Episode: BW074 "Battling the Leaf Thieves!"
An okay episode and an important one, but I can't help but feel that Leavanny didn't come out looking that good. Actually Emolga came out looking the best though being this was Leavanny's evolution episode it should have it having the main focus. Ash and Iris are having a battle to help prepare Ash for his next Gym battle when his Swadloon evolves into a Leavanny! Leavanny soon starts making Sewaddle leaf hoods for all of Ash & co's Pokemon, even an entire leaf superhero attire for Axew, but they all soon feel sleepy for having woke up early to do that battle. They all decide to take a nap when a couple of Durants come by and take the hoods but also Axew who slept in its leaf superhero clothes. Can Ash & co. get Axew back from the Durants? What do the Durants want to do with the leaves... okay, they want to eat it, stupid question. Um, let's see, another question. Will the hoods Leavanny made be alright... oh, who cares about the hoods? You know what, the first question is really the only question to be asked and I'm pretty sure it'll be answered:
No Need For A Sewing Machine Pokemon:
The episode starts with a battle between Ash's Swadloon and Iris's Emolga as Swadloon takes a lead by knocking Emolga down with a Tackle. However, Emolga is quickly back up and shocks Swadloon with a Discharge and follows-up with a Hidden Power but Swadloon dodges. Emolga keeps firing Hidden Powers as Swadloon dodges them with the narrator saying how the 7th Gym Battle in Icirrus City is on Ash's mind while Cilan tells Axew and Scraggy that watching a battle is a good way to learn how to battle. Swadloon starts using String Shot as now it's Emolga's turn to be dodging the attacks, however it eventually gets hit and tied which Swadloon follows-up on with a Razor Leaf which hits. Being the String Shot that Emolga is tied up in is connected to Swadloon, Emolga uses Discharge which follows down the string and shocks Swadloon which frees Emolga. Swadloon tries recovering with an Energy Ball but Emolga dodges it and swoops down and hits Swadloon with a Hidden Power knocking it down.
Swadloon looks defeated while Ash cheers it on but as Swadloon starts getting up it starts to glow a familiar... SWADLOON IS EVOLVING! Opener, Title Card, and we see Swadloon change shape until it stops glowing to reveal it's final stage: Leavanny. After a scan of the Pokedex, Ash thanks Emolga for helping Leavanny evolve (though technically Ash cheering it on should be what caused it to evolve because Swadloon evolves via Friendship) as Leavanny looks down, sees Axew and Scraggy, and walks off to the forest. In the forest is starts pulling, cutting, and sewing leaves together and makes them into Sewaddle hoods which it then gives to Axew and Scraggy. Cilan says making clothes is Leavanny's special talent (we heard the Pokedex, Cilan) though Emolga doesn't look too impressed by this.
Emolga just knows that Leavanny is going to eventually put a hood on it.
As Axew takes Scraggy's hood and Scraggy chases after it, Emolga's fears are realized as Leavanny looks down and sees both Pikachu and Emolga and quickly makes two more hoods, putting one on Pikachu which Ash & co. tease it on. Luckily for Emolga, before Leavanny could hood it, three Sewaddle hang down with damaged hoods which Leavanny quickly replace making them happy as Ash remembers how Burgh's Leavanny doing that when Ash's Leavanny was a Sewaddle and got its hood damaged. Ash sends out his other three Pokemon, Oshawott, Tepig, and Leavanny, and tells them that Swadloon has evolved into Leavanny and of course Leavanny goes to make clothing for them despite Ash saying it doesn't have to. Much like with the afro wigs in BW066 "Baffling the Bouffalant!", after Oshawott and Tepig getting their wigs they start laughing and fighting each other though Ash and Pikachu quickly breaks it up. As for Snivy, it's time for it and Emolga as Leavanny brings in two hoods as Ash tells Snivy it's Leavanny's way of greeting them and Iris tells Emolga it might be able to fly higher with it.
Hatred. Levels. Rising.
Ash thanks Leavanny while Snivy and Emolga remain annoyed until Emolga looks at Snivy and starts laughing at it. Snivy tries Vine Whipping Emolga but it flies into the air but just then a strong wind picks up and Emolga is blown away as everyone chases after it. Emolga's hood eventually gets snagged on a branch and starts spinning around until Snivy brings it down with a Vine Whip much to both of their's annoyance. A giant leaf falls onto Axew's face which gives Leavanny an idea and it gets to work revealing it making a mask, vest, and cape for Axew.
So now that we got a superhero, when it Brycen-man going to show up?
Cilan calls them all the "Leaf Masks" however Scraggy starts getting tired followed by Axew giving a yawn as Iris says they did get up early this morning to train so Cilan declares it "Siesta Time" which Iris says it looks more like "Nap Time" (for those who don't get the "joke", a "Siesta" is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after lunch, in Spain and Latin America. In other words Iris is trying to be a smarta** but coming off naive, as always). Ash agrees about taking a nap and soon their all asleep with Iris on a tree branch, Ash and Cilan on hammocks, Leavanny leaning against a tree, and all the other Pokemon on a blanket with their hoods in one pile except for Axew who kept its superhero clothing on (and I mention all this because it's actually plot important).
Going Undercover... With Leaves:
While Ash & co. and their Pokemon sleep, two Durants come by and, seeing a pile of leafs, one takes the hoods as the other, seeing Axew is covered in clothing made of leaves, takes it and both crawl away. While sleeping, Scraggy rolls over which wakes it up and, seeing Axew is gone, starts yelling everyone awake as they also notice Axew is missing (Cilan also mentioning the hoods are gone, way to prioritize) and they immidietly start looking for Axew. Emolga eventually reaches a cliff where it sees the two Durants down below taking Axew and the hoods into a cave and it flies back to Ash & co. to tell them.
Back to Ash & co., Scraggy is frantically looking for Axew as Ash reminds us that it and Axew are best friends (because they're both weak... though considering Scraggy got Ash to the Clubsplosion's Semi-Final and it having learned powerful moves like Hi Jump Kick and Focus Blast, I don't think Scraggy is on the same level as Axew anymore...).
Cilan: I'm still confused, why would all the leaf clothing be missing as well.
Comment: You know what, Cilan is on the right track, let's abandon looking for Iris's missing Pokemon and instead start figuring out why the easily replaceable leaf clothing went missing at the same time.
Emolga flies in and shows Ash & co. the cave as they see a Durant walk by and figure that it must have been a Durant which taken Axew. Iris asks if the cave is actually their nest and Cilan says they have to be careful as getting into a Durant nest is easy but getting out is not so Leavanny comes up with the idea of sticking a silk thread to the walls as they travel though the next to help guide them out later (that is a pretty good idea, I wonder how long it'll take to completely mess up).
They travel through the cave with Scraggy leading, Leavanny leaving a trail of thread on the walls, and Iris warning everyone to watch their head which Cilan agrees with which of course means he hits his head on a stalactite.
You know, being he's the only one with a monkey Pokemon, he has no one but himself to blame for being the butt monkey.
After reaching a dead end, going back, and Cilan tripping as Iris warns everyone to watch their step (okay, it was funny the first time but don't push it), they get to a part of the nest which leads into multiple tunnels. Cilan starts thinking about the leaves again but this time it has a point as he puts it together that the Durants are gathering leaves which Axew was covered in so instead of looking for Axew they should instead wrap someone up in leaves and have a Durant take them to where Axew is (or you could leave out a pile of leaves and then just follow the Durant which takes it). Ash asks who's going to get wrapped up and, well, he who asks...
Hey Leavanny, do us all a favor and cover Ash's mouth.
Ash asks why does it have to be him which Cilan says he's too tall (oh, like their isn't an abundance of leaves, coward) and Iris says she would but her hair would get in the way (you just don't want to get your hair messy, wimp).
YAH!... how are his eyes getting through? Also wouldn't that tip off the Durants?
Scraggy also volunteers to be "leafed up" as Ash and Scraggy are left out where some Durant find them and takes them away as Pikachu, Iris, Cilan, and Leavanny follow (wait, if you were going to follow them then why did anyone have to be covered in leaves?). Eventually the Durant throw Ash and Scraggy onto a giant pile of leaves as we see that the Durant form the leaves into balls which Cilan says they eat (why not eat the leaves as they are?) while Iris asks if Ash can see Axew. Ash and Scraggy look around and do found Axew, who's still sleeping somehow, but as they try to crawl over to it they slip and start rolling down the leaf pile, screaming their heads off until landing near Pikachu, Iris, Cilan, and Leavanny.
Always Using Protection:
The Durant hear this and sees Ash & co. as one gives off an alerting cry and soon a whole batch of Durant are facing Ash & co.. Two Durants attack with Shadow Claw which Ash & co. dodge and Cilan says they Durant think they're here to steal their food. One Durant uses Iron Head and hits Leavanny which makes Ash say they'll have to battle and tells Leavanny to use Razor Leaf (on the Bug/Steel-type which are quadruple resistant to Grass-types... who here wants to bet Ash doesn't even think about sending out Tepig). However the quadruple resistance doesn't matter as a Durant blocks the Razor Leaf with Protect while another uses Iron Head on Pikachu who dodges and counters with Thunderbolt that the Durant blocks with Protect. Another Durant attacks Iris with Iron Head but she jumps out of the way and angrily sends out Emolga to use Discharge, but that too it blocked by a Durant's Protect. Scraggy is next in line to be attacked by a Durant using Iron Head and is knocked into the sky but managed to bounce off the wall to use a Headbutt but, once again, it's blocked by a Durant's Protect while Ash says they can't get a move in.
Cilan: Of course, they keep using Protect.
Comment: Thank you for telling us the move, now what to do.
Iris: And Protect is a move which blocks every move that we try.
Comment: I think we've already established that, now move on.
Ash: That's a big problem.
Comment: ... Any other obvious thing you want to tell us? Like how Protect is a status move, it's Normal-type, has 10PP, when used consecutively it has a higher chance of failing... actually that last one might be useful for them to remember.
Cilan comes up with the idea to attack the Durant from two sides as a Durant uses Shadow Claw on Leavanny but it dodges and it uses Energy Ball while Emolga uses Hidden Power, but while the attacking Durant uses Protect to block the Energy Ball another Durant uses Protect to block the Hidden Power. Ash tries physical attacks with Pikachu using Iron Tail and Scraggy using Hi Jump Kick however the Durant just sidestep and let the two collide, injuring Scraggy's knee and knocking Pikachu on its back. Luckily Scraggy recovers in time to dodge a Durant's Iron Claw while Leavanny is dodging another's Shadow Claw. Emolga uses Discharge but it's blocked by a whole batch of Durants using Protect while Ash & co. almost get shocked, however that just gives Iris an idea and tells Emolga to use their "secret weapon": Attract.
Emolga uses Attract and, though the first Durant wasn't affected, the other Durants are and become infatuated by Emolga opening room for Leavanny to use Energy Ball and knocking the Durant's about, even the apparently lone female (so is that the queen? Shouldn't be be bigger and in another room being protected and producing eggs?) who was too busy being amazed about how easily infautated all her fellow male Durants were. Emolga uses Hidden Power to blast away the Durants on the leaf pile as Iris runs up it and starts digging for Axew, finding it and happy to see it's alright (infact it's still asleep despite all the yelling and explosion sounds going on around it... why leaves are those clothes made out of?). Ash's Pokemon finish the other, apparently female, Durants off with Pikachu using Thunderbolt on the ones in the cave and Scraggy using Hi Jump Kick on the very last one standing. With the Durants all knocked out (those things are pretty strong, Ash should have caught one) and Axew safe with Iris, Ash & co. decide to get while the getting good and follow Leavanny out of the cave... though very slowly as for some reason Leavanny collect's its silk along the way (oh come on, it's not like you can't make more ). Iris wakes Axew up and it's fine as Ash & co. share a laugh, Scraggy is happy, and all the Durant wake up and continue rolling up the leaf pile into balls to eat.
Back to where they left their backpacks, Iris says she's glad to see Axew is safe (while Scraggy jumps up yelling at it for getting them into so much trouble) and Ash says back on the road to Icirrus City and his next Gym Battle as the narrator wraps things up.