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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jul 7, 2012
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    The episode discussion threads are rather pointless at this point. From now, please use this thread to discuss the new episodes as they air. This is only for the dub episodes. To discuss the original Japanese version please use the Best Wishes anime thread.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [2]Jul 7, 2012
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    Is PUSA afraid to use the term Celestial as to not offend "certain" people? They refer to the tower as Mistralton Tower

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]Jul 7, 2012
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Is PUSA afraid to use the term Celestial as to not offend "certain" people? They refer to the tower as Mistralton Tower.

    ... actually that how it was referred to as in the original Japanese too. For some odd reason the writer's didn't want to use Celestial Tower despite this tower having almost the exact same purpose. PUSA was just following the translated script. My only guess to why they changed it is because the Celestial Tower is a graveyard while the Mistralton Tower isn't, then again the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town was also a graveyard though they didn't have a problem changing that in the anime into a mansion.

    Edited on 07/07/2012 4:05pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Jul 13, 2012
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    EPISODE: BW069 "Climbing the Tower of Success!"

    My eyes... My Eyes... MY EYES! Okay, being serious, this was actually an entertaining episode except for one part we shall never speak of after this episode... as it'll be haunting my dreams. Ash & co. have a chance meet up with Stephan who tells them about a festival called the Wishing Bell Festival happening at the Mistralton Tower where a competition will be held where the winner rings the Wishing Bell at the top of Mistralton Tower which is said to grant the ringer's wish. Ash & co. also decide to enter the competition who is being hosted by Skyla's grandfather, Miles. Who will win the competition and get to ring the Wishing Bell? What type of "obstacles" does Miles have planned for all the competitors? Does the Wishing Bell really grant the winner's wish? And how many times do you think you'll spot Ash & co. or someone else cheating? Well if these questions don't intrigue you, at least read on to figure out why I was screaming "MY EYES":

    On Your Mark, Get Set, Answer:
    Ash & co. are walking through a forest as Ash admires all the Badges he collected now that he has gotten his sixth, the Jet Badge. Looking up, Ash sees a tower which Cilan tells him is Mistralton Tower (what's? No. It's not like Celestial Tower at all. Don't be silly) as they hear a familiar voice greet them: Stephan. Cilan asks if Stephan was here for a Badge but he says he's here for the Wishing Bell Festival which he explains happens once a year and is held at Mistralton Tower (see? What I tell you. They wouldn't hold a festival in a cemetery). Iris asks about the Wishing Bell Festival and Stephan explains you have to go through an obstacle course in order to climb Mistralton Tower and first to the top is the winner (not really a festival then, is it?). Stephan says the winner has the honor of ringing the Wishing Bell at the top and have any wish granted (huh? Oh, so just because Celestial Tower also has a bell at the top makes Mistralton Tower and expy? May I remind you the Celestial Tower's bell's ringing reflects the nature of who rang it, not granting wishes ).

    Iris: Any wish at all?
    Ash: That's too cool!
    Comment: Yes, and do you also know that rubbing a Buneary's foot also brings good luck?
    Cilan: Well it's hard to believe any wish can come true by ringing a bell.
    Comment: Yeah, it's also had to believe there can exist creatures which can shoot fire, ice, and electricity from their bodies.

    Iris tells Cilan to lighten up as Ash suggests they enter the festival.

    At the Wishing Bell Festival, we here an announcer tell trainers to sign up they need to partner up with one of their Pokemon. Ash, Iris, and Cilan of course chooses Pikachu, Axew, and Pansage, respectively, while Stephan chooses Sawk... which Ash scans for a second time. Ash & co. (+ Stephan) hears another familiar voice greet them and see that it's Miles which Stephan says is the host of the festival and asks if Ash & co. know him. Iris and Cilan explain he was the Mistralton Gym Leader but gave it over to his granddaughter, Skyla. Miles says with Ash & co. participating the festival should be very interesting as everyone gives a cheer and we jump cut.

    On a stage, Miles explains the rules which Stephan explained: to win you need to get through a series of obstacles and race up the Mistralton Tower and the winner gets to ring the Wishing Bell. And starting off the "Obstacle" 1 (more like a challenge) is "True Or False" where Miles will ask a question and if you think the question is true you go to an area marked by a circle and if you think it's false you go to an area marked by an "x". So Question 1 is (and I'm summarizing here): The starter types are Grass, Fire, and Rock. Cilan gives us the face you should have made when you heard the last type:

    (You can feel Cilan holding back a facepalm here.)

    Stephan: Of course the answer is true!

    Comment: If you think that's true you deserve to lose.
    Cilan & Iris: NO IT'S NOT!

    Commnet: Hey, no cheating! Let him learn his lesson!

    Miles reveals the answer being false (*GASP*) and we go onto Question 2: Casteliacones can only be purchase on Tuesdays (wait, this could be a trick question, what season is it?). Well I guess for those who never bothered getting a Casteliacone (and I don't blame you, it might be cheaper but Full Heals can be bought at any time (not to mention the status healing Berries you can get loads of from the Dream World)) it is a difficult question and Ash & co. are left questioning it. Ash & co. remember back when they tried to get Casteliacones but can only remember it was closed but Stephan says he thinks it's Wednesdays because "he can feel it" causing Ash and Iris to almost face fault. Cilan says being a good Connoisseur means having a good memory and he goes on his usual speeches until Iris asks when is it and he tells them it's indeed is Tuesday. Miles reveals the answer to be true and that one question pretty much knocks out more then half the competition!

    Question 3: Between Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy which one... does Miles like best (ah, I see Miles puts the "old" in dirty old pervert).

    (Too bad Brock isn't here, being a pervert helps thinking like one.)

    Iris says this isn't fair (it's not even a true or false question) and Cilan says he needs more information about Miles (whoa there Cilan, you don't want to know some of the sick fetishes people have...). Just then a purple haired kid with creepy glasses calls everyone simpltons and says he has the answer introducing himself as Ricky "The Psychic" (Psychic-types are pink, not purple). Ricky also introduces his partner, an Elgyem... which Ash scans for a second time... and Iris asks if he's a psychic.

    Ricky: Yes, I have the power of ESP.
    Comment: Elgyem Scammer Professional.
    Ash: You can use ESP for real?
    Ricky: But of course, and now I'll tell you who you are in a flash.
    Comment: Times up!
    Ricky: You are a, hmm.
    Comment: I already told you your time was up! You failed!
    Ricky: Pokemon Trainer!
    Ash: Hey, you're right!
    Stephan: How did you know that?
    Comment: It's not like Ash has a visual cluse like a Pokemon on his shoulder...
    Iris: Oh please, everyone at the festival is a Pokemon Trainer!

    Miles tells them they only have 10 seconds left and everyone starts running around as Ash asks what they do and Stephan suggest they leave it up to Ricky. Ricky says it's Officer Jenny so Ash & co. (+ Stephan) rush to the circle as we see my "Elgyem Scammer Professional" joke isn't too far from the truth as Miles prepares to lift up the Nurse Joy sign but Elgyem fires a beam at Miles though Cilan takes notice of this.

    Miles: Officer Jenny? A second ago I was sure it was Nurse Joy.
    Comment: And thus Nurse Joy is the winner, Ash & co. (+ Stephan) have been knocked out of the competition.
    Miles: But all of a sudden I like Officer Jenny more, and I mean circle wins!
    Comment: Yes, don't question the fact that you all of a sudden like a different woman... though then again maybe you should have your mind altered because THAT WASN'T A TRUE OR FALSE QUESTION!

    Ash and Stephan thank Ricky as Iris puts it on luck saying he was working with 50/50 odds though Cilan knows the truth but only whispers it to himself.

    Wasn't Looking For An Evolution:
    "Obstacle" 2 is a Scavenger Hunt where the trainers need to find a requested item and bring it to a festival staff member at the coal mine (but that's back in Oreburgh City in Sinnoh!) within 5 minutes. Miles tells everyone to go and everyone takes a paper with the item they need to find:

    Ash's item being a Thunderstone (well he does need to replace that one Team Rocket took... did they ever explain what Team Rocket did with it?).
    Iris's a Super Rod (no comment to ignore dirty joke)
    Cilan's a Wonder Launcher (well Cilan is indeed a wonder and he does serve lunches)
    Stephan's a Black Belt (well that's easy, Sawk is wearing one!)
    Ricky's a Twisted Spoon (I think Ricky is twisted enough as it is)

    Ash starts asking around for a Thunderstone (bet he wished he kept that Thunderstone now instead of not caring that it vanished ) as Iris does too but then remembers that Cilan is a "Fishing Connoisseur" and asks him though Cilan doesn't and starts going on a speech with Iris saying she should have known better. Stephan actually took my advice and tries taking Sawk's Black Belt but Sawk isn't letting go of it (so if the Black Belt isn't part of Sawks body then where did it get it? Is Sawk's karate gi also clothing?) and starts running away with Stephan chasing behind it. Ricky finds a spoon and uses Elgyem... oh, I mean "his" psychic powers to bend it (great, and now Elgyem can't be used in the TCG anymore either, good job there writers!). Ash is still looking for a Thunderstone when a kid calls him over and says that Ash can borrow his... and then throws the Thunderstone at Pikachu (okay, I'm guessing this is another case of the writers reminding us Pikachu isn't an Unova Pokemon thus people don't really know about it, but still why would you throw an Evolutionary Stone at a Pokemon you don't know about? The stone vanishes once the Pokemon evolves). The Thunderstone falls toward Pikachu who dodges it as Ash dives in with him catching the Thunderstone leaving Pikachu unevolved and with the item they need.

    (so if Pikachu did evolve into a Raichu, would Ash still have to find another Thunderstone?)

    Miles says everyone has 1 minute left and Ash & co. (+ Stephan & Ricky) and all the all trainers run back to show the staff their items. We're shown that in addition to Ash getting the Thunderstone and Ricky a Twisted Spoon that Iris and Cilan also got their items and Stephan somehow managed to get his Sawk to give him its Black Belt (you know you could have just showed the judges your Sawk was wearing it) before Miles declares time is up.

    Row, Row, Row Your Barrel:
    "Obstacle" 3 is Boat Barrel Race with everyone getting a barrel and two oars and the first 5 to finish will move on. Before the race even begins Ash & co. (+ Stephan) are having a problem balancing though once Miles tells them to start everyone starts rowing forward (with one trainer having their Herdier outside of the barrel pushing it, isn't that cheating?). Cilan tells Pansage to row like it's using Dig and is the first to break from the line which gives Ash the idea to have Pikachu to use it's tell like a rotor and Iris the idea to use Dragon Rage on the water pushing them forward. Ricky is still at the starting line though decides he wasted enough time and has Elgyem use Psychic (yeah, I'm not going to bother to pretend anymore) to lift the barrel out of the water and cross the finish line first followed by Ash & co. though Stephan is still back with the pack of trainers. Miles tells them there is only one more place left and Stephan decides to abandon barrel along with Sawk and just push it to the finish line getting the final spot (so getting out of the barrel isn't cheating I guess. Though in that case why did the trainer that was using his Herdier to push from the start having a hard time pulling ahead?).

    Edited on 07/12/2012 11:04pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Jul 13, 2012
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    "Obstacle" 4 is Impression Contest... which turns out to be a "Who's That Pokemon"! No, actually it's a dress-up Contest where Ash & co. (+ Stephan and Ricky) are given a card with a person's name on it they have to dress up as with provided tub of clothing and wigs:

    (Gee, I wonder if two of the names are Alder and Nurse Joy. Also hello ton of cameos.)

    Everyone takes a card with:

    Ash getting Alder & Bouffalant (just because we haven't see Alder's other Pokemon doesn't mean Bouffalant is his only or "signature" Pokemon)
    Iris getting Professor Juniper & Darumaka (since when did Professor Juniper have a Darumaka?)
    Cilan getting... Elesa & Emolga (... this is going to make my eyes bleed, isn't it?)
    Stephan getting... Nurse Hoy & Audino (nevermind, THIS is going to make my eyes bleed!)
    Ricky getting... Officer Jenny & Herdier (wait, Ash is the only male to not get a female to dress up as... but Ash has a tradition of crossdressing in every saga!)

    Ash and Pikachu get to work remembering the time they met Alder and...

    Ash: Want to be Bouffalant, Pikachu?
    Comment: Ash... I don't think Pikachu has the choice in the matter. Actually, on second thought, I would like to see Pikachu dressed as Alder and you as a Bouffalant since that question was so dumb.

    Iris also gets to work (and even she wonders why they chose Darumaka!) as well as Cilan and we finally get proof that the beige stripes on Elesa's shirt is indeed part of her shirt:

    (You see? She doen't have stripes cut out of her shirt, it's actually part of the pattern!)

    Miles tells everyone it's time to start and first up is Ash & Pikachu dressing up as Alder & Bouffalant and... uggh, Ash, never do a voice impersonation ever again, though other then that Ash gets a pass. Next up is Iris & Axew dressed up as Professor Juniper & Darumaka and... geez Iris, how much hair spray and gel did you need to mold your hair like that?

    (Seriously, how do you not break your neck now that all you hair's weight is on your head?)

    Anyway, Iris passes and next is... Stephan & Sawk dressed up as Nurse Joy & Audino...

    Comment: What is this i don't even...
    Miles: Well, that's kind of disturbing.
    Comment: Look at Sawk's face... I'm going to have nightmares for weeks...

    Well, they are dressed like Nurse Joy & Audino so they get a pass (at the cost of causing everyone's eyes to bleed, especailly Miles who's probably now happy he switched to liking Officer Jenny). Next is Ricky & Elgyem though he comes out not dressed up at all and Miles asks Ricky how does he look like Officer Jenny though Ricky just has Elgyem mindf*** Miles (what? That's what he's doing!) to make them look just like Officer Jenny and Herdier and so Miles passes them without even questioning this. Finally we have... Cilan & Pansage dressed up as Elesa & Emolga and this you just need to see for yourself:


    Oddly enough, it's this one which Miles puts his foot down on and gives Cilan the "x" though Cilan for one more try... sweet Arceus no...


    Miles still gives them the "x" though and Cilan... tries one more time...

    (Did this come from some HORRIBLE fanfic and the writer's decided to throw it in for kicks and giggles?!)

    Miles still doesn't let and give them their final "x", kicking Cilan out of the competition. Cilan asks Miles what they did wrong (LOOK AT ALL THE ABOVE PICTURE!) and Miles reveals his dirty old pervert again saying he's a big Elesa fan which makes him a tough critic.

    Took A Confuse Ray At Albuquerque:
    "Obstacle" 5 is Forest Race and Miles tells Ash, Iris, Stephan, and Ricky that the Pokemon in the forest will attack them and the first 3 to finish will be moving on. Miles tells them to start and they all run into the forest and the first Pokemon to attack them is a Lampent (guess it's back to take everyone to the "Ghost World") who uses Shadow Ball which Ash barely dodges. Lampent follows with a Will-O-Wisp which Stephan barely dodges as Ricky runs ahead though a female Frillish appears from the water and uses Water Gun but Ricky has Elgyem use Psychic to dispense it.

    Meanwhile Iris is swinging above through the trees though a Chandelure appears causing her to fall and start running away. Chandelure attacks with 4 golden energy balls which hit Iris... and when she opens her eyes she's crossing the finish line! At the actual finish line, Ricky, Ash, and Stephan cross the finish line. Ash asks where Iris is and Cilan says he found her as we see that Iris is actually talking to Patrats, Watchogs, and Chandelure as Cilan explains that Chandelure used Confuse Ray on Iris and it's making her see things.

    (I dub thee Iris, Queen of the Rodents!)

    Winning By A Ghost Candle Of A Chance:
    In front of the Mistralton Tower, Iris has come back to her senses as Miles tells Ash, Stephan, and Ricky it's the Wishing Festival's final "Obstacle" (yes, I know they switched over to "event" a few obstacles ago but why change now )! Ash, Stephan, and Ricky are given Litwicks on a candle tray (huh? All these Ghost-types, specifically the Litwick family, is reminding you of the Celestial Tower? As well as Ricky's Elgyem? Yes, both Pokemon are found there, but this is the MISTRALTON Tower, it's completely different from the Celestial Tower) and thye must bring Litwick to the top of Mistralton Tower without blowing the flame out. However, inside the tower there are Pokemon which will try to blow the Litwicks out and Miles tells them they need to hurry but very slowly (hurry but slowly? That sounds like a zen riddle). Miles, Iris, and Cilan go to the top floor of Mistralton Tower as Ash, Stephan, and Ricky wait at the starting line until a festival staff tells them to go.

    Ash, Stephan, and Ricky run into Mistralton Tower and they see how tall it is as Stephan takes the lead though all of them are stopped by three male Frillish who use Water Gun and try to put out the Litwicks. They get past the Frillish somehow as Ricky is now in the lead but as they climb up the stairs they start getting tired but a male Frillish and two female Frillish appear behind them and use Ice Beam to freeze the stairs and cause them all to slide down. Elgyem uses Psychic to pick up Ricky as Ash and Stephan climb up the ice as they all start reaching the top of Mistralton Tower.

    Getting to the top, Iris and Cilan greet them saying they can do it but Miles tells them it's time for their final obstacle (but I thought they were already doing their final "Obstacle"? ): a flock of Pidoves! The Pidoves start using Gust as Ash and Stephan protect their Litwick's flame though Ricky has Elgyem use Light Screen but Miles says that won't help as the Pidoves use Air Slash which eventually breaks the Light Screen (somehow) and blows of Ricky's Litwick's flame. Down to Ash and Stephan, they rush through the attacking Pidoves as Pikachu and Sawk counter the Air Slashes. It's now down to the home stretch with Ash and Stephan neck-to-neck and both their Litwick's flame still burning...

    (Too bad for Ash, Ghost-types are pranksters and jerks)

    With Ash's Litwick's flame out he automatically loses which means Stephan is the winner of the Wishing Bell Festival!

    Actually, as it turns out, the candles were suppose to be normal candles and it just so happens that Stephan's turns out to be a real Litwick (maybe if you didn't make them look like actual Litwicks you would know something was wrong). However, Miles says they'll overlook that as he congratulates Stephan for winning and tells him it's time for him to ring the bell which he does which causes a transition to evening. Ash & co. also congratulate Stephan and Iris asks what Stephan wished for and he says for everyone to get his name correct (yeah, everyone's been getting his name wrong as usual in this episode, didn't note it because it's a minor running gag) and also to win the Clubsplosion (sorry, but only one wish per festival ). Ash asks what the Clubsplosion is and Stephan tells him it's a Battling Competition hosted by the Pokemon Battle Club (oh, you mean like the Club Battle in Nimbasa Town? What's with the special name?) as we end the episode there.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [7]Jul 15, 2012
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    the next few episodes have the most stupid names Cubsplosion, what is that it's not even a pun anymore cause it's so stupid

    also wouldn't it be cheating since Litwik are fire types and could light their flames anytime they want? or even be moreresilient

    Edited on 07/15/2012 8:24pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of perualonso1


    [8]Jul 17, 2012
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    Did anybody see Saturday's episode? Battle-Ax Burgundy is back!

    What reason could there be for Iris to call Ash a little kid? He's not as terrible as she seems to think.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [9]Jul 17, 2012
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    perualonso1 wrote:

    Did anybody see Saturday's episode? Battle-Ax Burgundy is back!

    What reason could there be for Iris to call Ash a little kid? He's not as terrible as she seems to think.

    Well Ash is still very bad and needs luck and thewriters toaccomplish most of the things he doesI mean two words Lightning Armor

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Jul 17, 2012
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    EPISODE: BW070 "The Clubsplosion Begins!"

    Another Battle Club tournament has begun and it started off with some good battles... and yet another disturbing character fetish, this time Bianca's... Ash & co. (+ Stephan) are heading to the Battle Club's newest tournament, the Clubsplosion. On their way there, they run into Bianca and, as you might has guessed, into all their other rivals: Trip, Burgundy, and Georgia. Everyone signs-up and soon the matches are made and the battles start. What kind of matches can we expect to see from this tournament? Will, and how many of, Ash & co. and their rivals make it to Round 2? Because you can only pick one Pokemon to use, which Pokemon will Ash & co. and their rivals use? Finally, what is this disturbing fetish which Bianca is going to reveal to us? I know you don't want to find out about the last one, but because I had to suffer writing it down, YOU'LL have to suffer by reading it! MUAWHAHAHAHAHA!

    Hope The Next Club Battle Tournament Is IN SPACE:
    Having met up with Stephan last episode, Ash & co. (+ Stephan) head to where the "Clubsplosion" battling tournament is being held. Ash asks Stephan what kind of trainers will be there and Stephan essentially tells him tough trainers which gets Ash excited saying it'll help train him for his next Gym Battle. Iris and Cilan say they'll also enter (well, though technically a different tournament, Iris did win the last Battle Club tournament so she has to "defend" her title ) but suddenly Bianca comes running in. As usual, Ash takes a splash into the canal they're next to (you'd think by now whenever he hears the phrase "out of my way" he would try diving for cover) while Stephan cushions Bianca's charge with everyone surprised to see her. Ash and Pikachu dry off as Ash asks Bianca is always in a rush which she says she doesn't know (because we have to run ALL running gags in the ground, that's why!). Stephan asks Bianca why she's in a hurry this time and Bianca says it's because she's heading to the Clubsplosion (WHAT A COINCIDENCE) which Iris says they're heading there as well which Ash says they should enter together.

    Arriving to the stadium the Clubsplosion is being held at, Ash & co. (+ Stephan & Bianca) find Trip last on line for sign-up (gee, Stephan, Bianca, and now Trip. Hey, weren't there other two rivals for Iris and Cilan who also participated in the last Battle Club tournament? What are the odds of them showing up?). Ash says hi to Trip who's all not surprised to see them (despite saying he didn't think they would be entering the Clubsplosion) and Bianca asks what Pokemon Trip is entering with and Trip sends out his newly evolved Conkeldurr. Ash & co. are impressed though Bianca is more so that she's even blushing for some reason.

    First Mile's perversions last episode and now Bianca's Fighting-type blushing, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THESE FETISHES, WRITERS!

    Stephan explains many people enter the Clubsplosion with Fighting-types so it's known for its hand-to-hand combat which surprises Ash. Trip insults Ash as usual though Ash didn't get a chance to say anything back as Conkeldurr slams one of its concrete pillars in front of him before Trip recalls it.

    Stephan tells Ash to just ignore Trip and asks what Pokemon he plans on using which Ash thinks about (you only have one Fighting-type Pokemon, Ash) and then sends out Scraggy. Well, Ash just got bothered by his rival, might as bring out Cilan's as Burgundy comes up behind everyone asking if Cilan is entering the Clubsplosion which Cilan says he is and she does her usual "I'm going to beat you so don't lose until then" banter. Cilan asks Burgundy if her rank has gone up which of course it hasn't (then again, Cilan probably knew that ) and Burgundy yells at him she's been too busy battling to attend classes (you heard it here folks, as long as you're battle you're ALLOWED TO SKIP SCHOOL).

    Burgundy: I'm going to beat you so you'll never be the same.
    Comment: ... so if Burgundy ever wins *laugh snort* how do you think Cilan should crush her ego? Should he just act normally proving the battle really meant nothing in the long run or should he actually act as if he got crushed and then return to normal to make her think she accomplished something only to crash it down onto her. I say the last since it sounds more cruel.

    Stephan and Cilan comment on Burgundy's "assertive" attitude and with Burgundy done, right on cue, comes in Georgia.

    Georgia: If it isn't Dragon Master Iris, I knew you would enter this tournament.
    Comment: Iris isn't a Dragon Master yet and you know this...

    Iris asks what if she is and Georgia says that Iris will be crushed under the weight of defeat then from her big hair (so even within the anime world people know that Iris's hair should have snapped her neck by now...). Usual banter goes on and eventually Georgia leaves with Iris yelling she isn't a Dragon Buster but a pain in the neck (and Iris would know neck pains, remember that big hair you mentioned?) though Cilan notes that since the "gang is all here" they might as well enjoy the show (hm, I'LL be the judge of that) with Ash in agreement.

    Macho Macho Mon:
    Scene fade to the beginning of the tournament as Freddy O'Martian makes a return as co-announcer along with Don George who greets everyone and says the winner of the tournament will win a year supply of all the Vitamins (Battle Club's Clubsplosion, sponsored by DRUGS). The audience is amazed as well as well as all the rivals (minus Trip):

    Burgundy: It would be tres bien if I were to become a Vitamin Drink Connaisseuse.
    Georgia: Could it be any worse than you are now?
    Comment: I'm just going to pretend Georgia made a drug joke, I mean she already pointed out the joke about Iris's hair, surely she must be aware of the fanon.

    Back to Don George (and yes, Don George, we see the two giant statues of you holding up the big screen, did we really need to focus on them?) he finishes up what he has to say and announces the beginning of the Clubsplosion as the first matches are made:

    Stephan vs. Edmund (an emo, what Pokemon would an emo have... whatever it is, it probably knows Cut )
    Cilan vs. Flora (gee, I wonder what type Pokemon she uses )
    Ash vs. Angus (could your hair hint anymore about the Pokemon you'll be using )
    Iris vs. Burgundy (ah, see those writers are still tempting those rival battles by mispairing them)
    Getty vs. Betty (you're no main characters no rivals, so no one cares, you'll be lucky if your battle even gets a still screen shot shown)
    Georgia vs. Gail (gee, I wonder what type Pokemon she use... oh wait, I already used that joke)
    Delbert vs. Montgomery (*same comment as for Getty vs. Betty*)
    Trip vs. Bianca (sorry Bianca, but unfortunetly some main characters/rivals have to be the first few knocked out)

    We have 8... I mean 6 battles to get through so let's begin with Stephan vs. Edmund as Freddy O'Martian and Don George talk about how each trainer may only use the one Pokemon they signed up with throughout the whole tournament and how type compatibility will be very important (in other words if you're battling your weakness you pretty much lost ). Suddenly dark clouds start to gather and it starts to rain literally because Edmund is so emo...

    He'd probably summon a zombie apocalypse too if this wasn't a G-rated show.

    Stephan sends out Sawk, which catches the attention of Montgomery (oh, oh, let me guess, he has a Throh, right?), and Edmund sends out Seismitoad (huh? But Seismitoad can't learn Cut of any moves which involve cutting or slicing). Sawk starts with a Karate Chop but Seismitoad quickly dodges which surprises Ash though Cilan figures it out just as Edmund says his Seismitoad has Swift Swim. Seismitoad uses Drain Punch which hits sending Sawk flying though Sawk gets back up and goes in for a Low Sweep, dodging Seismitoad's Mud Shot, and hitting. Seismitoad uses Brick Break which does a direct hit but Sawk is still able to battle as both start sharing blows with Seismitoad using Brick Break and Sawk using Karate Chop. Edmund is confused by Seismitoad's decreased speed until he sees Seismitoad's Low Sweep injury (remember, Low Sweep decreases the Speed stat by one stage) and Stephan has Sawk use... Bulk Up...

    I would call this furry fanservice, but the problem with that is that Sawk is a humanoid Pokemon so I don't even know what to call this...

    Now bulked up, Sawk unleashes a Close Combat which knocks out Seismitoad thus Stephan is going onto the next round and, as the crowd cheers and the sun shines down on Sawk, Stephan can only think about one thing: the fact that the cheering crowd is saying his name wrong.

    Now For The Main Characters:
    Freddy O'Martian and Don George discuss about the battle as Stephan goes back up to where the other participants are and asks Ash what did he think and Ash says it was an awesome battle. Stephan thanks Ash saying him and Sawk went through a ton of training to prepare for the Clubsplosion... and we start talking about Sawk's muscles again which Bianca seems very amazed by.


    Montgomery tells Stephan if that's all Sawk got they won't be passing Round 2 and saying if he's going to go around saying Sawk is the best he'll have to beat his Pokemon first. And just as I called it, Montgomery's Pokemon is a Throh which, after Ash uses his Pokedex on it, Montgomery says you don't want to be thrown by Throh.

    Bianca: Wait a sec, did you try being funny or something? THAT WAS HILARIOUS!
    Comment: Bianca, seek help.
    Bianca: Heeey, I'll be thrilled if you let me touch Throh's muscles.

    Comment: Seriously, GET HELP.
    Montgomery: NOT A CHANCE.
    Comment: THANK YOU! I can only stand one seen of Bianca gushing over a Pokemon's muscles...

    Montgomery and Throh leaves but not before Throh knocks Sawk aside with its shoulder which gets Sawk mad though Stephan tells Sawk not to do anything as Montgomery and Throh keep moving on and Stephan saying they're nuts if they think they're going to beat Sawk.

    Onto the next battle, it's Cilan vs. Flora and it looks like it's already underway as Pansage tries using bite on Flora's Gothorita (oh, that's not a Grass-type...) who counters with a DoubleSlap which hits Pansage. Burgundy yells to Cilan that he better not lose which Cilan says he doesn't plan to as he announces it's "Evaluation Time".

    Freddy O'Martian: You heard him, it's Cilan's "Evaluation Time".
    Comment: Don't encourage him! If anything we should be trying to break him of the habit. Then again I suppose "breaking of a habit" is the last thing a tournament sponsered by DRUGS wants to do.

    Cilan says Gothorita is quick in speed so Pansage then uses a SolarBeam which Gothorita counters with a Psyshock creating a smoke cloud that Pansage uses as cover to use Dig which hits and knocks Gothorita out, passing Cilan onto Round 2. Cilan thanks everyone for watching which annoys Burgundy making her wish Cilan did lose (can you be anymore Tsundere?).

    Going onto Ash vs. Angus, it's Scraggy against Semisage (*GASP* You mean Angus is using the Pokemon he styIed his hair after?) as Cilan, Stephan, and Iris cheer Ash and Scraggy on. Ash tells Scraggy to use Leer which is "does"... on Angus.

    After seeing Bianca gushed over it I think Sawk can't be surprised how stupid things can get anymore.

    Semisage uses Seed Bomb which Scraggy dodges but Angus tells Semisage to watch where it lands and use Low Sweep though Scraggy blocks it by lifting up its "pants" though it does slide back a bit. Semisage uses Shadow Claw which Scraggy dodges and goes in for a Headbutt but Semisage also dodges that and uses Seed Bomb which Scraggy dodges one more (are they ever going to hit each other?). Semisage tries another Low Sweep but this time makes sure to step on Scraggy's "pants" so that it can't lift it and delivers the Low Sweep knocking Scraggy back. Semisage uses Giga Impact next but Scraggy uses Hi Jump Kick which hits Semisage in the face which knocks it back. Scraggy goes in with another Hi Jump Kick but Semisage dodges which ends up injuring Scraggy so much that even Burgundy and Georgia notes that it must hurt. With Scraggy now down, Semisage keeps using Low Sweep on it making Iris, Cilan, and Stephan worried though Trip has already counted Ash out. Semisage goes in for a final Giga Impact as Ash yells Scraggy to focus which it does and uses Focus Blast which catches Semisage as Iris, Cilan, and Stephan are amazed and Trip is left surprised. Semisage is sent flying back as Scraggy uses a Focus Blast to finish it off... and it goes flying off into the distance.

    There's that 70% Accuracy coming into play making a lovely EPIC FAIL.

    Semisage lands though Scraggy is right under it and uses Leer which frightens Semisage as Scraggy finishes with a Headbutt knocking Semisage out and having Ash pass onto Rount 2.

    No time to rest as it's Iris vs. Burgundy next.

    Freddy O'Martian: Burgundy, empress of the evaluation world.
    Comment: Yes, she's indeed the empress of licking your Pokemon of the evaluation world... mainly, and surprisingly, she's the ONLY one that does it...

    Iris sends out Excadrill and Burgundy sends out Dewott, though while Ash, Cilan, and Stephan are cheering on Iris, Georgia asks Iris why isn't she using a Dragon-type Pokemon (because Excadrill is her strongest Pokemon... and Axew is her only Dragon-type). Iris tells Georgia "it's called strategy" though Georgia says if Iris loses she won't forgive her (... you all do realize that you can battle outside of tournaments, right?) while Burgundy tells Cilan to watch how strong she has become and can't wait for her evaluation time which Cilan says he can't wait either which gets her angry.

    'Cause you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no...

    The judge declares the start of the battle however we've run out of time as we end the episode with a splash image of things to come.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jul 26, 2012
    • member since: 06/27/07
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    EPISODE: BW071 "Searching For The Clubultimate!"

    Please, after this arc, can we never talk about Pokemon fetishes ever again? Anyway a good episode nonetheless. Iris and Burgundy continue their battle... and that's all I can really say without going into spoilers. However I can mention that after the battle everyone goes on a lunch break as we have our usual banter between the main characters and rivals, though one which Ash had with Trip has Ash start training Scraggy's Focus Blast. The rest of the matches continue in the afternoon and of the important battles remaining we have: Georgia vs. Gail, Montgomery vs. Delbert (yeah, looks like Montgomery is becoming an important character in this arc), and finally Trip vs. Bianca. Who will win their respective matches? How much of a role is Montgomery going to play by the end of this? Will Scraggy be able to learn how to use Focus Blast more accurately? And does Bianca's fetish only retain to the humanoid Pokemon? If you're curious about any of these questions (except for the last one of course... unless you are curious then in which case GET HELP!) then continue on:

    Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Beaten Up:
    We continue where we left off last time with the start of Iris vs. Burgundy as Cilan wonders what Burgundy's strategy is but Ash says they know Iris is going to win (pfft, spoilers much?). Ash and Cilan start cheering Iris who thanks them also thinking this will be a piece of cake (I'll like to remind everyone that Iris is at a type disadvantage with Excadrill facing Dewott) though Burgundy says Cilan is her true rival and Iris is just a bitter appetizer (who won the last Battle Club Tournament...). So the referee declares the start of the battl... of wait, opening and title card... now we get back to the battl... oh wait, Burgundy is doing an "Evaluation" . Actually Burgundy starts the "Evaluation" by having Dewott use Ice Beam.

    Ash: They're using Ice Beam, when did they learn that?
    Comment: Being we haven't seen Dewott since Burgundy's first appearance which was 52 episodes ago. I think between then and now it had some time.

    Excadrill dodges the first two attempts however Dewott hits it on the third but Excadrill was ready and had it's arms in front of it and shattered any ice it had on it with a quick arm unfold.

    Cilan: Dewott may be stronger then I originally thought.

    Cilan says Iris may be in for a tough match though Georgia says Iris better win because she's the only one allowed to beat Iris which Ash says he knows Iris will win. We cut over to... Bianca poking Scraggy...

    Bianca: You're a Fighting-type Scraggy, right? So where are your muscles?

    Comment: ... SCRAGGY IS A LIZARD! At least with Sawk and Throh they're technically humanoid... actually know, this is a sick fetish. You hear me Bianca? YOU'RE SICK!

    Bianca starts... feeling up Scraggy...

    Bianca uses Sick Fetish! It's super effective!

    Despite Ash's warnings, Bianca continues to manhandle Scraggy until it decides to knock some sense into Bianca.

    Sick fetishes beware, Scraggy will Headbutt some sense into you!

    Back to the battle, Dewott uses Water Pulse which Excadrill dodges using Dig however that just means Dewott sends a Water Pulse down the hole which causes Excadrill to be blasted out on the other side of the field by a geyser. Dewott charges in with a Razor Shell but Excadrill recovers just in time to use a Focus Blast (being that's one of the few Fighting-type Special moves, we're going to see a lot of Focus Blasts, aren't we?) which counters the Razor Shell blasting Dewott into the ground and Excadrill higher into the air. The dust clears revealing Dewott took the harder hit as Excadrill lands back down no worse for wear.

    Stephan: Dewott is dangerous for Excadrill who's weak against Water-types.
    Ash: You're right, woah Stephen.
    Comment: You know if Excadrill had just been hit by a Water-type attack I'd understand these comments but Excadrill hasn't really been hit yet as the previous Water Pulse only forced it out of the ground. Not to mention out of the two, Dewott is the one which looks the most injured. Oh, and Ash got Stephan's name wrong, ha, ha, ha...

    Over to the other competitors, Trip has gotten enough pictures of the battle while Montgomery says the battle is a "snoozefest" as he's going to win the whole tournament (yes, don't bother watching your opponents so that you know how they battle or what their Pokemon's moves are ). Burgundy says Iris's strategy is "muddy as molasses" (so it's hard to figure out thus giving her the advantage?) and "rotten as week old berries" (ahh, that's too straight forward, I can't twist that around) which Iris responds with Excadrill using Drill Run. Dewott initially catches Excadrill with its Scalchops but it loses its grip and drops them forcing it to jump out of the way. Now that Dewott doesn't have its Scalchops, Excadrill charges in with a Metal Claw though Burgundy tells Dewott to stand its ground as Excadrill Metal Claws away. Ash gets excited with Iris's seemingly victory and Georgia comments that Iris has gotten strong enough to battle her, however Cilan isn't so sure as he wonders why Burgundy is letting Dewott take the hits (maybe because, even without its Scalchops, being it's a Water-type it's resistant to Steel-type attacks so it's not really getting that damaged). With that said, a Metal Claw breaks Dewott's defense and sends it flying back.

    Iris: I know Metal Claw's not that effective on Dewott.
    Comment: THEN WHY KEEP ON USING IT? Switch over to Drill Run or Focus Blast!

    Iris thinks as long as they keep scoring hits they'll be fine but the audience cheering interupts her as Dewott gets up and Burgundy says that Iris should change her Pokemon. Burgundy then puts her plan into action having Dewott unleashes a Revenge which sends out a shockwave (we won't mention the fact that Revenge is suppose to make physical contact) that knocks Excadrill back causing heavy damage (yeah, Iris, maybe using a Steel-type in a competition known for it's FIGHTING-types wasn't such a smart idea). Iris tells Excadrill to hang on as Burgundy says that she and Dewott perfected Revenge so that they can get revenge on Cilan (you know you could try using type advantage...).

    Don George: Revenge is twice as strong if the user has sustained a direct hit from the opponent first.
    Comment: Okay, then why did Burgundy let Excadrill Metal Claw away on Dewott? Shouldn't she had used it after the first Metal Claw? It's not like she was waiting for Torrent to activate, that only increases the power of Water-type attacks.

    Dewott charges in with a Razor Shell as it grabs its Scalchops back but Excadrill counters with a Drill Run which Dewott tries to block with its Scalchops but is sent flying back. Both land and Excadrill uses Focus Blast which Dewott tries countering with Ice Beam but the Focus Blast pushes back against the Ice Beam and hits Dewott knocking it down.

    Burgundy: Oh no, 'impossible', I will not be beaten by a kid!
    Comment: Iris, that was the PERFECT opportunity for you to send back a "you're such a kid"! (BTW the reason I have "impossible" written like that it because it's the French word for "impossible"... yeah, it's the same word)

    Excadrill uses one last Dig and Drill Run and knocks out Dewott, meaning Iris will be heading into the next round making Ash and Georgia happy, though Cilan is busy concentrating on Burgundy saying she's still missing what she needs to claim a victory (for those keeping score, in Burgundy's three on-screen battles she has won none of them). The big screen shows the Round 1 winners thus far: Stephan, Ash, Cilan, and now Iris (hmm, all main characters/main rivals, who would have thought?) as Don George announces the rest of the Round 1 battles will occur in the afternoon.

    Lunch Intermission:
    Back at the Pokemon Center, Ash & co. are enjoying a quite lunch... at least they would if it wasn't for Burgundy and Georgia who are sitting at the table right next to them. Burgundy tells Cilan the next time they battle she'll win (remember those 3 on-screen battles I said Burgundy lost? Those were all against the main cast, that's right, Burgundy has lost to Ash, Cilan, and Iris. Burgundy, sometimes you have to know when to give-up) and tells Iris the same thing which Georgia takes offense too.

    BTW, the ship for Burgundy x Georgia is called SourGrapesshipping.

    Georgia tells Burgundy only she is going to defeat Iris which Iris then tells Georgia she has to pass Round 1 first (Georgia is up against a filler character, she's moving onto Round 2). We've seen Cilan's and Iris's main rivals, now onto Ash's as Ash sees Trip walk pass and Ash asks if Trip's done eating and reminds everyone he's battling Bianca (yeah, that should be a real challenge ). Trip tells Ash to worry about his own battles.

    Trip: Take your Scraggy. Scraggy seems to have learned Focus Blast, but it's obvious you can't depend on it.
    Comment: Which is why Scraggy knows 3 other moves.
    Trip: It needs to be more accurate.
    Comment: ... IT HAS A 70% ACCURACY! What do you want Ash to do, slap a Wide Lens on Scraggy? Oh wait, he can't, they haven't really explained how hold items work in the anime.

    Trip says Scraggy's Focus Blast is low class before walking off which gets Ash angry and deciding to start training Scraggy to use Focus Blast better. Outside in a training course which has a rock climbing wall and giant rock target, Ash tells Scraggy to use Focus Blast on the towering rock target but it curves and hits the top instead. Scraggy tries again multiple times though it misses the target everytime and Ash decides they need to work on Focus Blast before the next battle. Stephan and Sawk then appear saying they'll be their training partners as they also have to get ready for Round 2 (meanwhile Cilan and Iris are inside lazing about...), but before they could start battling...

    Merciful Arceus, Bianca has upgraded from poking to smothering! WRITERS, STOP BEFORE THIS GOES ANY FURTHER INTO NON-CHILD & HUMANLY FRIENDLY PLACES!

    Oh, but Bianca isn't just stopping at the Pokemon, no, now she's also after their trainers:

    (Sawk: WTF? Is this how people reproduce?)
    Bianca: CONGRATULATIONS! The winner of the "Most Muscular Pokemon Pageant" is Stephen!

    Stephan: The winner with the weird name... and besides, I'm not a Pokemon.
    Comment: ... do you think Bianca is going to be like one of those girls who would consider cosplaying as a Pokemon as a kind of foreplay? And while you're thinking of it, yes, they do keep the costumes on afterwards...
    Ash: Bianca can get a little bit carried away.
    Comment: A bit? A BIT?!

    Iris and Cilan show up and tells them that the afternoon matches have started and they all run off though not before Sawk gives a red punching bag a good punch (gee, I wonder why? ). Woah, speak of the Giratina, as everyone runs off Montgomery appears saying they're all amateurs as his Throh stops the red punching bag from swinging before it unhinges it and throws it up into the air and break upon hitting the floor (no, no, Throh, you were suppose to throw the BLUE punching bag, now the whole symbolism thing is ruined! Also, Montgomery, isn't one of the afternoon matches YOUR match?).

    Only Four More To Go:
    Back to the battles, Betty and Getty are finishing their match (wow, these characters are so filler they're using the other two Elemental Monkeys evolutions, Simipour and Simisear) with Betty and her Simipour winning. Cut to the important match, it's Georgia newly evolved Bisharp against Gail the "Beautiful Crusher" and her Druddigon (Georgia is facing a Dragon-type, this must be her dream come true... PLEASE tell me she loses ). Georgia says it's finally time to show everyone what they can do and tells Iris to pay close attention as she'll lose next though Iris says Georgia should pay attention to her current battle. The battle starts and Bisharp is on the defensive as it blocks and dodges Druddigon's Dragon Claw and Dragon Tail. However Bisharp starts attacking with a Metal Sound followed by a Iron Head which knocks out Druddigon, moving Georgia to Round 2.

    Montgomery's battle next (BTW, apparently Montgomery is a magician... you'd think he would use Psychic-types) and he's up against Delbert and his Mienshao (and somehow Ash recognizes a Mienshao despite never seeing one before). Stephan is eager to see how strong Montgomery and Sawk are as the battle starts. Mienshao uses Pound but Throh just sidesteps them as Mienshao tries a Hi Jump Kick but Throh uses Superpower and...

    He's a brick. HOUSE.

    ... grabs Mienshao and tosses it into the air which Throh then uses a Seismic Toss followed by a Circle Throw which cements Mienshao into the wall all while Montgomery doesn't give a care as he heads into Round 2.

    Cool guys don't look at knocked out Pokemon, they knock them out and then walk away...

    Don George says that Montgomery looks to be their leading contender as Montgomery walks away from the battlefield but not before giving Stephan a passing glare as Stephan says he wants to battle Montgomery now more than ever (well we have two other rounds before the Final Round, I'm not counting the Final Round as that's for main characters only, sorry Stephan).

    Moving onto the final battle it's Trip's Conkeldurr versea Bianca's... EMBOAR (whoa, I wasn't expecting that! I'm sure Trip is still going to win as they have to make him "threatening" to Ash but still...)! However, while Bianca's Pokemon is here, Bianca is nowhere to be seen only for her to run back onto the battlefield saying she was... checking Mienshao's muscles (it's a weasel, an ermine to be exact) though trips and lands on her face.

    Ash: Oh no, I can't watch this...
    Comment: Yet you do, because it's like a train wreck, horrible yet mesmerizing.
    Iris: How is she going to be able to battle in the state she's in.

    Bianca: Trip's Conkeldurr has some incredible muscles TOO! I'm such a fan!
    Comment: Do you think Bianca might become the first person to examine how a Pokemon breeds... first hand...

    Bianca cleans off her face and says she's ready to battle and win which Trip says it might not be as easy as she think as the referee declares the start of the battle. Emboar starts with an Arm Thrust but Conkeldurr blocks them with its concrete pillars so Emboar tries a Hammer Arm but Conkeldurr also blocks it with its concrete pillars. Emboar goes from physical to Special using Flamethrower which engulfs Conkeldurr in an orb of flames however Conkeldurr then blows away the flames by spinning around like a windmill with its concrete pillars. Conkeldurr uses... Bulk Up...

    I wonder if Trip is doing this hoping that it distracts Bianca like every other time.

    Conkeldurr charges in for a Strength as Burgundy and Georgia discuss about Conkeldurr being able to attack using it's concrete pillars (sure, why not?). Emboar tries dodging by jumping up however Conkeldurr also jumps up and slams Emboar with its concrete pillars knocking it into the ground hard. Bianca cheers Emboar on as it gets up but Conkeldurr uses Rock Tomb which surrounds Emboar with rocks. Emboar tries escaping using Arm Thrust (you know just a minute ago you jumped higher than these rocks, right?) but is too tired as Conkeldurr prepares to finish it off with Stone Edge... and it's here where we stop until next episode...

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  • Avatar of perualonso1


    [12]Jul 28, 2012
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    I saw today's episode. As usual, both Brugundy and Trip continue to be the spoiled brats/sore losers they are. Anybody with such a vain personality will forever come off as a love-to-hate character.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Jul 31, 2012
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    EPISODE: BW072 "Clubsplosion Of Excitement!"

    This episode was pretty good... up until the end when you realized that overall this entire arc is meaningless. But other then that it was good, plus we got through an entire round in one episode! Continuing from the last episode, Bianca's Emboar is at Trip's Conkeldurr's mercy, unfortunately for Emboar, Conkeldurr has already sent out a Stone Edge. Revealing the result of the battle is a spoiler so let's talk a bit about Round 2 where Ash verses Betty (aka the filler girl with the Semipour), Cilan verses Stephan, Iris vs. Montgomery, and Georgia verses the winner of Trip vs. Bianca. With our protagonists starting to face tougher challenges can any of them get to the Semi-Final... okay, I'll stop kidding around, can Cilan or Iris make it into the Semi-Finals along with Ash? Who will Georgia be facing in Round 2? Why do I consider this entire arc to be meaningless by the end of this episode? And who do you think is the bigger, more annoying b****: Burgundy or Georgia? Read on to get your answers, all except for the last one because, trust me, you'll be debating about it for awhile and might just end throwing your arms into the air and say both. But I digress:

    Rounding Up Round 1:
    Starting where we left off last episode, Bianca's Emboar is trapped by a Rock Tomb as Trip's Conkeldurr launches a Stone Edge. Bianca tells Emboar she knows it can do it as the Stone Edge hits making everyone think Emboar is down... only for the smoke to clear and reveal Emboar has somehow grabbed all the stones in the Stone Edge! As a second surprise, Emboar uses Fling and starts throwing the stones back which Conkeldurr tries using its concrete pillars to bat back though Emboar just runs through them and attempts to steal Conkeldurr's pillars. Conkeldurr lifts its pillars up to prevent this but Emboar jumps up and grabs them, landing and using Fling to send the pillars right back to Conkeldurr hitting it in the face and stomach. This is enough to faint Conkeldurr, meaning Bianca is going to Round 2 (wow, I mean, just wow, we're suppose to seriously take Trip is Ash's big rival this season?).

    Ash & co. (+ Stephan) cheer for Bianca and Emboar who themselves are celebrating their victory as Trip returns Conkeldurr saying he has a long way to go before beating Alder and leaves but not before Ash and him share a glance. Freddy O'Martian announces that this ends Round 1 and Round 2 will start tomorrow as him and Don George share some words about how exciting all the battles were. Freddy O'Martian finishes up saying Round 2 will have 4 battles and the matches will be announced tomorrow with Don George telling the remaining participants to rest well.

    At the Pokemon Center, Trip has Conkeldurr healed and starts to leave, surprising the Nurse Joy asking why and he says "it's time" (you forgot to add in "to act like a sore loser and leave"). Ash meets up with Trip saying it's too bad he lost saying he wanted to battle his Conkeldurr (well it's healed up, you technically can have a battle with it now) though Trip tells Ash "next time will be different" (what next time? Do you know there's going to be another Battle Club tournament where you'll face Bianca?) and leaves. Georgia and Burgundy are sitting at a nearby table (seriously, when did these two become friends?) and overhear this with Georgia saying Trip is really embarrassed and Burgundy says people with big egos can be a pain when they lose (oh come on, Burgundy, don't be so hard on yourself) and says the samething can be said about "him". We of course cut to Cilan who's talking with Stephan (Iris is there too) saying how strong Sawk is though Bianca runs in, knocking Cilan aside, saying she can't miss a conversation about fitness. Ash joins into the conversation saying he just realized they're all rivals now (really? it took you until Round 2 to realize that you might end up battling Iris or Cilan? Also didn't you already consider Stephan and Bianca rivals?) and Iris says she won't be losing. Georgia is annoyed that Iris thinks she's the best despite only winning on battle (yes, let's completely ignore that Iris was the winner of the previous Battle Club's Club Battle Tournament) while Burgundy, the one who lost to Iris, says she just got lucky:

    Burgundy: Have fun, I hope you all lose.
    Comment: What was that you said about a few minutes ago? Oh yeah: "People with big egos can be a pain when they lose."

    Outside, Ash sends out Scraggy and decides to do some night time training to master Focus Blast when Stephan and Sawk appear saying they're training too so Ash says they should train together. Scraggy and Sawk get ready to battle but the ground shakes and they hear an explosion, turning around to see a giant dust cloud and decide to investigate what caused it. At the location of the explosion, Montgomery and Throh are training revealing the explosion came from Throh using Seismic Toss on some rocks. Ash and Stephan run onto the scene as Montgomery gives an annoyed "oh, it's you" as Ash, ignoring the obvious rivalry forming between Stephan and Montgomery, sees they're training and asks if they would like to train with them. Montgomery says he doesn't train "with the enemy" (it sounds like he'd be willing to kill them if it means winning) as him and Throh walk away though as they do the rock that Throh Seismic Tossed crumbles which Ash notes how strong Throh is and we fade out on Sawk's angry face.

    Don't Bite The Hands That Chop You:
    It's the next day and Round 2 has started with Freddy O'Martian greeting everyone as Don George announces the next match-ups:

    Cilan vs. Stephan (sorry Cilan, but we have to have Stephan's Sawk vs. Montgomery's Throh next round)
    Ash vs. Betty (Ash is sure getting easy battles this tournament, isn't he?)
    Bianca vs. Georgia (let's see, it's Georgia's Dark/Steel-type vs. Bianca's Fire/Fighting-type... well Georgia, at least you can say you actually defeated a Dragon-type last (and your last) round)
    Iris vs. Montgomery (sorry Iris, but we have to have Montgomery's Throh vs. Stephan's Sawk next round... woah, deja vu)

    Freddy O'Martian: The excitement in tournament stadium is stupendous!
    Burgundy: No thanks to me, I hope you lose, all of you.

    Comment: ... WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE THEN! There's nothing stopping you from leaving, Trip left without any problems! Oh, and your "wish" won't be granted because SOMEONE has to win. So just LEAVE.

    Don George start things right away as Freddy O'Martian introduces Cilan (and Pansage) to the battlefield with Ash and Iris rooting for him but this gets Burgundy out of her funk and starts b****ing to Cilan saying she hopes he loses and he's a poor Connoisseur. Freddy O'Martian then introduces Stephan (and Sawk) as Ash says this is going to be an exciting match which Burgundy twists saying it'll be an exciting match to see Cilan lose (watch, when Cilan loses she'll start b****ing about he she's suppose to be the one to defeat Cilan). Pansage and Sawk walk onto the battlefield as Ash tells Scraggy that watching their opponents is great experience (you're just now telling Scraggy this? What was it doing out during Round 1 then, besides being assualted by Bianca?) as the referee declares the start of the match.

    Pansage starts with a Bullet Seed however Sawk uses Close Combat to destroy the seed and even starts moving forward with Don George saying he loves seeing hand-to-hand combat while Burgundy is rooting very hard and loud for Cilan to lose. Sawk eventually ninjas right in front of Pansage and unleashes a Close Combat on it before knocking it back to the ground, sliding across the ground for a bit. Pansage struggles to get up as Sawk goes in for a Karate Chop though Pansage quickly reacts with a Bite, clamping onto Sawk's hand. Ash says he didn't know you can stop Karate Chop with Bite as Cilan says now they do and goes into an "Evaluation T"... Stephan stops Cilan's "Evaluation Time"(!) and tells Sawk to continue the Karate Chop which it does and crashes Pansage into the ground, creating a crater! Burgundy watches in excitement however Cilan and Stephan begin complimenting the other's Pokemon as Pansage gets back up which makes Burgundy angry.

    I don't think even the split personalities of Lord of the Rings's Gollum had such drastic mood swings.

    Sawk goes in for a Low Sweep which Cilan tells Pansage to jump over but, either because Sawk is too fast or Pansage is too hurt, Sawk hits Pansage which sends it flying into Cilan, knocking Cilan to the ground and knocking Pansage out meaning Stephan is moving into the Semi-Finals. Stephan & Sawk celebreate (after Stephan moans about the referee saying his name wrong, though I don't blame him since he was called "Stoophen" which is kind of close to "stupid") as Ash & Iris are amazed by the battle while Burgundy is ecstatic about Cilan losing (with Georgia looking at her like she's gone insane).

    Freddy O'Martian: Stoophin moves to the Semi-Finals.
    Comment: Wow, I think they actually do want to call Stephan stupid!
    Stephan: My name's not that hard.
    Comment: Well it could be worse Stephan, you're name could be Butch which could easily be missaid as bi... ah, you know.

    Cilan comforts Pansage saying it was great but Stephan just had more determination and recalls Pansage as he congratulates Stephan and Sawk. Burgundy, who deserves to have her name missaid as bi***, gets angry about Cilan actually being a graceful loser saying he doesn't fool her.

    Georgia: You act like he ruined your life.

    Comment: No, he did worse, he beat Burgundy in a *GASP* Pokemon battle! LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING ANYMORE! Seriously, it's not like Cilan beat you in a children's card game, THEN it would have been serious.

    Your Scraggy Is Poorly Focused:
    Don George does a few dozen poses as he says its onto the 2nd battle, Betty and Semipour (who, as it turns out, is the sister of Angus and Getty. You know you and your siblings are uncreative when you use the Elemental Monkeys (Striaton Gym Leaders have an excuse, they're Gym Leaders, your suppose to beat them)) vs. Ash and Scraggy. Ash scans Semipour with the Pokedex and tells Scraggy to stay alert as Betty says Scraggy will be easy to defeat (Scraggy just defeated your brother's Semisage, the Elemental Monkey that has the advantage over your's) and the referee declares the start of the match. Semipour begins with an Aqua Tail which Scraggy counters with Hi Jump Kick which nulls both attacks. Semipour charges in with a Brick Break but Scraggy lifts up its pants as it usually does and blocks it causing Semipour to stumble back. Scraggy uses Focus Blast, as even before landing you can tell it's going to miss with it slowly moving around and wacky sound effect... and when it does land Ash and Betty both do a face fault while everyone else looks on embarrassingly.

    Betty: That's a Focus Blast? Mind telling me where the focus went?
    Comment: Probably into the face of your brother's Pokemon.

    Semipour uses Acrobatics which hits Scraggy knocking it back though Scraggy uses Leer and Semipour, probably remembering it's fellow Elemental Monkey's battle with Scraggy better then its trainer, actually gets scared which Don George notes has decreased Semipour's Defense. Semipour uses Brick Break but Scraggy counters with a Heabutt and not only stops it but pushes Semipour back probably because of Semipour's decreased Defense (hey, that's what I'm going with and I'm sticking to it) and Scraggy finishes things with a Hi Jump Kick which faints Semipour, meaning Ash is going onto the Semi-Finals.

    Ash and Scraggy celebrate while on the sideline Iris and Cilan talk about how they still haven't mastered Focus Blast despite last night's training though Cilan says winning may give Scraggy a confidence boost which will help, and of course since Cilan said it Burgundy has to butt in saying no one cares about losers giving advice (well, since you lost (in Round 1 while Cilan lost in Round 2), then that means no one should listen to you so shut up and LEAVE).

    Edited on 07/31/2012 10:36pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Jul 31, 2012
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    Can Someone Get Something Right:
    It's now Georgia (and Bisharp) vs. Bianca (and Emboar).

    Freddy O'Martian: Please welcome the fabulous firebrand, Bianca.
    Comment: Wait, FIREBRAND? You do know what "firebrand" means, right?
    Dictionary: 1. a piece of burning wood.
    Comment: Well, that is one of the definition though even if he was talking about Bianca's Emboar that still wouldn't make much sense.
    Dictionary: 2. one that creates unrest or strife (as in aggressively promoting a cause).
    Comment: There's the definition I'm thinking of... and you know what, definition 1 fits better! Firebrand Bianca is not, infact you wouldn't greet a person who was a "firebrand", they create chaos through violence!

    Iris: Considering Georgia is using Bisharp, close-up fighting could put Emboar at a disadvantage.
    Comment: ... what? Emboar, the Fire/FIGHTING-type who's largest stat at 123 is in ATTACK, is going up against Bisharp, a Dark (which is weak to Fighting) and Steel-type (which is weak to BOTH Fire and Fighting)... BISHARP SHOULD BE BEGGING EMBOAR FOR MERCY!

    The referee announces the start of the battle as Bisharp sends out its blade which Georgia brags about being dangerous so she's going to let Bianca go first.... which Bianca does and Emboar hits Bisharp with a Flamethrower. Georgia yells at Bianca for cutting her off mid-sentence (anyone else notice while Georgia says this she's swinging her butt back and forth?) as Emboar then does Hammer Arm though Bisharp uses Guillotine and they collide. Both Emboar and Bisharp jump back from the smoke cloud injured though Bisharp uses Metal Sound which hits, with Don George incorrectly telling us it lowers Defense (it lowers Special Defense), and charges in with an Iron Head. Emboar uses Flamethrower which hits Bisharp at pretty much point blank rage and it shows as it knocks out Bisharp, meaning Bianca moves onto the Semi-Finals (hey, Iris, what was that about Emboar having trouble with Bisharp again?). Bianca and Emboar celebrate as Georgia recalls Bisharp saying it did great... and the battle didn't matter because they didn't lose to a Dragon-type (I really wish that Rayquaza would just fly out from the sky, obliterate Georgia's entire team, and then eat her... and then eat Burgundy for dessert... and maybe even go after Trip for a before bed snack...). Ash & co. talk about how happy they are for Bianca and Emboar and blah blah blah, onto the last battle.

    Not So Semi-Invulnerable Attack:
    It's Montgomery vs. Iris (and for some reason, for Iris's entrance, we focus on her bouncing pigtails before pulling out) though Georgia has something to say about Freddy O'Martian calling Iris a Dragon Master.

    Georgia: That announcer is nothing but a fool, after all that dragon mumbo jumbo no one's noticing she's not using a Dragon-type.

    Comment: Well Burgundy had her time to b****, I guess it's now time for Georgia's. And Georgia, we know Iris isn't using Dragon-types, you don't have to point it out to us...
    Georgia: So how come, do something now!
    Ash: What am I going to do?

    Comment: Hey b****, there's only one red head in Pokemon that's allowed to yell at Ash! Focus your uncalled hatred on Iris and leave Ash alone or the Pokeshippers will choke you with your stupid hat.

    The referee declares the start of the battle and Excadrill begins with a Drill Run but Throh catches it and uses a Circle Throw to slam Excadrill onto the ground behind it. Ash asks how Throh did that which Cilan says it used the Drill Run to its advantage (also helps Throh's form of martial arts is judo which is all around blocking and then throwing your opponents) as Excadrill gets up and uses Dig. Throh doesn't wait around and uses Superpower.

    To think we almost made it through an entire episode of the Clubsplosion arc without having to see a Pokemon freakishly flex their muscle...

    Throh hits the ground causing the ground to crack and forcing rocks to jet out with Excadrill caught in the middle of them. Completely helpless, Throh finishes Excadrill with a Seismic Toss which knock its out, Montgomery is moving onto the Semi-Finals.

    Iris rushes onto the field to check on Excadrill and, after Throh gives them a bow, Iris recalls Excadrill saying they just need to train more. Throh goes back to Montgomery's side but both hear Ash, Cilan, Bianca, and Stephan talking about them with Cilan saying it must be very powerful to defeat Excadrill (also helps it had the type advantage) but Bianca says she and Emboar will "put Throh into its place" (yeah, that is if you even battle them). Over to loser corner now both Burgundy and Georgia are acting like sore losers with Burgundy saying she hopes Throh beats all of them (I thought you wanted everyone to lose? Throh beating everyone means it and Montgomery wins) and Georgia complains that if Iris acts like that she'll never become a Dragon Master.

    Come on Rayquaza, this is your chance! Their bundled together so you just need to swoop down and gobble them up. If your fast enough (remember, you can use ExtremeSpeed), I don't think anyone will notice!

    The Final Four-Down:
    Don George walks to the middle of the battlefield and announces Round 2 is over and we're even getting to see the matches for the Semi-Finals:

    Stephan vs. Bianca (Hey Bianca, what was that about you "putting Throh into its place"?)
    Ash vs. Montgomery (Well too bad Montgomery became an important character, if he remained a CotD Ash might have had an arrow shot to the Final... wait a moment...)

    They've been building up this whole Throh vs. Sawk battle that it would be a total letdown if they didn't do it. However in order for that to happen now then that means Ash is going to have to lose to Montgomery. Now while I guess it's nice to see there's some competitions which Ash & co. don't win in... the question of "then what's the point?" comes in. The problem with Stephan vs. Montgomery in the Finals is that it really doesn't affect Ash & co. in any way. We already know who Stephan is, and Montgomery is a rival to Stephan and we probably aren't going to see him after this arc. Okay, well if Stephan wins that'll show how strong he is and he's one of Ash's rival that's most likely going to be in the Unova League so that makes him a threat to Ash. Granted, this would make Stephan look like a stronger challenge against Ash if he appears in the Unova League which is most likely. Problem with that? HE'S NOT SET AS THE MAIN RIVAL TO ASH! Stephan is set on the level of Conway, Nando, or Barry during the Sinnoh League, they're Ash's rivals but they're more there to fill out the battling roster for Ash (and in Barry's case, Paul) so that we're not passing through one CotD to another. Trip is suppose to Ash's main rival, Trip is the one that's suppose to be made to look like the biggest threat Ash is going to have to face in the Unova League... and he was just knocked out in Round 1 by BIANCA who is made to look like a ditz. In fact, Trip's only onscreen victories are against Ash. He lost to Cilan in ROUND 1 of the Club Battle, actually tied with Ash in their 3rd battle which lessens his threat, and now lost to Bianca in Round 1 in the Clubsplosion. Yes, he won badges and we're told he defeated Chili for the Trio Badge despite type advantage, but even that gets downgraded when Chili appeared in BW058 "A Call for Brotherly Love!" where we find out that Chili's strategy before that episode wasn't that good thus was sort of easy to defeat (plus Chili was the other one of the triplets that Ash defeated along with Cilan). To sum things up, this arc hasn't really added anything to the plot, no new characters were introduced that we'll be seeing later on, Stephan is made to look stronger but he's a minor rival, and Trip is actually made to look lesser of a threat despite being the main rival to Ash. Nothing is even done with Iris and Cilan since they didn't face their respective rivals, Georgia and Burgundy. While character wise the episode wouldn't be considered filler as it shows many of the rival's Pokemon have evolved, plot wise this does seem like a filler episode thus can be entirely skipped, something which you shouldn't be able to say about a multi-episode battling arc!

    Oh, would you look at that, there's a minute left in the episode. Don George tells everyone battles will continue tomorrow and Bianca and Stephan share some friendly smack talk. Ash looks behind him to see Montgomery who gives him a sinister smile and glare and Ash tells Scraggy that they'll be the ones to defeat Montgomery and Throh which Iris cheers for them while Cilan says the winner can be anyone's guess. Burgundy yells that none of them are going to win "and that's that" and... oh great, we're ending the episode with that? Fine, throw up the "To Be Continued" eyecatch and let's end this episode.

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  • Avatar of sweetstuff6789


    [15]Jul 31, 2012
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    Getty, Betty, and...Angus? If they're siblings, the theme naming should've gone all the way! Unless Getty and Betty are twins, and Angus is older or younger. That makes sense (after all, the odds of two sets of polyzygotic triplets that use the elemental monkeys in Unova are pretty slim Tongue out).

    Also, Pikachu, great review as always, but I noticed a slight mistake in the Round Two lineups:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Cilan vs. Stephan (sorry Cilan, but we have to have Stephan's Throh vs. Montgomery's Sawk next round)
    Ash vs. Betty (Ash is sure getting easy battles this tournament, isn't he?)
    Bianca vs. Georgia (let's see, it's Georgia's Dark/Steel-type vs. Bianca's Fire/Fighting-type... well Georgia, at least you can say you actually defeated a Dragon-type last (and your last) round)
    Iris vs. Montgomery (sorry Iris, but we have to have Montgomery's Sawk vs. Stephan's Throh next round... woah, deja vu)

    Stephanie has Sawk, and Montgomery has Throh.

    Edited on 07/31/2012 5:09pm
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    [16]Jul 31, 2012
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    sweetstuff6789 wrote:

    Getty, Betty, and...Angus? If they're siblings, the theme naming should've gone all the way! Unless Getty and Betty are twins, and Angus is older or younger. That makes sense (after all, the odds of two sets of polyzygotic triplets that use the elemental monkeys in Unova are pretty slim Tongue out).

    Also, Pikachu, great review as always, but I noticed a slight mistake in the Round Two lineups:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Cilan vs. Stephan (sorry Cilan, but we have to have Stephan's Throh vs. Montgomery's Sawk next round)
    Ash vs. Betty (Ash is sure getting easy battles this tournament, isn't he?)
    Bianca vs. Georgia (let's see, it's Georgia's Dark/Steel-type vs. Bianca's Fire/Fighting-type... well Georgia, at least you can say you actually defeated a Dragon-type last (and your last) round)
    Iris vs. Montgomery (sorry Iris, but we have to have Montgomery's Sawk vs. Stephan's Throh next round... woah, deja vu)

    Stephanie has Sawk, and Montgomery has Throh.

    In Japan their names actually did go together because their names came from their Pokemon. My guess to why they have different names is because PUSA didn't realize they were all siblings until they reached the line in this episode revealing that info and they've already recorded several lines where they said his name is Angus.

    And I just KNEW I was going to eventually switch us Sawk and Throh, I knew that was going to happen and so it has! Anyway I corrected the error.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [17]Aug 1, 2012
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    I wonder if they will build Trip up later like during the league Tournament (6 0n 6) when he thrashes all of his opponents and takes an early advantage over Ash in the first half say 5 to 2.

    Last season was so much better interms of rivals, shame Paul had to leave would have liked the idea if he joined up and was the token evil teammate

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    [18]Aug 1, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    I wonder if they will build Trip up later like during the league Tournament (6 0n 6) when he thrashes all of his opponents and takes an early advantage over Ash in the first half say 5 to 2.

    Last season was so much better interms of rivals, shame Paul had to leave would have liked the idea if he joined up and was the token evil teammate

    They have to eventually, he's apparently participating in the Junior World Tournament so maybe there they can start building him up since the Unova League is right around the corner.

    Yeah, Paul was a good rival and they did a very good job on making him a threat to Ash. He's an experienced trainer like Ash having possibly been to the other Leagues like Ash, has a stern and tough training regime which has produced very strong Pokemon, it's shown he's a bit brutal by releasing Pokemon he consider "weak" (always thought as a bit of a jab to the players, like when he was catching and releasing Starly it was like he was looking for one with the right Nature), has proved he's a tough battler (he defeated Roark on his first try, made Maylene go into a depression, defeated Brock during a tag team competition, and curb stomped Ash making him go into a small depression. His only big defeats was when he battled Brandon who was using Legendary Pokemon and to Ash during the Sinnoh League), and when Ash battled him in the Sinnoh League it had a great payoff (Infernape, after all that time with Paul practically being abused, activating Blaze like it was going Super Sayian and defeating Electivire was one of the most awesome battles I've seen on the show).

    However Paul wasn't evil, he was just stern. Though after their Sinnoh League battle Paul respects him, I don't think Paul would be able to deal with Ash & co's shenanigans they get into during their travels.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [19]Aug 1, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    I wonder if they will build Trip up later like during the league Tournament (6 0n 6) when he thrashes all of his opponents and takes an early advantage over Ash in the first half say 5 to 2.

    Last season was so much better interms of rivals, shame Paul had to leave would have liked the idea if he joined up and was the token evil teammate

    They have to eventually, he's apparently participating in the Junior World Tournament so maybe there they can start building him up since the Unova League is right around the corner.

    Yeah, Paul was a good rival and they did a very good job on making him a threat to Ash. He's an experienced trainer like Ash having possibly been to the other Leagues like Ash, has a stern and tough training regime which has produced very strong Pokemon, it's shown he's a bit brutal by releasing Pokemon he consider "weak" (always thought as a bit of a jab to the players, like when he was catching and releasing Starly it was like he was looking for one with the right Nature), has proved he's a tough battler (he defeated Roark on his first try, made Maylene go into a depression, defeated Brock during a tag team competition, and curb stomped Ash making him go into a small depression. His only big defeats was when he battled Brandon who was using Legendary Pokemon and to Ash during the Sinnoh League), and when Ash battled him in the Sinnoh League it had a great payoff (Infernape, after all that time with Paul practically being abused, activating Blaze like it was going Super Sayian and defeating Electivire was one of the most awesome battles I've seen on the show).

    However Paul wasn't evil, he was just stern. Though after their Sinnoh League battle Paul respects him, I don't think Paul would be able to deal with Ash & co's shenanigans they get into during their travels.

    Too true but could you imagine it Ash and co want to help some old lady find her lost pokemon Paul looks at them and in a serious voice Why? if she is too much of a weak trainer to control her pokemn she doesn't deserve it. I think the plot would move alot faster

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    [20]Aug 9, 2012
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    EPISODE: BW073 "Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!"

    And with this episode we're done with the Clubsplosion! It was an okay arc but, as I've voiced last time, the end result has me asking why was Ash & co. here again? Seriously, unless Stephan is going to win the Unova League, there was very little reason for Ash & co. to have participated (though Scraggy did learn Focus Blast... not that it couldn't have learned Focus Blast through another way). It's time for the Semi-Finals with Bianca vs. Stephan and Ash vs. Montgomery. Will Stephan and his karate-action Bert win or Bianca and her fire pig? Will Ash and his molting lizard win or will Montgomery and his judo-tossing Ernie? Who will be taking home the Clubplosion title? And what fetish will we be forced to deal with now that we're done with Binaca's? I shudder to think about the last one, but for the other three you can go and read on ahead. *shudders*

    Making Them Squeal Like A Pig:
    We start the episode right away with the Stephan & Sawk) vs. Bianca & Emboar battle... oh wait, opener and title. Ash says this is going to be a great battle as Cilan says he wishes they both could win and since Cilan spoke that means Burgundy has to say something saying he spoke like a "soft Connoisseur loser"... and it actually makes Cilan sad.

    REALLY Cilan? Out of all the insults Burgundy threw at you, it was that one which made you bow your head in shame?

    Georgia says strength always win and they knows who's strong... her. Iris reminds Georgia that she did lose but Georgia snaps back saying it wasn't against a Dragon-type so it didn't count (but you were still knocked out of the tournament meaning you're whole "I'm the strongest" speech amounts to nothing unless your point was since Bianca beat you that means she's going to win). The referee finally declares the start of the battle which Sawk starts with a... Bulk Up.

    Being this is the last episode of the Clubsplosion I'm going to guess we're going to see a lot of these from Sawk and Throh. Thus, besides possibly one for Throh, this is the last time I'm going to picture Sawk's Bulk Up... HURRAH!

    Emboar uses a Hammer Arm but Sawk dodges, which Bianca complains about, before using Karate Chop which hits Emboar knocking it back. Emboar charges in with an Arm Thrust but Sawk dodges once more, Bianca complains once more, and Sawk hits Emboar once more but this time with Close Combat. Bianca tells Emboar to grab Sawk which it does despite the beat down it went through and throws Sawk with which I'm assuming is Fling (though Bianca never says the move). Sawk uses Bulk up again as Emboar attacks with Flamethrower, Sawk dodges, Bianca b****es, and Sawk hits Emboar with a Karate Chop (sensing a pattern yet?). Whether you do see a pattern or not, it doesn't matter, Sawk's last Karate Chop has knocked out Emboar meaning Stephan & Sawk are going into the Finals.

    Burgundy is amazed by the strength of Sawk's Karate Chop (well, it did Bulk Up twice) which Cilan also comments on which annoys Burgundy. Bianca thanks Emboar and recalls it as Iris says she can't believe Bianca lost while Ash tells Stephan he'll be meeting him at the Finals as Cilan tells Ash his battle is next so he better head to the battlefield.

    Not Focusing On The Toss Down:
    So we start off the Ash & Scraggy vs. Montgomery & Throh battle.

    Don George: First, a trainer with unlimited courage, a genuine breathe of fresh air, here comes Ash!
    Comment: Yeah... we've been following Ash for about 14 (15 in Japan) years now... he's as much a "breathe of fresh air" as air in a sealed basement.

    I'll just jump to the battle with Scraggy using Leer on Throh which Cilan says Scraggy is trying to lower Throh's Defense though it's clear by now that the only way the opponent's Defense will be lowered by Scraggy's Leer is if the opponent started laughing at it. Throh, however, is unamused and stares right back at Scraggy which Iris says is Leer though Montgomery says Leer isn't one of Thorh's moves, it's stare is just its "knack" to terrorize its opponents. Throh's stare down works and Scraggy backs up intimidated though Ash tells Scraggy to not back down and he'll glare at it too...

    Ash used Leer. It's not very effective. Actually it's quite humiliating... for him.

    Montgomery says they're wasting their time as Throh gives a "come closer" gesture which Ash responds with by having Scraggy use Focus Blast in a seemingly smart move. However, Montgomery and Throh just stand still which shocks Freddy O'Martian though it doesn't take long for the Focus Blast to get close to Throgh before turning 90 degrees.

    There's a fine line between missing and completely failing... Ash is a few miles in the "completely failing" side.

    Cilan says they probably predicted Scraggy's Focus Blast will miss so Ash tells Scraggy to keep using Focus Blast until it hits Throh... you can probably guess what happens next.

    Georgia: It doesn't look like those Focus Blasts are worrying them one bit.
    Comment: Gee, I wonder why...

    Montgomery decides to end Ash's embarrassment and has Throh use Superpower though Ash says "that's what he wanted to happen" (sure...) and has Scraggy use Hi Jump Kick. However Montgomery reveals he was expecting that, which is much more believable, and has Throh switch to Circle Throw which it does sending Scraggy flying to Montgomery's feet. Scraggy gets up and uses Headbutt which hits Throh on its nose making a metallic "ding" sound, though overall not effecting Throh.

    And this is what we call a "No Sell".

    Throh grabs Scraggy and throws it with Superpower, Scraggy hitting the ground hard at Ash's feet though gets up and uses Focus Blast. Bianca says Focus Blast might hit with Iris adding in since it's so close it'll cause a lot of damage but if anyone can miss an attack at point blank range it's Ash and we see just how:

    How did Ash get this far into the tournament? Oh, right, he just battled filler characters.

    Montgomery tells Throh to use Seismic Toss as Scraggy tries to get away but Throh just grabs it and does the Seismic Toss, knocking Scraggy out and moving Montgomery to the Finals to battle Stephan.

    Iris: Poor Ash and Scraggy lost.
    Georgia: It was a long shot, wasn't it?
    *Iris glares at Georgia*
    Comment: Actually Iris, I got to agree with Georgia, infact, if it wasn't for the filler characters, I would say Ash would have been knocked out sooner.

    Burgundy is amazed by Throh's Seismic Toss while Cilan says that Scraggy did great (at what? Lasting only a little bit longer then the other Pokemon which faced Throh? That's only because of Ash's messing around at the beginning) which Ash agrees with as he recalls Scraggy. Freddy O'Martian announces that the Finals will be Stephan & Sawk vs. Montgomery & Throh though Don George suggests they take a lunch break.

    Lunching On By:
    Scene transition to Bianca feeling up Sawk's muscles.

    I was hoping we were done with Bianca's disturbing fetish...

    Anyway we're at the Pokemon Center and after Bianca goes back to her seat (apparently she's eating with Georgia and Burgundy. Also I think Sawk is in Cilan's seat), Ash notices Stephan and Sawk aren't eating and ask aren't they hungry. Cilan walks in saying that since they'll be battling soon he had prepared an easy-to-digest lunch for Stephan and Sawk who thank him and start scarfing it down which kind of disgusts Georgia, Burgundy, and Bianca. Stephan tells Sawk they should slow down and start to actually chew their food as Ash says it's awesome they're going to the finals though Iris says she wished she was (but your not so stop trying to attract everyone's attention). Cilan asks if Stephan is going to analyze his opponent but Stephan says he isn't causing everyone to face fault.

    Considering you & Sawk have been sharing death glares with Montgomery & Throh you'd think they would want to prepare...

    Ash asks if they're sure they're ready and Stephan says that he and Sawk already know what they're going to do and that's attacking Throh head on (you do know Throh uses judo, the martial arts of grabbing and throwing your opponents, while Sawk uses karate, which is more based on countering your opponent's actions meaning they have to move first, right?). Sawk agree, slamming its hands onto the table remembering Throh shouldering Sawk at the very start of the tournament, though Cilan suggest they review their opponent as Ash starts listing Throh's moves: Circle Throw, Superpower, and Seismic Toss. Being that's only 3 moves, Iris asks if Throh knows any other moves with Ash adding they might have one last move they're hiding away. Stephan, however, laughs saying he knows everything he need to know reminding everyone he rang the Wishing Bell (... if that's the sole reason you think you're going to win then I hope you lose...) and then asks Sawk if it's ready to win which it is.

    So Why Was Ash & Co. Here Again:
    Back at the stadium, Don George introduces Stephan & Sawk and Montgomery & Sawk as Freddy O'Martian asks him what they should expect and Don George says they should expect a "no holds barred, head-to-head, attackfest". Ash & co. and Bianca cheer for Stephan (of course getting his name wrong making Stephan think about changing his name) as the match begins.

    Sawk begins with a Low Sweep but Throh immediately counters with Circle Throw, catching and tossing Sawk, but Stephan tells Sawk to "drop and roll" and Sawk manages to avoid damage and roll back on its feet. Sawk tries a Karate Chop but Throh does another Circle Throw which Sawk "drop and rolls" to once again avoid damage. However, while Sawk was recovering, Throh gets behind Sawk and uses it's fourth move, Bind, grabbing onto Sawk and starts squeezing it. Ash says he knew Montgomery was hiding a move as Sawk falls limp to the ground. Stephan tells Sawk to get Throh's arms off of it however Cilan says that by now Sawk is suffocating. As Iris and Ash cheer on Sawk, Stephan gets an idea.

    And apparently has just eaten some of Popeye's spinach...

    Stephan tells Sawk to use Bulk Up followed by Close Combat which it does, fiercely elbowing Throh which loosen's its grip which Sawk then knocks away and headbutts Throh allowing it to become free of the Bind and toss Throh away. Throh uses Low Sweep and hits Throh's knees however, now that it's close, Throh uses another Bind followed by a Superpower toss causing Sawk to land on its back but it quickly rolls out of the way of Throh's follow-up attack.

    The audience cheers and even Don George starts to cheer up from all the impressive hand-to-hand combat going on. Even Ash and Iris are applauding while Burgundy and Cilan give their "evaluations":

    Burgundy: It reminds me of exotic cuisine with (french word) spice, magnific!
    Cilan: Truely, a battle like this one is boldy aggressive throughout but leaves a warm and mellow feeling of satisfaction with the spectator that will last and last.

    Georgia: And the Connoisseur "evulation" winner is Cilan.
    Comment: Mainly because he used words we can understand.
    Burgundy: For a second round loser you have a big mouth.
    Comment: Says a first round loser...
    Georgia: You lost in the first round.

    Comment: Ah, a lover's quarrel.

    Back to the battle, Sawk uses Bulk Up but that just leaves it open for Throh to use Seismic Toss. Iris says if Seismic Toss works this could be it for Sawk which Stephan tells Sawk to break away and, probably thanks to that Bulk Up, it does, however that just means both Sawk and Throh then hit the ground hard. Both Sawk and Throh lay on the ground as Montgomery tells Throh to get up and Stephan and Ash & co. cheer for Sawk to. Throh is the first to get up but Sawk is starting to recover as Throh goes in (very slowly) to use Bind and by the time it gets there Sawk turns around and uses a Close Combat on it which hits and sends Throh flying. Throh is starting to struggle as Montgomery tells it to focus and it starts walking toward Sawk... who eases up, bows, turns around and starts walking away.

    Freddy O'Martian: I don't believe it! For some reason Sawk is walking off.
    Don George: That's because Sawk knows the battle's over.
    Comment: Throh is already dead.
    *Throh faints*
    Comment: Or fainted, that works too.

    Throh faints meaning the winner is Stephan and Sawk, making them the winners of the Clubsplosion! Everyone applauds and congratulates (and gets their name wrong) Stephan and Sawk who ignore the mispronunciation and celebrate their victory. Montgomery reflects saying it isn't always about brute strength but also about skill and cunning (and dumb luck) before smiling and recalling Throh. Montgomery tells Stephan the next time they battle he'll be the victor, but for right now he congratulates Montgomery on their victory which Stephan thanks him and shakes hands with Stephan then saying the next time he'll be winning again as the audiance cheer. In addition of winning the Clubsplosion, Stephan also wins a year supply of steroids vitamins.

    Stephan: Thanks to everyone... but it's Stephan is how you say my name.
    Don George: Now come on, let's really hear it for Stephen and Sawk.
    Stephan: WRONG!

    Comment: Well if you're going to act like that then they're just going to keep on doing it. And by "they" I mean the writers, Piplup almost ran away because of Gible's Draco Meteors kept hitting yet even after that episode they kept doing it.

    After that primal yell, Stephan says that he's good, afterall he did make a wish on the Wishing Bell and it came true meaning him and Sawk are #1 (yeah, too bad you didn't use that wish for winning the Pokemon League, kind of missed the big picture there. ).

    That evening, Ash & co. and their rivals are standing right outside the stadium. Burgundy tells Cilan that the next time they meet she'll be an A-Class Connoisseur (so how many classes did you skip to participate in this tournament?) which Cilan says he can't wait for that day which annoys Burgundy. Georgia interrupts telling Iris she's still going down but then asks when she'll become a Dragon Master (I'm assuming when she actually starts using Dragon-types as her main type) so she can beat her which Iris says it might be a while though she'll let her know. Stephan jumps forward telling Ash that though this time they didn't battle next time they will which Ash agrees with. With no more of the group to wage war against, Bianca decides she'll help the viewers out by asking where Ash & co. are going next and Ash says to Icirrus City for his 7th Badge which impresses Bianca (Bianca, are you still even collecting badges?).

    Stephan: Lots of luck, Ash!
    Comment: Well it is what Ash specializes in.
    Ash: Thanks, the same to you and Sawk.
    Cilan: Now you take care of yourself, and best wishes.

    All the rivals leave, Burgundy and Georgia as jerkishly as possible, as well as Ash & co. who head to Icirrus City as the Narrator tries closing things but upon getting Stephan's name wrong Stephan appears in a circle bubble to yell at him.

    Th-th-th-that's all folks!

    Edited on 08/09/2012 5:49pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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