry. Cilan walks in saying that since they'll be battling soon he had prepared an easy-to-digest lunch for Stephan and Sawk who thank him and start scarfing it down which kind of disgusts Georgia, Burgundy, and Bianca. Stephan tells Sawk they should slow down and start to actually chew their food as Ash says it's awesome they're going to the finals though Iris says she wished she was (but your not so stop trying to attract everyone's attention). Cilan asks if Stephan is going to analyze his opponent but Stephan says he isn't causing everyone to face fault.

Considering you & Sawk have been sharing death glares with Montgomery & Throh you'd think they would want to prepare...
Ash asks if they're sure they're ready and Stephan says that he and Sawk already know what they're going to do and that's attacking Throh head on (you do know Throh uses judo, the martial arts of grabbing and throwing your opponents, while Sawk uses karate, which is more based on countering your opponent's actions meaning they have to move first, right?). Sawk agree, slamming its hands onto the table remembering Throh shouldering Sawk at the very start of the tournament, though Cilan suggest they review their opponent as Ash starts listing Throh's moves: Circle Throw, Superpower, and Seismic Toss. Being that's only 3 moves, Iris asks if Throh knows any other moves with Ash adding they might have one last move they're hiding away. Stephan, however, laughs saying he knows everything he need to know reminding everyone he rang the Wishing Bell (... if that's the sole reason you think you're going to win then I hope you lose...) and then asks Sawk if it's ready to win which it is.
So Why Was Ash & Co. Here Again:
Back at the stadium, Don George introduces Stephan & Sawk and Montgomery & Sawk as Freddy O'Martian asks him what they should expect and Don George says they should expect a "no holds barred, head-to-head, attackfest". Ash & co. and Bianca cheer for Stephan (of course getting his name wrong making Stephan think about changing his name) as the match begins.
Sawk begins with a Low Sweep but Throh immediately counters with Circle Throw, catching and tossing Sawk, but Stephan tells Sawk to "drop and roll" and Sawk manages to avoid damage and roll back on its feet. Sawk tries a Karate Chop but Throh does another Circle Throw which Sawk "drop and rolls" to once again avoid damage. However, while Sawk was recovering, Throh gets behind Sawk and uses it's fourth move, Bind, grabbing onto Sawk and starts squeezing it. Ash says he knew Montgomery was hiding a move as Sawk falls limp to the ground. Stephan tells Sawk to get Throh's arms off of it however Cilan says that by now Sawk is suffocating. As Iris and Ash cheer on Sawk, Stephan gets an idea.

And apparently has just eaten some of Popeye's spinach...
Stephan tells Sawk to use Bulk Up followed by Close Combat which it does, fiercely elbowing Throh which loosen's its grip which Sawk then knocks away and headbutts Throh allowing it to become free of the Bind and toss Throh away. Throh uses Low Sweep and hits Throh's knees however, now that it's close, Throh uses another Bind followed by a Superpower toss causing Sawk to land on its back but it quickly rolls out of the way of Throh's follow-up attack.
The audience cheers and even Don George starts to cheer up from all the impressive hand-to-hand combat going on. Even Ash and Iris are applauding while Burgundy and Cilan give their "evaluations":
Burgundy: It reminds me of exotic cuisine with (french word) spice, magnific!
Cilan: Truely, a battle like this one is boldy aggressive throughout but leaves a warm and mellow feeling of satisfaction with the spectator that will last and last.

Georgia: And the Connoisseur "evulation" winner is Cilan.
Comment: Mainly because he used words we can understand. 
Burgundy: For a second round loser you have a big mouth.
Comment: Says a first round loser...
Georgia: You lost in the first round.

Comment: Ah, a lover's quarrel. 
Back to the battle, Sawk uses Bulk Up but that just leaves it open for Throh to use Seismic Toss. Iris says if Seismic Toss works this could be it for Sawk which Stephan tells Sawk to break away and, probably thanks to that Bulk Up, it does, however that just means both Sawk and Throh then hit the ground hard. Both Sawk and Throh lay on the ground as Montgomery tells Throh to get up and Stephan and Ash & co. cheer for Sawk to. Throh is the first to get up but Sawk is starting to recover as Throh goes in (very slowly) to use Bind and by the time it gets there Sawk turns around and uses a Close Combat on it which hits and sends Throh flying. Throh is starting to struggle as Montgomery tells it to focus and it starts walking toward Sawk... who eases up, bows, turns around and starts walking away.
Freddy O'Martian: I don't believe it! For some reason Sawk is walking off.
Don George: That's because Sawk knows the battle's over.
Comment: Throh is already dead.
*Throh faints*
Comment: Or fainted, that works too.
Throh faints meaning the winner is Stephan and Sawk, making them the winners of the Clubsplosion! Everyone applauds and congratulates (and gets their name wrong) Stephan and Sawk who ignore the mispronunciation and celebrate their victory. Montgomery reflects saying it isn't always about brute strength but also about skill and cunning (and dumb luck) before smiling and recalling Throh. Montgomery tells Stephan the next time they battle he'll be the victor, but for right now he congratulates Montgomery on their victory which Stephan thanks him and shakes hands with Stephan then saying the next time he'll be winning again as the audiance cheer. In addition of winning the Clubsplosion, Stephan also wins a year supply of steroids vitamins.
Stephan: Thanks to everyone... but it's Stephan is how you say my name.
Don George: Now come on, let's really hear it for Stephen and Sawk.
Stephan: WRONG!

Comment: Well if you're going to act like that then they're just going to keep on doing it. And by "they" I mean the writers, Piplup almost ran away because of Gible's Draco Meteors kept hitting yet even after that episode they kept doing it. 
After that primal yell, Stephan says that he's good, afterall he did make a wish on the Wishing Bell and it came true meaning him and Sawk are #1 (yeah, too bad you didn't use that wish for winning the Pokemon League, kind of missed the big picture there.
That evening, Ash & co. and their rivals are standing right outside the stadium. Burgundy tells Cilan that the next time they meet she'll be an A-Class Connoisseur (so how many classes did you skip to participate in this tournament?) which Cilan says he can't wait for that day which annoys Burgundy. Georgia interrupts telling Iris she's still going down but then asks when she'll become a Dragon Master (I'm assuming when she actually starts using Dragon-types as her main type) so she can beat her which Iris says it might be a while though she'll let her know. Stephan jumps forward telling Ash that though this time they didn't battle next time they will which Ash agrees with. With no more of the group to wage war against, Bianca decides she'll help the viewers out by asking where Ash & co. are going next and Ash says to Icirrus City for his 7th Badge which impresses Bianca (Bianca, are you still even collecting badges?).
Stephan: Lots of luck, Ash!
Comment: Well it is what Ash specializes in.
Ash: Thanks, the same to you and Sawk.
Cilan: Now you take care of yourself, and best wishes.
All the rivals leave, Burgundy and Georgia as jerkishly as possible, as well as Ash & co. who head to Icirrus City as the Narrator tries closing things but upon getting Stephan's name wrong Stephan appears in a circle bubble to yell at him.

Th-th-th-that's all folks!
Edited on 08/09/2012 5:49pm
Edited 2 total times.