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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Official Dub Discussion Thread

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [41]Sep 25, 2012
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    (continued from previous post)

    Battling For The Right To Choose:
    Before the battle, Cilan thinks back to when he got a wift of the pink scent from Merigold and says it was a scent of a Pokemon but it wasn't a Lillipip or Petilil (and those with a quick eye would recognize what Pokemon's silhouette Cilan is trying to remember). Cilan says it smelled like the scent you'll smell when laying on the grass and blown in by the wind (gee, that's so specific) though does narrow it down by saying it had a scent of a Grass-type but also of something else (and as Cilan thinks this, we see him laying on a field, being surrounded by Grass-types, but then a Trubbish appears jumping behind them. SYMBOLISM!) Cilan says the only Grass-types in the garden are Whimsicott, Petilil, Deerling, and Sewaddle but of those four only Deerling and Sewaddle are a second type however it doesn't match the scent he smelled which was more "pungent". Just as Cilan says that, the pink scent appears and Cilan says that's the scent and wonders where it's coming from, crawling on the floor following the scent until he hits his head on one of the swings and finds powder, realizing what Pokemon it is. Ash and Iris run up to Cilan and Iris tells him the battle is about to start though Cilan asks if they could do him a favor.

    At a battlefield in the back of the garden, Mr. Hatterly and Merigold are watching the battle and Mr. Hatterly tells Merigold he thinks Petilil will be the perfect Pokemon for her so he's hoping Ricard wins though Merigold just sighs. The butler tells Ash and Ricard the rules: 1 Pokemon, the winner is the one who knocks out the opponent's first. Burgundy somehow got back into the garden and is watching from some bushes, exciting to watch a battle between two A-Class Connoisseur (odd, at this point she's normally cheering for Cilan's defeat. Could this be character development? Nah, she probably just doesn't want to be caught/no one would hear her complaints). Ricard sends out a Purloin which makes Cilan nervous which Ricard sees and teases though Cilan gets back to his senses and sends out Crustle which Ricard says is "straight-forward" for Cilan to do (yeah, how dare Cilan choose a Pokemon that has a type advantage, it's like he's using actual strategy!). Cilan says it's a job of a Connoisseur to instruct how to raise a Pokemon by following the basics and use the right moves which Ricard laughs off as something a C-Class Connoisseur can do which angers Burgundy in the bushes who says both Cilan and Ricard deserve each other and hopes they both lose (ah, there's the Burgundy we loathe), though still keeps watching.

    Crustle starts the battle with X-Scissor but Purloin dodges with high speed and Ricard says that his Purrloin is faster and stronger than even a Liepard. Purrloin uses Sand-Attack which blinds Crustle as it follows with a Fury Swipes hitting Crustle with no problems as Ricard says they won't be so lucky with their next attack. Mr. Hatterly tells Merigold there's nothing to worry about as it seems like her first Pokemon will be Petilil (okay, if you like the idea of your daughter having a Petilil as her "first" Pokemon, then why bother having this battle? Cilan hasn't suggested any Pokemon and Merigold hasn't rejected the idea (at least not verbally, but I doubt her father noticed her negative reaction), so to me that means Ricard is "right". Also, how does a Pokemon battle decide who's right? It just means one of the Connoisseurs is better at battling, it doesn't mean they're any better at "evaluating" as the next Connoisseur. Finally, you said so yourself your daughter is FRIENDS WITH ALL THE POKEMON IN THE GARDEN. Why does she need a "first" Pokemon? Does she want to be a trainer? In that case, wouldn't she be getting a Starter Pokemon from a Pokemon Professor then?). Merigolds gives a sigh while Ash and Iris look to be searching for something as Ricard tells Cilan that Crustle may be raised well but he evaluates that Cilan is "boring" and an A-Class Connoisseur must have an "unpredictable" quality (which is why you chose a "cute" Pokemon for a little girl, NO ONE would have ever thought of that combination).

    Crustle breaks out the Shell Smash while Purrloin goes in with a Night Slash (a Dark-type Pokemon knowing a Dark-type attack? TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE!) but Crustle vanishes before Purrloin can hit it. Crustle wraps the battle up with a Rock Wrecker that not only knocks out Purrloin but also hits Burgundy which sends her blasting off with a twinkle (wearing poor disguises, blasting off, failing miserably in life, who does she think she is? Old Team Rocket?). Ash's "blasting off" sense tingles but Iris yells at him and says they need to do what Cilan asked them to do as they keep on their search. The butler announces Cilan as the winner as Ricard returns his Purrloin and Cilan asks Ricard what does he think of Crustle, Ricard having to admit that Crustle is unpredictable afterall (yes, the part Rock-type winning using the strongest Rock-type move is COMPLETELY UNPREDICTABLE). Mr. Hatterly applauds the battle though Merigold is still sighing.

    Mr. Hatterly congratulates Cilan and asks if he had decided what "elegant" Pokemon will be Merigold's Pokemon and Cilan says he has but instead of choosing one by looks he based it on Merigold's unique character (unique character? You mean those soulless eyes?) which Mr. Hatterly agrees with. Cilan says that Merigold actually had already made a strong bond with a Pokemon in the garden which surprises Merigold, Mr. Hatterly, and Ricard and Mr. Hatterly asks if its one of the Pokemon watching the battle which Merigold shakes her head at though Cilan says it isn't. Just then Ash and Iris come running up the path with Iris telling Cilan they found it and Cilan points over to Merigold's perfect Pokemon and Iris moves out of the way to reveal the Pokemon which is in Ash's arms: Foongus! Merigold sees Foongus and smiles and start running to it as Foongus jumps out of Ash's arms and Merigold catches it in her arms, claiming that it's her Foongus. Mr. Hatterly isn't quite happy and is confused why Merigold would want a Foongus of all the Pokemon in the garden (well though both have matching soulless eyes) with Ricard saying he can't suggest that Pokemon from a "fashion sense". Cilan says that he picked up a Grass/Poison-type scent from Merigold but because none of the Pokemon they saw are Grass/Poison-type she must have been playing with another Pokemon. Mr. Hatterly asks Merigold if that's true and Merigold says it is as we go into a flashback of Merigold alone on the swings until Foongus came up to her, sat next to her, and blew out some powder which forced the swing to, well, swing (it also got her high but that's another story) and Foongus has been her special friend since then. Merigold then says she didn't tell her father because she didn't think he would approve and apologizes but Mr. Hatterly apologizes saying he'll be happy with whatever Pokemon she chooses. Ricard congratulates Cilan picking up on Merigold's bond with Foongus and says he wins and they shaking hands, but Ricard says next time he's going to win, a challenge which Cilan accepts.

    That afternoon, Ash & co., Mr. Hatterly, Merigold, and their butler are in the front of the mansion with Cilan thanking Mr. Hatterly for a wonderful time. Merigold thanks them saying she'll do her best to raise Foongus and one day go off on her own journey which makes Mr. Hatterly cry tears of joy. The butler asks Ash if he had decided what Gym he's going to next (looks like Ash & co. are getting a free limo ride to Opelucid City, WOOT!) though Ash gives a "uhhhhh" (Ash, just go to Opelucid City, you can wait, being this is the anime there will probably be a festival when you get there).

    But no, I'm going to give a bit of a spoiler: Ash is not going to Opelucid City, battle Drayden, or get the Legend Badge. WHAT? Yes, for you see, Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 are coming out soon, in less then 2 weeks infact!


    In order to celebrate this event, or rather to promote it since that's what the anime is for, it has been decided to include elements from Black 2 & White 2 despite those games taking place 2 years from Black & White which, up to this point, the anime has been following (at least Gym Leader order wise). What does this have to do with Ash and his 8th Badge? Well...

    The butler suggests Ash goes to Virbank City, a place which upon hearing Cilan tells Ash he strongly suggest they go and since a badge is a badge, Ash accepts. Thus we head off into the Black 2 & White 2 promotion, Ash & co. travelling there in style in a limo waving goodbye to Mr. Hatterly, Merigold, and their butler as the narrator finishes up.

    Edited on 09/25/2012 3:13pm
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [42]Sep 26, 2012
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    This is one of my favorite episodes. Ricard was snooty, yet funny, while Burgundy was just plain stupid. I almost thought that Marigold's first Pokemon would be a Trubbish since the scent seemed to be pointed towards it, but then again, those garbage bag Pokemon aren't known for smelling nice. I totally agree with Cilan; compatibility should be based on character and no so much looks. Is it just me, or does Mr. Hatterly sound somewhat like Gart from Robot and Monster?

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  • Avatar of perualonso1


    [43]Sep 26, 2012
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    I'm with everyone who loves to hate Burgundy.

    Here's what I'd like to see happen:

    Ash and the gang plan on how to expose Burgundy.

    They disguise themselves as reporters to interview Burgundy.

    Burgundy states thather reason for being a Connoisseur is so she could be better than everyone else.

    She doesn't realize the interview in shown on TV until too late.

    At a gym, everyone who saw the interview boos Burgundy.

    Burgundy says she's been tricked.

    Other connoisseurs who heard about it strip Burgundy of her rank.

    After that, she decides to have revenge by turning to Team Rocket, much to the horror of Ash and his friends.

    If anyone has better ideas, please share them with me.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [44]Sep 27, 2012
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    perualonso1 wrote:

    I'm with everyone who loves to hate Burgundy.

    Here's what I'd like to see happen:

    Ash and the gang plan on how to expose Burgundy.

    They disguise themselves as reporters to interview Burgundy.

    Burgundy states thather reason for being a Connoisseur is so she could be better than everyone else.

    She doesn't realize the interview in shown on TV until too late.

    At a gym, everyone who saw the interview boos Burgundy.

    Burgundy says she's been tricked.

    Other connoisseurs who heard about it strip Burgundy of her rank.

    After that, she decides to have revenge by turning to Team Rocket, much to the horror of Ash and his friends.

    If anyone has better ideas, please share them with me.

    Ash & co. aren't mean nor is Burgundy evil. Despite all the hate I push onto Burgundy I do find at least the idea of her character interesting, it's not too often we have a rival who's goal is revenge. Be it exaggerated or not (though it is), Cilan defeating her was a big blow to her as a trainer, at least in her eyes, probably making realize being a trainer going around collecting badges and competing in Leagues isn't for her. What she hasn't seem to realized yet that the defeat has instead showed her a preference of being a Pokemon Connoisseur, at first to prove Cilan he's wrong about her connection with her Pokemon though if that's the case why is she constantly trying to "evaluate" other people and Pokemon and not keep on the track of Cilan? Cilan even said so himself that the test to become a Pokemon Connoisseur isn't easy, she's maybe a C-Class but that just means the Connoisseur Association sees potential in her. The problem, of course, is that since she's been approved as a Connoisseur (even if it's a C-Class), she decides that's enough to show Cilan that what he said about her during their Gym Battle was wrong. Of course, being C-Class, she still hasn't learned what it takes to make a more accurate "evaluation" (she's suppose to be apprenticing with A- and S-Class Connoisseurs and studying for tests) and, combined with her ambition to prove Cilan wrong who's an A-Class Connoisseur who knows how to make accurate "evaluations", ends up looking like a fool. However she does seem to want to be a good Connoisseur and does care for her Pokemon, her main problem is just her ego and impatience.

    As for what I would of the character, character development would be nice (I know, a cardinal sin in Pokemon to do). Maybe have one episode where Ash & co. encounter Burgundy and, after a battle and defeat by Cilan, they find out she has to take a required test soon. Of course, Burgundy hasn't studied so Cilan insists on helping, Burgundy not accepting at first though Ash & co. follower her and after Cilan helps her with an "evaluation" or some other Connoisseur thing she begrudgingly accepts the help. Cilan will then help Burgundy study, telling her tips and tricks of the Connoisseur trade until time for the test. Though while studying we'll see that Burgundy starts realizing there is much more to being a Connoisseur then she had realized and also start respecting Cilan a bit more, even if she doesn't show it. I think we shouldn't find out the result of the test in the episode though Burgundy is feeling she did good and thanks Cilan, though says he'll regret it as it'll only help her get revenge on him which Cilan will of course laugh off.

    Next time they meet Burgundy, they found out that she hasn't only passed the test but has been upgraded to a B-Class Connoisseur. Though other then that I don't think much else should happen, maybe see Burgundy do an evaluation which will reveal that the time she spent studying with Cilan has indeed improved her as she makes a good evaluation.

    Finally we'd come to the episode where Cilan and Burgundy have a complete battle (or at least as complete as they can have since, at this moment in time, Cilan only has 3 Pokemon and I don't think he'll be catching more any time soon, at most one more more (and maybe have Pansage evolved into Semisage)). The battle will be a close one but I think it would be better to have Cilan win. With the battle over (the whole time both Connoisseurs doing an "evaluation" for each one's Pokemon with Burgundy actually having nice things to say about Cilan's bond with his Pokemon, much to her own surprise (and it goes without saying Cilan have nice things to say about Burgundy's Pokemon and her bond with them)), Cilan would be a "final" evaluation which Burgundy will think will be condescending (maybe even flashing back to her and Cilan's first battle in the Striaton Gym) but Cilan would have nothing but praise for not only her and her Pokemon, but as well for her "evaluating" skills much to her surprise with him saying she has approve immensely since their Striaton Gym battle. Burgundy will then realize that maybe Cilan was right all along and vows that she'll take her Connoisseur duties a bit more seriously, thanking Cilan for all that he's done for her despite her vows of revenge against him which Cilan says was his pleasure. Thus this turns them into friendly rivals and moves Burgundy on her way of becoming a better person (and maybe even Cilan as they could have one of the requirements of becoming a S-Class Connoisseur is to teach a lower class Connoisseur which Burgundy can vouch for him).

    As you can imagine the "final" battle will most likely happen in the last few episodes of the Unova Saga, mixed along with other things that require wrapping up like Iris and Georgia's conflict and setting up for the next region and league Ash will not doubt be going to since we all know he's going to lose in the Unova League (though if they do this I hope they do one of the following: have him either lose in the finals or have him lose at the very start. However for either case I want it to be one particular trainer which does this: N).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [45]Oct 5, 2012
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    Episode: BW081 "Crisis at Ferroseed Research!"

    This was a surprisingly good episode, it kind of had a grand scale feel which really helps Iris since it's a character focused episode for her. Ash & co. are getting ready to head to Virbank City... BUT since it's a week too early a Vanilluxe appears and takes a liking to Iris and Axew, much to their annoyance. The Vanilluxe is revealed to belong to Georgia and after some bickering with Iris reveals she's going to Ferroseed Research to get special moss to help her Pokemon. Ash & co. also decide to go, much to Georgia's annoyance, and they're shown around the lab and exactly what they're doing with Ferroseeds. However when one of the moss experiments breaks loose and starts growing rapidly, Ash & co. must head to a bunker for safety... except for Iris who ran off chasing after Axew, Vanilluxe, and Ash's Oshawott. Can Iris save the day with only these 3 Pokemon, one being a type she doesn't like? Why kind of moss is this that is taking over the lab and how much danger is the city in? Why can Iris only use Axew, Vanilluxe, and Oshawott but not Excadrill nor Emolga? And let's see if we can figure out how "evil" this research institute is. If that last one has you a bit confused, just read on and you'll see:

    A Shooting Spike Creates Moss:
    We start the episode with Ash & co. heading to a harbor to go to Virbank City as Ash is excited for his 8th Badge and Cilan says the boats are up ahead. Just then a Vanilluxe floats by Ash & co. which causes Iris to start freaking out as Ash just scans it (what do you do when your friend is freaking out? Just ignore them ). Vanilluxe floats closer to Iris (and Axew) until a familiar voice recalls Vanilluxe: Georgia (so she has a second Ice-type now, though you'd think a "Dragon Buster" would have at least 3 Ice-types). Georgia says her Vanilluxe wants to make friends with Dragon-types (hmm, considering your goals I think you need a new Vanilluxe) which Iris guesses is Axew though Georgia tells her the reason she has a Vanilluxe is to defeat her (in that case you may want a Fighting-, Ground-, Fire-, or Water-type since that's what Excadrill is weak to). Iris says she isn't a Dragon Master yet which Georgia says she knows being Iris is weak which Iris says Georgia is but thankfully we're spared from any more of that back and forth as Georgia says she's going to "Ferroseed Research".

    Iris: Ferroseed Research?
    Georgia: Never heard of it? What a kid.
    Comment: HEY! Iris has that phrase trademarked! Get your own catchphrase.
    Iris: Huh? Of course I have. They research Steel- and Grass-type Ferroseed.
    Comment: As opposed to Ferroseed's of other types?

    Iris asks why Georgia is going to Ferroseed Research and Georgia says it's because Ferroseed's moss improves a Pokemon's skill. Cilan says that sounds intriguing which Georgia says it is and walks off though Ash says they should check out Ferroseed Research and him and Cilan head off with Iris giving a sigh telling Axew that also means them.

    At Ferroseed Research, Georgia is greeted by a man named Case who's an assistant to a Professor Malveaux and she says she's here because of Ferroseed's moss which is when Ash slides in saying he wants to see it too, much to Georgia's annoyance. Ash & co. introduce themselves to Case though Georgia yells at Iris:

    Georgia: Just exactly when did I say you can come with me?
    Comment: You told a batch of trainers about moss which could make a Pokemon stronger, why wouldn't they come? Also you were only like 3 feet away before Ash said they were going, you didn't notice Ash & co. walking behind you?
    Iris: You didn't, oh well.
    Comment: IT'S A FREE COUNTRY REGION, B****!

    Case is happy to see so many trainers interested in their research (it makes them feel like they're doing something productive) as they go up to the second floor on an elevator. Case says that Professor Malveaux is at a meeting so he'll show Ash & co. (+ Georgia) around. Looking through a glass into a room, they see 3 Ferroseed attached to a rock and Ash scans them and the Pokedex tells them Ferroseed absorbs minerals from rocks by penetrating them their spikes. With that said, one Ferroseed shoots off a spike which breaks and starts creating golden moss and Iris says the spikes must be filled with the moss and Case explains that Ferroseed collect minerals from rocks and transform them into moss spores which they store in their spikes which they launch off. Cilan asks why would Ferroseed do that and Case explains that the oxygen produced by the moss during photosynthesis improves the Ferroseed environment... at least that's their theory (yeah, I think you need to do a bit more research as I don't see how it improves the Ferroseed's environment). Looking at a group of Ferroseed in another room, Georgia points out (while shoving her elbow into Iris's mouth) the moss in this room is another color, green in this case (by the way, shouldn't you have the spikes being shot into some kind of container instead of just the floor?), and Case explains one rock is from the Driftveil Mine (golden moss) while another is from Desert Resort (green moss).

    Cilan: It's a little like two different restaurants having two different menus.
    Comment: Cilan, you don't need to point out there will be "two" different menus, you already stated their were two restaurants. It's redundant.
    Case: You hit the nail on the head, that's what we research!
    Comment: The Ferroseed's moss, cooking metaphors, or redundant statements?

    Going to the 3rd floor, we see the following: Someone burning hanging moss with a FLAMETHROWER, someone pouring liquid onto some moss in a container which turns it blue and grow, and someone shooting moss balls at concrete targets... DESTROYING THE TARGET.

    This is Aperture Science level science, come back next week when they'll have their Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System activated...

    Case explains those tests were heat resistance, absorbency, and strength are what they research (they also pass a guy crushing one of the moss balls).


    Case goes on to explain they experiment with all kinds of moss and applications for them (as what, military weaponry?) as Ash says their must be a ton of ways to use them (but I yet to see the reason they came here: how does the moss help a Pokemon's skill?). Iris and Georgia watch a batch of Ferroseed hanging onto floating, electrical rocks which Iris asks are from Chargestone Cave and Case says they just got began this research and are excited to see what moss is produced (you know, after applying a ton of potions to keep the Ferroseed from fainintg from electrical shocks! They may be resistant to Electric-types but they still get damaged, this is like electrical torture!). Georgia FINALLY gets to the point and asks about the moss which improves a Pokemon's skill and Case says it's up on the 4th floor. However, as they start to leave, the Ferroseed start launching ALL their spikes creating glowing green electrical moss, some which malfunctions the door lock and opening the experiment chamber...

    On the fourth floor, Case explains some of the moss they have created: Attack power for Fire-types, Defense for Grass-types, and Speed for Psychic-types (I can get the same effect with vitamins, and they work with ALL types). Georgia asks if they have any for Ice-types like her Vanilluxe which she sends out and Iris starts freaking out getting the attention of Vanilluxe who winks at her and Axew. Ash's Oshawott also comes out... and is apparently in love with Vanilluxe (I guess that means Vanilluxe is female) though Vanilluxe is much more interested in Iris and Axew as it float over to them. Axew freaks out and jumps out of Iris's hair and runs off, with Vanilluxe following after it, followed by Oshawott, with Iris chasing them all.

    Ash: Looks like things are getting out of control.
    Comment: Ash, one of those Pokemon was YOURS! Shouldn't you be going after Oshawott?

    Georgia asks Case if they have moss which can change Vanilluxe's personality (... do you want to brainwash Vanilluxe? Worse she's going to do it with moss, which in real life their are kinds of moss which can cause brain damage and even DEATH!) and give it more power (I'm sorry, you lost me when you pretty much said you wanted to change your Pokemon's brain chemistry!). Case apologizes to Georgia saying they haven't found a moss that works on Ice-types, much to Georgia's disappointment (oh well, hey Case, Ash has a Tepig & Snivy and Cilan has a Pansage, didn't you just say you had some moss to increase Fire-type's Attack and Grass-types Defense?). Of course Ash and Cilan aren't thinking about helping their Pokemon become stronger (despite this being the reason they came here) as Cilan tells Georgia that even if they did have moss for Ice-types he doubt it'll change its personality (I don't know Cilan, this place is on the edge of "mad science" already) with Ash saying the best way to increase Vanilluxe's power is with training.

    Meanwhile on the 3rd floor, the Chargestone Moss starts growing out of its experiment chamber as the scientists take notice but it's too late as the Chargestone Moss shoots out vines.

    You know the Triffids were also believed to have been man-made... and I'm sure no one knows what I'm talking about.

    Mossing Around:
    Georgia disappointingly says she "came so far" and Case says as soon as they find Ice-type moss they'll contact her as Ash says he'll get Iris and their Pokemon. However an alarm goes off and Cilan, Georgia, and Case look up at a monitor to see something is happening on the 3rd floor though Ash gives out a surprised gasp and they see that the Chargestone Moss has gotten to the 4th floor. At the Chargestone Moss grows, it gives off some spores which Pikachu smells and, well, there's another harmful things "spores" are used for:

    Pikachu is going on one psychedelic ride!

    Some scientists say they need to get to the underground bunker as Ash picks up Pikachu and everyone starts running away. The Chargestone Moss breaks the 3rd floor windows and starts to encompass Ferroseed Research just as who I'm assuming is Professor Malveaux is about to enter the building. Professor Malveaux asks what's going on and enter the building... as the entrance gets covered by the Chargestone Moss trapping him inside with everyone else... brilliant.

    Wait, Aperture Science didn't bring the end of the world (they probably tried, though), this is Black Mesa!

    Outside on the roof, Vanilluxe has chased Axew out though Oshawott is following behind still infatuated until Vanilluxe turns around and attacks it with Icy Wind.

    Now that's what I call getting the *puts on glasses* cold shoulder. YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

    Oshawott breaks out of the ice and throws its scalchop on the floor in anger before quickly picking it up and putting it back on. Iris gets outside and Axew runs to her, Vanilluxe releasing a mist of cold air at them while winking (Georgia, you sure Vanilluxe isn't just tormenting Dragon-types instead of trying to be their friend?).

    In the underground bunker, a batch of scientists check on the Ferroseed while Ash, Cilan, Georgia, and Case are trying to figure out what has happened to Pikachu (well right about now it should be seeing sounds, hearing smells, and smelling colors). Cilan asks what could have done this and Professor Malveaux comes into the bunker and says it must be Ferroseed's moss as Case reveals this is Professor Malveaux (SPOILERS!).

    Professor Malveaux: Obviously this Pikachu inhaled a large amount of moss spores.
    Comment: Inhaled? More like smelled. Pikachu, don't you know snorting can damage your nasal canal!
    Professor Malveaux: And their causing a reaction which is making Pikachu sick.
    Comment: Yes, "sick", I think Pikachu is now seeing smells, hearing colors, and smelling sounds.

    Professor Malveaux sees that this Chargestone Moss is being made from Ferroseed who absorbed the power of Chargestone rocks and says their is a cure made from Lum Berries, Mago Berries, and White Herb extract. Cilan says they would have inhaled the spores too while Georgia says her Vanilluxe is still upstairs, though Professor Malveaux has said their research shows the spores doesn't affect humans (how? you just began researching Chargestone Moss) but Pokemon are another story. A scientist calls over Professor Malveaux saying there's a call from the Pokemon Center and Nurse Joy appears on the monitor as Professor Malveaux explains some Ferroseed have caused a problem and apologizes for it. It seems like the moss spores are spreading fast as the Pokemon Center is filled with Pokemon with Whismur Eyes (hey, if a Whismur inhales the Chargestone Moss spores would you be able to even tell?), however Nurse Joy reveals an interesting piece of info:

    Nurse Joy: Do you have any idea why every Pokemon I've seen so far has either been an Electric-type or a Ground-type?
    Comment: Because we needed a reason to get Emolga and Excadrill out of the picture so that Iris has to save the day using Axew, Vanilluxe, and Oshawott.

    Cilan and Ash realize that's why Pikachu is affected (um, didn't Professor Malveaux already tell you why Pikachu was "sick") while Georgia is relieved that Vanilluxe is save for now (yeah, we have fast growing moss trying to take over, Vanilluxe isn't save from being smothered by the stuff). Professor Malveaux tells Nurse Joy there is a cure and they'll tell her how to prepare it and Nurse Joy thanks them and hangs up. The scientist brings up another screen of the map of the city which shows the Chargestone Moss is spreading fast and that he'll contact Officer Jenny with Professor Malveaux saying they need to close the bridges to control the damage as best they can (bridges? This is MOSS, if it can't grow over the water (which I'm sure it can) then it'll just send some spores over to the other side). Meanwhile Case has made the cure and is having Pikachu drinking it, sobering it up so that it's hearing sounds, smelling smells, and seeing colors as it should be though it's still drained of energy. A scientist says that the Chargestone Moss has taken over the 4th floor and is heading to the roof (how has it not reached the roof yet? IT'S OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ALREADY!) but sees that Iris, Axew, Oshawott, and Vanilluxe is up there surprising Ash, Cilan, and Georgia.

    On the roof, Iris opens the door only to be greeted by the sight of the Chargestone Moss:

    This is exactly how you look when you know that you're F***ED.

    Iris asks what is that "stuff" and closes the door, giving a sigh of relief before hearing Cilan's voice. Next to the door is a monitor with Cilan, Ash, and Georgia looking into it and Iris asks Cilan what's going on and Cilan tells her about the Chargestone Moss and how it doesn't affect humans but does affect Electric- and Ground-type Pokemon. Georgia tells Iris that if anything happens to her Vanilluxe then Iris will be sorry however their's no time to for petty rivalry as Oshawott alerts Iris the Chargestone Moss is squeezing through the door crack. Iris (with Axew), Oshawott, and Vanilluxe run away from the spreading Chargestone Moss, jumping onto the bulding's ledge to see this:

    The Last Of Us: Pokemon Version

    Iris: We got to do something! Excadrill! Emolga!
    *sends out Excadrill and Emolga*
    Comment: ... Did you eat a bowl Stupid-Os for breakfast?
    Iris: Quick! Excadrill use Focus Blast and Emolga Hidden Power!
    *Excadrill and Emolga inhale the spors and get high*

    Comment: *GASP* The Chargestone Moss's spores immobilize Electric- and Ground-types! How could Iris has known that... oh wait, CILAN TOLD YOU!
    Iris: Of course! A Ground-type and Electric-type.

    Comment: DUH! As soon as Cilan told you this you should have immediately thought that Excadrill and Emolga can't be used!

    Iris recalls Excadrill and Emolga as the Chargestone Moss creeps closer with Iris doing nothing but assuring Axew that everything will be okay. Oshawott decides that, since Iris is too dumb to use the 3 Pokemon she has with her who aren't effected, it'll try to stop the Chargestone Moss and hits it with a Water Gun which seems to be pushing it back but...

    Yeah, I don't think the electric plant is harmed by water... actually I think you just made it mad...

    Oshawott hides in Iris's hair as Iris begs Vanilluxe to do something and it attacks with Icy Wind... which freezes all of the moss and vaporizes it (really, who didn't see the moss's weakness being to Ice-types coming?).

    (Continued Next Post)

    Edited on 10/05/2012 3:59pm
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    [46]Oct 5, 2012
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    (Continued from previous post)

    Electric Puns Warning:
    After the Chargestone Moss on the roof is gone the monitor on the roof also goes out however Case asks if Professor Malveaux saw the moss's reaction to Icy Wind which Professor Malveaux says he did and says the moss might be weak to Ice-type moves (hey, Georgia, don't you have a Beartic? Actually this would be a good time to show us if you have any other Ice-types, Ms. Dragon Buster). Professor Malveaux tells a scientist to contact Officer Jenny and tell her that she can use Ice-type moves to clear the city of moss. However another problem arises as the Ferroseed absorbing the Chargestone rocks bang into each other and start bouncing around and out of the experiment chamber charging with electricity (BTW, why did no one get the Chargestone Ferroseeds, you know, the Ferroseeds which is creating the moss that is TAKING OVER!). Professor Malveaux says that the Ferroseed has absorbed too much electricity that would be considered safe (gee, myabe you should have drained the Chargestone rocks of electricty before attaching Ferroseeds onto it) as the Ferroseed launches all its spikes. Professor Malveaux says they have to drain the Ferroseed of electricity and that should also stop the moss (how? obviously once the moss is made it can grow on its own). Case asks how are they going to get to the 3rd Floor as they don't have any Ice-types (so you test the moss by burning it with a flamethrower yet you didn't bother to test the moss against other type of elements?) however Georgia tells them to leave that to her as she sends out her Beartic (yet no other Pokemon, you really only have 2 Ice-types, don't you?).

    Vanilluxe proceeds to Icy Wind the Chargestone Moss to oblivion while going down the stairs leading to the roof, Iris cheering it one though she points out the irony of an Ice-type saving her as she goes down the stairs. Back to the bunker, Pikachu is asleep as Professor Malveaux prepares to go to the third floor to help the charged Ferroseed asking if Georgia is ready. Ash says once Pikachu is better he'll come too however Georgia tells them not to worry since she has Beartic. Meanwhile around the city, Officer Jenny and an army of Swanna use Ice Beam and Blizzard to destroy the Chargestone Moss.

    Beartic uses Ice Beam and cleans out the first floor of Chargestone Moss (BTW, Cilan also decided to come with Professor Malveaux and Georgia) as Vanilluxe does the same except with Icy Wind and the 4th floor. Meanwhile Ash, Case, and the other scientists are watching everyone proceed from the bunker as Ash wishes Pikachu to get better faster (that's what you want to see in the show, the main protagonist OUT OF COMMISION). Arriving at the 3rd floor, Iris says that the Ferroseed which caused this whole mess should be here as Vanilluxe clears some Chargestone Moss with Icy Wind to find said Ferroseed sparking with electricity in the middle of the room. The Ferroseed launch their spikes which create Chargestone Moss but Iris says they'll just destroy it with Icy Wind which Vanilluxe does... only for the Ferroseed to launch another batch of spikes to grow even more Chargestone Moss!

    Just then Georgia tells her Beartic to use Ice Beam and clears the room of the Chargestone Moss, telling Iris for a person who's afraid of Ice-types she's not so bad at using one to Iris's embarrassment. Professor Malveaux and Cilan put down the boxes they were carrying which are devices which sends out a dish and... shocks the Ferroseed. Actually their drawing the Ferroseed in as Professor Malveaux apologizes to them for it hurting and the Ferroseed attaches to the dishes, the scientists in the bunker happy that it worked as they used Chargestone rocks to power the devices. Speaking of who's in the bunker, Pikachu wakes up meaning that the main protagonist can finally be back in his show, oh and Ash too (what, you though when I said main protagonist I meant Ash? Of course not, Pikachu is the mascot ). However things start going wrong as the Ferroseed break free of the devices as Ash hears one of the scientists saying they need to drain the Ferroseed of all the electricty which Ash takes it as his cue to go.

    The Ferroseed release more spikes which grow more Chargestone Moss, however that's no problem as Beartic and Vanilluxe use their Ice-type attacks to destroy it... too bad halfway through they've become exhausted. Cilan tells Georgia that she can't push Beartic and Vanilluxe anymore but Georgia says she wants too but they don't have any other choice. Georgia returns Beartic just as Ash runs pass them and sends out Pignite to use Flamethrower on the Ferroseed which knocks them onto the floor (pfft, well if you can't beat them, BEAT THEM). Ash then recalls Pignite and sends in Pikachu who touches one of the Ferroseeds with its tail and starts absorbing the electricity as Cilan sends out Stunfisk to do the same with the other two Ferroseed. Pikachu and Stunfisk drain the Ferroseed of the electricity as Iris, Oshawott, and Vanilluxe run over to Ash, Cilan, and Georgia and Professor Malveaux apologizes to the Ferroseed for putting them through so much pain. Things aren't done yet as Pikachu and Stunfisk have to release the extra electricity so Ash and Cilan tells them to just shoot it out the window. As they do so, Oshawott is right under the streams of electricity and, well:

    It's ELECTRIFYING! They're having a SHOCKING good time! They're JOLTING with energy! Okay, I'll stop.

    Professor Malveaux says that the Chargestone Moss has been stopped as we get a shot of Officer Jenny in front of a "clean" city to show this. Professor Malveaux apologizes to Nurse Joy for all the trouble that they caused though Nurse Joy says that it thanks to him that they were able to cure all the Electric- and Ground-type Pokemon. Professor Malveaux then turns to Ash & co. (+ Georgia) and thanks them for saving his research lab (well being Ash & co. (+ Georgia) just SAVED THE CITY, I don't think it'll be too much for a boat ride to be arranged to take them to Virbank City). Walking out of Ferroseed Research, Georgia says that many Iris should think about becoming a Ice Master since her and Vanilluxe seemed to be in sync though Iris says that though everything worked out fine she thinks she'll take a pass on that (hey, Iris, maybe you should catch Kyurem, that way you can be both an Dragon- and Ice-type Master. Also you have to do something in the anime to eventually hint at you becoming Champion in a few years...). Georgia says that's a relief as how else is she going to crush Iris if she's not going to be a Dragon Master (well you have a Bisharp who's part Steel-type which is super effective against Ice-types) though Iris says they'll see who gets crushed.

    Oh would you two just kiss already.

    Iris says that, though she hates to admit it, Vanilluxe did save the day and asks Georgia to thank it for her (um, why can't Georgia just send Vanilluxe out so you can thank it yourself?) which surprises Georgia for a second before she says "if she gets the chance" and walks away with Ash & co. saying goodbye. Ash & co. get on a boat and are finally on their way to Virbank City, an episode which should be airing Saturday, October 6th. And do you know what's being released the next day, Sunday, October 7th? Pokemon Black 2 & White 2!


    Anyway we end the episode here with Ash & co. excited to go to Virbank City, Ash especially so for his 8th badge, as the narrator closes us out.

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    [47]Oct 13, 2012
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    First an announcement, due to my college starting up again my episode summary's might be posted late due to me focusing on my classes. As such the summaries won't be as in-depth as they used to, though I still try to include as many nitpicks jokes as I can. So without further or do, here's my episode summary which I'm sure none of you very few of you some of you all of you have been waiting for:

    Episode: BW082 "An Epic Defense Force!"

    This episode was okay though nothing really happened, it was more build up to a certain Legendary Pokemon then anything else. Also I wished they would have had Brycen somewhere in this episode though considering the role they gave him in the anime I guess it wouldn't make sense. Ash & co. have just arrived to Virbank City, home of the Virbank Gym but also to several movie studios. Just then Ash & co. spot Luke who greets them and says he got a preview invitation to PokeStar Studios, a theme park where people can make their own movies. Luke invites them to come along (since they did star in the movie which got him the invitation) as Luke reveals PokeStar Studios is holding a competition where all the invitees are to make a movie following a similar storyline and Ash & co. agree to help. However Luke has competition as his director rival, a boy named Jules, is also there and plans on making a high action flick. Can Luke beat Jules and win the PokeStar Studios contest with help from Ash & co.? What type of film will Luke make to compete with Jule's action flick? What roles will Ash & co. play? And how many real life movie references are they going to make and how many of them will make you groan (WARNING: Quite a few, and that answer applies to both questions)? If that warning didn't scare you off, then read on:

    Everyone's A Movie Star:
    Ash & co. arrive to Virbank City with Ash excited to get his 8th Badge though Cilan is even more excited and Iris asks if he's alright.

    Cilan: For a Film Connoisseur, this city is the place to be.
    Iris: Great, here we go...
    Comment: Welcome to the anime's promotion of Black 2 & White 2, Iris...


    Cilan explains that Virbank City is the home to various film studios who have released many movies though Ash and Pikach gets distracted by someone: A doppelganger of Ash! Iris realizes who it is and the Ash double transforms into Zorua as we see Luke (gee, who would have thought the recurring character who's goal is making movies would be in the episode about film studios ) in the background filming though he turns around and everyone greets each other. Ash says he's here for a Gym Battle and then stupidly asks Luke what he's doing here (did you not read my previous sentence?) which he says he got invited to a preview event "before the opening" (yes Luke, that's usually what a "preview" means), a preview that Cilan seems to know about. And what is this preview? Of PokeStar Studios of course! Luke says it's a theme park and Cilan further explains it's where the public can see movie props and even star in their own movies. Cilan says it's a great owner Luke got invited and Luke says it's because his movie that "Ash starred in" (um, I do believe Iris, Cilan, and Zorua were also in the movie...) got top honors at a film festival.

    Iris: So I guess we all got top honors.
    Ash: Well don't forget who's the star.

    Comment: Don't worry Ash, I'll never forget Pikachu is the star, Pokemon makes sure everyone knows Pikachu is their mascot.

    Luke invites then to PokeStar Studios which gets Cilan very excited though Ash wants to have his Gym Battle.

    Cilan: ASH! The Gym isn't going anywhere!

    Comment: Okay, Cilan... calm down... Ash, step away from him slowly...

    Cilan asks if Ash wants to wait in line for PokeStar Studios though Ash says he doesn't care however Cilan refuses to take "no" for an answer and just drags Ash along to PokeStar Studios (how about this: Ash goes to the Gym, Luke and Cilan goes to PokeStar Studios, and Iris will just go with whoever she wants to go with?). Cilan and Luke are having a geekgasm over all the "walk of fame" (you know, the footprint sidewalk except with Pokemon footprints), movie posters, and props, all while saying Pokemon version of existing movie titles. Eventually they have to stop and sit down since all this geekgasm are making Cilan cry tears of happiness.

    You'd think Zorua would be caring a bit more since it loves movies as much as Luke and Cilan does...

    Luke reveals that it's time for him to enter the PokeStar Studios competition, explaining to Ash & co. that all directors invited to PokeStar Studios are allowed to enter a contest where they make a movie which all follows the same plot and the audience will vote who made the best version (pfft, just put in a lot of explosions and you're sure to win! Though critics may not like it...). Ash asks if this was what Luke needed their help for which he says it is and though Ash is a little hesitant, Cilan and Iris agreeing to help convinces him to help to (so much for being a "star", if Ash was a real star he would pressure people into doing what he wanted ). They hear clapping and see it's a man in a suit and small sunglasses which Luke identifies as Mr. Gold, PokeStar Studios president (why not call him Stu Deeoh like in the games?), and Cilan says he made some of the "greatest films ever". Luke and Mr. Gold shake hands and Mr. Gold says he saw Luke's film and can't wait to see what version of the film he'll make in the PokeStar Studios competition.

    We cut to the prop room where a woman shows them all the props and costumes and gives Luke a book detailing them. Ash and Iris are eating lunch (talking about another movie reference) while Luke and Cilan finish their scripts (I though everyone was working off the same script?) and Luke shows Ash and Iris the storyboard. Of course we cut all the story out (all we get is a glimpse of Ash in a spacesuit with their Pokemon around him) and though Ash & co. like it They hear someone call it "lukewarm" (ha ha...) and see it's a boy with a Krookodile. As it turns out Luke knows this boy who's name is Jules and he's, as you possibly have guessed, Luke's rival who's also in the competition. Jules says his styIe is "hard-boiled" action flicks (ah, so you're Michael Bay, figures out heroes would have to battle him as the main villain) and says all of Luke's films are "junk" in comparison which gets Luke angry. Jules says they should let the audience decide who's the better director which Luke angrily agrees to... wait, shouldn't it have been Luke pointing out it's the audience to decide being he's the protagonist?

    In the prop room, Luke says they've decided the cast with Ash, Pikachu, and Pignite as the "Unova Defense Force" (wait, then why do we have "epic" in the title?) as they're dressed up in spacesuits and Ash says he's the lead again (yeah, how odd, it's almost as if he's a main star of an anime series...). Cilan is the villain, an alien who's controlling Mecha Tyranitar (wait, the villain in the "Big Monster" series aren't alians, are they trying to combine the "Invaders" series into this too?), and Iris, Axew, and Zorua are "Island Princesses" (Ash is the main hero, Cilan's the villain, Iris is a princess... THAT'S THE SAME MOVIE LUKE MADE LAST TIME WITH THEM! Also Axew was confirmed as a male). Luke asks if Cilan can perform in the Mecha Tyranitar costume which Cilan says he can because he saw "Titanic Tyranitar" 10 times (yes, because watching someone in a costume means you can perform in that said costume ), and of course Iris has to point out that Tyranitar isn't a Unova Pokemon since there's NO previous generation Pokemon in Unova... except when there are (actually you can encounter Tyranitars on Route 15 in rustling grass). Luke's Pokmeon (Golett and Leavanny) are in charge of the back stage stuff so with that all done they get to work.

    Movie On A Budget:
    First they're filming a part where the Unova Defense Force are first encountering Mecha Tyranitar who suddenly appeared on "Pokemon Island" as Ash, Pikachu, and Pignite are in a spaceship in front of a green screen as Iris asks Luke how he's going to make it look like thier flying so Luke explains the green screen to her (Cilan explains they also use a giant fan, putting dry ice in front of it so it makes "wispy clouds" flying by). So begin the movie making montage with Ash telling Pikachu and Pignite to "attack" Mecha Tyranitar, a group shot of Ash & co's Pokemon screaming in "pain", Iris and Axew crying over Golett (hey, I thought Golett was working backstage on lights and sound?), and Cilan who's moving a UFO model Ed Wood-StyIe (aka using a fishing pole) through smoke clouds Ash and Golett are fanning. However Cilan says that last scene needs more action (Luke, haven't you ever heard of suspension of disbelief?) so tells Ash to go get a prop.

    We cut to a point-of-view of something flying away in the panic, pulling away into 3rd person to see it's a Meloetta (okay, we've seen it now, can we now have our Meloetta Event?)! It's partially invisible as it hides behind one of the palm trees in front of PokeStar Studios and listens onto the people it was running away from: Team Rocket. They talk about losing sight of it and James asks what do they do now which Jessie says it couldn't have gotten far so Meowth says they should keep on looking, Meloetta deciding to head into the PokeStar Studios.

    In the prop room, as finds the "Unova Defense Force" airship model however sees the partially invisible Meloetta who flies away from them but hits some plank or woods, knocking it down and turning it visible. The planks are about to fall on Meloetta but Ash jumps and grabs it before the planks can fall on them, though when Ash recovers from the shock he sees Meloetta is gone, having turned partially invisible again and escaped to the top of the shelves looking down at them. With them filming the UFO scene, now with it blasting down the Unova Defense Force's spaceship (of course Ash doesn't mention what he just saw in the prop room to Iris, Cilan, or Luke), we go into another montage of editing, recording lines, and adding special effects. Finally Ash & co. (+ Luke) are done and are toasting drinks and eating sandwiches in celebration.

    Show Time:
    Finally it's competition time and we watch the end of Jules movie where he and Krookodile are playing the Unova Defense Force destroying the Mecha Tyranitar who was attacking a city... though according to the context of the movie he also killed a batch of Pokemon in the process. The movie ends and everyone applauds as Jules looks back at Luke smirking which angers Luke.

    We now go to Luke's movie where it begins with Ash spotting a Giant Tyranitar going to Pokemon Island (if you haven't guessed already, they're spoofing Godzilla movies) and has Pikachu and Pignite attack it, burning off the fake skin to reveal it's MECHA TYRANITAR! Mecha Tyranitar blasts them out of the sky as Cilan makes his villain appearance saying all the Pokemon on Pokemon Island shall belong to his home planet. Ash, Pikachu, and Pignite parachute onto Pokemon Island where they meet Iris, Axew, Zorua disguised as Iris, and Golett and Ash explains to them about the Mecha Tyranitar attack and they must leave. The Iris "twins" explain (with stilted dialogue) that they can't go as "Golurk the Titan" rests here (wait, Golurk? What, they couldn't find a butterfly/moth Pokemon to be like Mothra?) and if they wake it up it can battle Mecha Godzilla, but when they take Ash to it it's stone and covered with foliage. Cilan gives a "resistance if futile" speech and uses a tractor beam to bring up Pokemon Island's Pokemon (aka Ash & co.'s Pokemon, explaining their screaming scene) as the "Twins" try to awaken Golurk... only for Mecha Tyranitar to blast the Golurk statue into pieces. Ash has Pikachu and Pignite attack Mecha Tyranitar but it does nothing as it shoots laser beams at the "Twins" only for Golett to run in front of them and take the hit. Golett "dies" and the "Twins" cry a single tear which land on Golett and, as you expect, makes Golett evolve into Golurk and grow giant size (so does Pokestar Studios have an actual Golurk and Tyranitar or did the ones we see are Ash & co. in costume?). Golurk and Mecha Tyranitar start fighting and Golurk wins by using a Mega Punch on Mecha Tyranitar. Cilan gives the "how dare you" speech and attack Golurk with a green laser beam but Golurk blocks it by giving the "talk to the hand" and uses Psychic to bring the captured Pokemon out of the UFO before destroying the UFO. Golurk lands back onto Pokemon Island and the "Twins" thank it as Ash says the legend is true (gee Ash, you're character sure did nothing helpful in this movie, what was that with you being the "lead" again?) as Golurk uses eye waves to restore the Golurk statue and fade back into a Golett... okay. Ash says it's the bond between the island's Pokemon and the "Twins" which restored Golurk (no, that was Golett!Golurk's eye waves) and the movie ends with the "Twins" thanking the Golurk statue (FOR WHAT? Breaking into pieces? Just because Golett de-evolved (somehow) doesn't mean the credit now goes to the Golurk Statue, the Golurk that fought Mecha Tyranitar was still Golett!

    The movie ends though no one applauds (probably because they're also busying trying to figure out why the Golurk Statue is getting credit for what Golett did) and Jules tells Luke that means he wins which gets Luke angry however his thoughts get interupted when everyone gets up and start applauding loudly (guess they all decided to ignore the ending and think back how bada$$ Golett!Golurk was by curbstomping the villain). Cilan tells Luke to stand up as everyone is applauding. We cut to them deciding the winner and the spotlights stop of Luke revealing him as the winner and Mr. Gold hands Luke a trophy congratulating him and saying he's looking forward to Luke's next film. The announcer the says that Luke's grand prize is the opportunity to film an actual movie using all of PokeStar Studios resources with Ash & co. congratulating him as Zorua (who came on stage disguised as Iris) transforms from Iris to a Golurk (ahh, that explains it, I guess Zorua was also Tyranitar) and then into Zorua.

    Luke says he's staying in PokeStar Studios to start working on his movie as Ash & co. gives Luke their best wishes and Luke gives them his. Ash & co. start heading to Virbank City as the narrator starts wrapping up the episode, but as he does we see that Meloetta has started following Ash & co..

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    [48]Oct 19, 2012
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    Episode: BW082 "Rocking The Virbank Gym! Part 1"

    Well this is embarrassing, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, I accidentally replaced this post with my review for BW083 "Rocking The Virbank Gym! Part 2"! Thankfully I still have the original rough draft so I can redo most of it, however my beginning paragraph and section titles might be different. Sorry about that...

    Anyway the episode was good. Ash & co. have gotten to Virbank City but it's night so they decide to go to the Pokemon Center. On their way there they see a boy rush in, he had just challenged the Gym but lost and now all his Pokemon are poisoned. Other trainers in the Gym says the samething happened to them revealing Virbank Gym specializes in Poison-type Pokemon. Hearing that Ash prepares and next morning they go to the Gym to see it's a rock club and the club's main guitarist, a girl named Roxie, is the Gym Leader. Ash challenges Roxie who accepts the challenge and, after impressing her with a "light show" from Pikachu, adds in one condition: Ash can use all 6 of his Pokemon while Roxie uses just 3. What is Roxie's strategy which makes her confident enough to allow Ash to have such a huge advantage? What are Ash's plans (yes, apparently he comes up with a plan to challenge the Gym Leader in this episode!) to handle with Roxie's Poison-types? And how overpowered are they going to make Roxie look so that when you actually battle (and defeat) her in the games you'll go "that's it? She was overblown"? ROLL down, read on, and ROCK out!

    A Venomous Greeting:
    Ash & co. have FINALLY gotten to Virbank City, though being it's night they decide to spend a night at the Pokemon Center to rest and prepare. As Ash & co. talk about this being Ash's last badge, a boy runs past and almost knocks over though he quickly apologizes and runs into the Pokemon Center. Iris asks what that was about and Cilan says being he was holding a Pokeball he may have just had a Gym Battle (or a normal/wild battle that didn't go so well, why does it have to be a Gym Battle?). Ash wonders about this while we see Meloetta watching them from behind a lamp post (and for some reason it's not invisible).

    Inside the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy is looking over the boys Pokemon and says they've all been hit by Toxic which is just like the Gym Leader to do.

    Boy: Nurse Joy, will me Pokemon be alright?
    Nurse Joy: Don't worry, in this Pokemon Center we're used to handling poison all the time.
    Comment: The Gym Leader is a b**** like that.

    Ash goes up to the boy and asks about the Gym Battle saying he's challenging the Gym tomorrow and the boy tells him to prepare for a lot of poison.

    Boy: I've never seen a Gym Leader so good with Poison-type moves.
    Comment: Koga will like to speak with you.

    The boy says the Gym Leader has high leveled Pokemon and reveals their strategy: Poison your Pokemon, weaken their moves, and knock them out. A girl says the samething happened to her and soon there's a whole group of kids saying they've been beaten by the Gym Leader the same way (BTW, this is just hilarious to hear being in the game Roxie is the 2nd Gym Leader you faced and I beaten the Gym with just my Pignite ). The boy reveals he was beaten by only one of the Gym Leader's Pokemon which surprises Ash who asks how as we fade cut to Cilan explaining continued damage from Poison and strong direct damage gives the Gym "two unique flavors". Iris wonders what the Gym Leader is like and Ash says they'll found out soon enough and... *GASP*

    Ash: For now, we need an anti-Poison strategy.
    Comment: Did... did Ash show us he's using his brain!

    Iris asks what Pokemon Ash plans on using and Ash says he doesn't know (hint: Poison-types are weak to Ground-types and resisted by Ground- and Rock-types... it's also two of your Pokemon that need more screen time) with Cilan saying they need to think about type and moves though Ash's stomach distracts him (sorry brain, but Ash thinks with his stomach first).

    Meanwhile, in a Virbank City alleyway inside a van, the Rocket Trio report back to Dr. Zager about losing track of Meloetta as James says it was a Legendary Pokemon and they didn't know its skills as Jessie reports it can turn invisible and they need a way to counteract that. Dr. Zager says he has some anti-stealth goggle he'll like them to try and Meowth gives him the coordinates as he tells them to not let him down before hanging up. James says he hopes Meloetta hasn't gotten far but Jessie says it must be exhausted by now and Meowth says he wagers it's still in Virbank City (why? As far as they know Meloetta is running away from them, why would it stay in one place? I doubt Virbank City is its home location so it has no reason to stay as far as they know).

    Continuity Is About To Get Rocked:
    Next morning, Ash is running through the streets of Virbank City, excited for his Gym Battle, though stops when Cilan points out the entrance to the Gym: a dirty door with the Gym logo hidden in an alleyway. Ash & co. go in and down a flight of stairs as they reach another door Ash opens up yelling his challenge but comes to rock club with a battlefield in the middle where a battle is already taking place, or rather ending:

    Announcer: AND Gothitelle is unable to battle, Koffing's the winner, so the match goes to the Gym Leader: ROXIE!
    Comment: LOL, you lost to Koffing with a powerful Psychic-type Pokemon, you might as well just give your Pokeballs to Team Plasma with an apology note.

    Ash & co. are covering their hears to the loud rock (I'm assuming that's rock) music as we see a batch of "rockers" cheering for Roxie who's giving a triumphant pose as he band plays behind her. The boy who just lost checks on his Gothitelle (I'm guessing the purple electricity means it's poisoned) as Roxie jumps and finishes and finishes the music. Ash & co. are surprised that the Roxie was able to defeat a Psychic-type with a Poison-type, though upon seeing Koffing Iris wonders what Pokemon that is and Cilan explains it's a Koffing (hey, Ash, considering your history with Koffing maybe you should have explained that ). Roxie tells everyone to applaud the losing boy and his Pokemon as the boy returns his Gothitelle, "thanks" Roxie, and runs away in tears which I think Roxie was taking delight in. As the boy runs past Roxie asks if Ash was the next challenger and Ash says he is as the rocker audience glares at him. Ash says he's from Pallet Town which surprises Roxie though excitedly says that's in Kanto (reconfirming this by seeing Pikachu on Ash's shoulder) and says she caught Koffing while they were doing a concert in Kanto. Koffing floats up to Ash & co. and...

    *Ash pulls out his Pokedex*
    Comment: What...
    Pokedex: Koffing, the Poison Gas Pokemon.
    Comment: WHAT...
    Pokedex: Koffing hovers in the air, thanks to the poisonous gases it contains, which have a foul odor and can explode.
    Comment: You know, if this was a Pokemon Ash has only encountered once then maybe I would understand Ash taking out his Pokedex, but it isn't. Ash had fought a Koffing several times. The reason for this? JAMES OF TEAM ROCKET HAD A KOFFING! Not only that, Ash also fought Weezing several times! Ash should have NO reason to check Koffing on his Pokedex as he should know what Koffing pretty much is. Oh, and the kicker? In actuality, this is the FIRST TIME Ash has scanned a Koffing. That's right, Ash never scanned James Koffing. The same applies for Weezing, Ekans, and Arbok!

    Moving on before I rant more, Roxie says the audience loves it when Koffing explodes though Roxie's guitarist then says that Kanto audiences are a bore compared to Unova (well of course, Kanto probably prefers J-pop)(BTW, Roxie's guitarist is named Billy Jo, as in Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong. Also her Japanese name, Lou, is also based on an American rock musician, Lou Reed). Cilan is a bit confused on what Roxie means by "concert" and Roxie tells Ash & co. their one of Unova's most popular punk bands: Koffing and the Toxics (Wait, being you caught Koffing when you were touring what was your band called before then? It'd make sense in the games as Koffing can be found in Virbank's industrial complex but here you caught it after forming the band! Oh, BTW


    As the band starts playing again, Roxie says the Gym is also their place to rock out and their fans love both battling and music. Iris and Cilan talk about how it would be hard for people to concentrate with the loud music but Ash says that doesn't bother him (I mean since when has Ash ever concentrated? ). Ash decides to "rock their socks off" (as you can see, Ash is sort of like that white person trying to do rap on the streets) and has Pikachu use Thunderbolt which hits the roof speakers (um, Ash, that sprinkler trick only works with Rock-, Ground-, and Fire-types) which causes it to spark a bit which impresses everyone. Ash challenges Roxie saying that this is his last Gym Battle, showing his other 7 badges (and of course the last space which was at first in the shape of the Legend Badge now is just indented in with no signs of what is suppose to go there) which gets Roxie excited for a tough battle. Roxie then throws Ash an odd curveball: saying he's allowed to use 6 Pokemon against her 3. Ash is confused about this saying being he'll have an unfair advantage he'll also use 3 but Roxie says not to worry, its her Gym so her rules, and when the battle starts he'll be thanking her so with that Ash accepts the 6-vs.-3 challenge. As the audience start getting worked up Ash says he'll just use his strategy for all 6 of his Pokemon though Iris and Cilan are concerned with Cilan saying this battle is going to be about brains and strategy (well, Ash loses). Oh, and Meloetta is watching from behind a wall (oh come on Meloetta, this is a rock club, you're a music Pokemon, you should be feeling right at home!).

    Just Begun And Already Half Gone:
    (Thankfully UnovaChampion quoted this section title ) After Unova's "Who's That Pokemon" does its first non-Unova Pokemon (guess which one it is? Hint: it was in this episode and it's not Pikachu nor Meowth), a spotlight turns on and shines on Ash as Roxie introduces him though all the lights soon turn on and Roxie turns the announcing over to her referee (who looks like he just came from Miami). The referee says it's a 6-vs.-3 battle with Ash only allowed to substitute and Roxie sends out her first Pokemon: Koffing, which is noted to be very fast (BTW, Koffing's lowest stat is in Speed... writers you know that there is different ways to show that a Pokemon is strong other then showing it's fast, right?). Ash sends out Boldore... and the audience start rooting for Ash (talk about an easily swayed crowd...) which confuses Ash & co. though soon it's just normal yelling as the referee announces the start of the battle.

    Boldore uses Sandstorm and Koffing starts suffering some damage as Cilan says this must be part of Ash's strategy with Iris saying it also slows down Koffing. Roxie planned for this, however, and has Koffing use... Clear Smog, a move which only resets stat changes and does not effet Weather in anyway yet in the anime it does *sigh*. Boldore tries a Rock Blast however Koffing uses Gyro Ball and deflects the attacks and hits Boldore for super effective damage (though that shouldn't be too much since Gyro Ball does more damage the slower the user is... and Boldore is even SLOWER than Koffing! On top of that Boldore's Defense is VERY high). Koffing then uses Sludge Bomb but Boldore counters it with a Flash Cannon but Koffing does another Gyro Ball which Boldore tries stopping with Sandstorm but Koffing just spins through it and hits Boldore, knocking it out. Ash returns Boldore though Cilan says Boldore was able to do a little bit of damage which should hopefully pay off. Roxie gloats if her Koffing is a little bit too strong but Ash says strong is the best way to get his 8th Badge which Roxie says she likes to hear.

    Ash's next Pokemon is Unfezant and it starts with a Quick Attack which hits but Koffing is ready for physical attacks with a Will-O-Wisp but Unfezant uses Gust to blow them back at Koffing (so does that now mean Koffing is burned?)(Oh, BTW I made a mistake about where Meloetta is, it's actually behind the spotlight). Unfezant tries an Air Cutter but Koffing dodges and uses Sludge Bomb which hits and poisons Unfezant which is then hit by a Clear Smog. Roxie asks if Ash wants to substitute however Unfezant lands and spread out it wings showing it wants to continue (this is one of only a few times it gets screentime and it's coming out like looking like a hero, dammit!). Unfezant goes all in with an Aerial Ace as Koffing uses a Gyro Ball and, though Koffing knocks Unfezant back at first, Unfezant charges in and both collide... however it ends with Unfezant fainting (gee, at first they made Unova Pokemon look overpowered and now they've switched to making previous generation Pokemon looking overpowered). Ash returns Unfezant and tells Pikachu that winning the 8th Badge may be tough however he knows he can win the next round.

    Ash then sends out... Leavanny (Ash, only in the Gen I games were Bug-types super effective against Poison-types, not not only do Poison-type resist Bug-types but since Leavanny is also a Grass-type it's WEAK to Poison-types!), which even Cilan wondering what in the world is Ash thinking. Roxie also notes Leavanny's weakness and says Ash must be desperate though Ash goes on with Leavanny using Energy Ball which hits (however it should still be not very effective) though Cilan says Ash could be trying to lower Koffing's Special Defense but it's still a risky thing to do. Koffing goes in with a Gyro Ball however Leavanny catches Koffing with a String Shot, though Roxie says that isn't a problem and has Koffing try to use a Sludge Bomb. However Ash tells Leavanny to start spinning Koffing around and it does so which stops Koffing from using Sludge Bomb and Leavanny reels Koffing in close to do one final Energy Ball which knocks out Koffing! Cilan says that Ash lowered Koffing's Special Defense so that the next Energy Ball would knock out Koffing which Iris says Ash must have thought things through for one (nah, his strategy was Boldore's Sandstorm, at this point he's winging it). This victory also makes Meloetta happy that it floats away from cover and gives a cheer though, of course, no one sees it now out in the open or hears it chattering.

    Roxie returns Koffing and says she's impressed by Ash winning with a type disadvantage but says she's dialing things up to 11 and sends out her next Pokemon: Scolipede. Ash is keeping Leavanny in and has it use Razor Leaf but of course the Grass-type move does nothing against the Bug/Poison-type and Scolipede hits it with a Toxic, poisoning it (technically Badly Poisoning it though I don't know if Badly Poison exists in the anime). Leavanny slumps to the ground though that's where we're ending this episode as the narrator wrap things up as we continue Ash's 8th Gym Battle next episode.

    Edited on 10/26/2012 1:52pm
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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [49]Oct 20, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Just Begun And Already Half Gone:
    After Unova's "Who's That Pokemon" does its first non-Unova Pokemon (guess which one it is? Hint: it was in this episode and it's not Pikachu)

    Was it Meowth?

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    [50]Oct 20, 2012
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    UnovaChampion wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Just Begun And Already Half Gone:
    After Unova's "Who's That Pokemon" does its first non-Unova Pokemon (guess which one it is? Hint: it was in this episode and it's not Pikachu)

    Was it Meowth?

    Well if you're going to be nitpicky like that.

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    [51]Oct 26, 2012
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    Episode: BW084 "Rocking The Virbank Gym! Part 1"

    Today's episode was pretty good though I can't help but think that, if this was a normal Gym Battle, Ash would have lost to Roxie's 2nd Pokemon . Anyway nothing to really say except the battle continues:

    Like A Centipede To A Bonfire:
    Skipping to where the episode begins, Leavanny has just been poisoned by Roxie's Scolipede's Toxic.

    Iris: But if Leavanny keeps losing it's strength and can't battle, then that means 3 of Ash's Pokemon will be eliminated.
    Cilan: And Roxie has only lost 1, Ash is clearly at a disadvantage.
    Comment: How? If you're looking at it by amount of Pokemon then, not counting Leavanny, Ash has 3 left to Roxie's 2. This will only work if you're going by ratio and even then, not counting Leavanny, Ash will have 1.5 of a Pokemon compared to Roxie's 2, but since there can't be half of a Pokemon then that just means one of Ash's Pokemon is at half health so in that case Ash and Roxie would be tied with 2 Pokemon each.

    Leavanny uses Energy Ball but Scolipede dodges who then uses Rock Tomb to trap Leavanny, leaving it wide open to a Sludge Bomb, knocking it out. BTW, Apparently Roxie has entered "serious mode" and Roxie and her band says Ash only JUST 3 Pokemon left which Ash then tells them they mean he STILL has 3 Pokemon, then goes on saying he knows they'll do their best to help him win.

    Ash sends out Pignite who starts with a Flame Charge but Scolipede uses Screech which knocks Pignite out of concentration and thus Flame Charge. Scolipede uses Sludge Bomb but Pignite counters with a Flamethrower which nullifies both attacks and Pignite does its SUPER Flame Charge which hits and knocks down Scolipede. Pignite tries to end this with Flamethrower but Scolipede dodges and uses Toxic, catching Pignite by surprise and poisoning it, however Pignite isn't going down without taking something with it so uses Fire Pledge and... WHOA!

    JEEZ, you'd think from the anime that Fire Pledge was actually a good move...

    Scolipede faints and Ash says Roxie has one Pokemon left to his three but Billy Jo points out that Pignite is still poisoned... which Roxie then heals by throwing Pignite a Pecha Berry! Roxie says it wouldn't be fair to battle a poisoned opponent when her next Pokemon is at "120%". The audiance starts getting excited with Roxie's band members further excite them up and soon everyone but Ash & co. (+ Meloetta who's still watching) are chanting for Roxie. Iris says they can't let the crowd "out cheer" them so goes off with Axew somewhere (what, she's going to get a megaphone?).

    In Virbank Gym, Garbage Takes Out You:
    Roxie's last Pokemon is Garbodor (which Ash already scanned in BW055 "Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!", but at least this is his 2nd time seeing one unlike Koffing...).

    Ash: I bet Garbodor will use Poison-type moves too.
    Comment: ... really? You don't say. I thought it would use Ice-type attacks and try to freeze you!

    Pignite uses a SUPER Flame Charge but Garbodor uniquely dodged it by puttings it hands to the ground and pushing itself upwards with its stretchy arms and then lands on Pignite. Garbodor then picks-up Pignite from under it and hits it with DoubleSlap which knocks Pignite back and Cilan pretty much tells us it's going to be using those stretchy arms a lot (so Garbodor is pretty much a Luffy made of garbage). Pignite tries a Flamethrower but Garbodor dodges like it did before but Pignite uses a Tackle which hits Garbodor's arm causing it to fall and hit the floor, surprising Roxie. Pignite gets ready to finish with a Fire Pledge but Garbodor stops it by stretching its arms out so that Pignite's fist hits its hand... which sets the hand on fire and the Fire Pledge travels up Garbodor's arms and sets it on fire! ACTUALLY that what should have happened (or at very least Garbodor's hand should have been set ablaze), but no, thise does stop Pignite from using Fire Pledge and Roxie then instructs Garbodor to grab Pignite and slam it into the ground (you know, I'm okay with trainers telling their Pokemon to "dodge", "catch", "grab", and even telling their Pokemon to land on the opponent if it's up in the air like Roxie did. However when the command is "grab and slam it into the ground", that should count/be a move, not an off the cuff command. Roxie could have told Garbodor to use DoubleSlap, or better yet taught Garbodor the move Slam. But this just feels cheap, you might as well just teach your Pokemon Special moves and when you want them to do a physical attack just describe what you want them to do so you get around the 4 move limit). At least it doesn't knock out Pignite, though Garbodor's next move is DoubleSlap via Garbodor's stretchy arm (so why didn't it do that instead of the "grab and slam" command?) and hits Pignite as Billy Jo excites the crowd. Iris has come back just in time for this and reveals what she went to get, a drum:

    That drum is at big as her, how did she carry it? In her hair?

    Iris starts banging the drum and cheering for Ash.

    Ash: Iris and Axew are cheering us on!
    Comment: As oppose to cheering for Roxie, her friend's opponent?

    Pignite successfully uses Fire Pledge but Garbodor uses Hyper Beam which knocks away the fire pillars caused by Fire Pledge and hits Pignite, knocking it out.

    Roxie: You see, Poison-type moves aren't the only tunes I play.
    Comment: Which you proved with Koffing's Gyro Ball (Steel-type) & Will-O-Wisp (Fire-type) and Scolipede's Rock Tomb (Rock-type) & Screech (Normal-type).
    Roxie: And at this rate I won't have to use a single one of them.
    Comment: I wished Ash had a Steel-type so he can "grant" that wish . Actually, now thinking about it, a Steel-type would do very well in this Gym as they can't be poisoned plus all the other attacks Roxie's Pokemon know are resisted by Steel-types. Heck, an Excadrill, Steelix, Metagross, or Bronzong could probably sweep this gym and not even sweat.

    Ash says not to go easy on him as the reason he wanted to battle her is because he heard she was strong (actually it was because Opelucid Gym was close ) which Roxie agrees with.

    Ash sends out Palpitoad who uses Mud Shot but Garbodor dodges as it does with its stretchy arms (also for some reason Meloetta turned invisible sometime during the last time we saw her but now turns visible again). Garbodor uses Hyper Beam but Palpitoad uses Hydro Pump which nullifies both attack (however the remaining water droplets fly past Meloetta which Pikachu hears and turns to see Meloetta before Meoletta turns invisible again). Palpitoad tries Mud Shot again but Garbodor uses Gunk Shot (which is actually a garbadge bag) which nullifies it but the Gunk Shot then breaks and releases its poisoned trash which hits and poison's Palpitoad.

    Yes, you heard me right, Gunk Shot is literally a garbage bag which breaks open and poisons you with trash...

    Garbodor uses Venoshock which is a green goo which covers Palpitoad and hurts it and Cilan explains how Venoshock does double damage if the opponent is poisoned. Ash tells Palpitoad to use Mud Shot but Palpitoad is too hurt to do anything so Garbodor finishes it with a Venoshock, knocking it out and leaving both Ash and Roxie with one Pokemon. Roxie's band excites the crowd once more while Ash and Roxie banter about this being the last battle which is between Garbodor and, as if it wasn't going to participate in this match when you heard Ash was going to use all 6 of his Pokemon, Pikachu.

    Trashing Them:
    The match begins with Garbodor using DoubleSlap however Pikachu dodges them all which eventually ties up Garbodor's arms!

    I got 2 jokes here, pick your favorite:
    1. I've heard of being tongue tied but this is ridiculous.
    2. This is KNOT good.

    Pikachu uses Quick Attack and hits as Roxie tells Garbodor to keep attaking which it tries though, with its arms still tied, it just looks like it's playing jump rope with Pikachu.

    I would recite a jump rope rhyme but I don't know any being I'm a male...

    Pikachu hits with a Thunderbolt which knocks Garbodor down tried ending this with a Iron Tail (personally I would keep Thunderbolting it until it stopped moving...) but Garbodor manages to hit Pikachu with its tied arms and knock it back, giving Garbodor time to untie its arms. Garbodor uses Gunk Shot but Pikachu dodges however Garbodor "traps" Pikachu by using Gunk Shot on either side of Pikachu and Roxie then tells Garbodor to pick Pikachu up. With Pikachu up in the air, Garbodor let's go and uses DoubleSlap and Roxie's band starts to play which gets the crowd excited and Iris says they're not going to get drowned out, taking Cilan to a corner which I would assume to put some make-up on but:

    What exactly is Iris doing which is making Cilan make such odd hand gestures?

    Pikachu keeps getting air juggled by Garbodor's DoubleSlap but soon Garbodor's hand starts sparking with electricity (oh yeah, I forgot Pikachu has the Static Ability, you'd think such a handy Ability will come in play more often considering how many times Pikachu gets hit with physical moves, it's as if the writers keep forgetting Pikachu has it...). However we're suppose to be surprised by this later on so instead Garbodor knocks Pikachu back with a Gunk Shot, also poisoning Pikachu. With Pikachu struggling to get up, Ash starts to think it's the end however:

    Iris: DON'T GIVE UP!

    Comment: Oh boy...
    Iris: You can't give up! Let's go! You're just getting started!
    Cilan: She's right!

    Comment: Why does Cilan have fire markings? Pignite already fainted.
    Cilan: Time for you to really stir the stock pot! Witness some of that Ash SPIRIT!

    Comment: Where did they get those clothes and other drum?

    Ash gets his second wind knowing his friends are cheering him on, though Pikachu is about to get its second wind as Garbodor tries to use Venoshock but gets a SHOCKING (*gets hit by a brick*) surprise when it becomes paralyzed! Cilan explains that that's Pikachu's Static Ability at work so Pikachu takes this time to use Thunderbolt and hit Garbodor. Garbodor manages to use Venoshock but Pikachu uses Electro Ball which knocks aside the Venoshock (I wonder if this is a subtle reference to how paralyzation cuts Speed in half thus increasing Electro Ball's power?) and hits Garbodor, knocking it out and winning Ash his 8th Gym Badge!

    The crowd starts cheering for Ash and Ash goes on to check Pikachu while Roxie returns Garbodor and congratulates Ash, giving him a Pecha Berry to heal Pikachu's poison. Iris and Cilan run up and also congratulates Ash who thanks them for cheering him on though wonders why they're dressed as they are though they just look at each other and laugh.

    Nicky: Do you have any idea what defeating Roxie means?
    Comment: Ash gets a Toxic Badge?
    Nicky: It means you're great! For now on blow all your opponent's away.
    Comment: Hey, that's a Flying-type pun, this is a Poison-type Gym.

    Billy Jo then excites the crowd to cheer for Ash, also making Meloetta excited who then turns invisible and flies off. Roxie says it's a "bummer" show lost however has no regrets and hands Ash the Toxic Badge and Ash does his victory pose:

    Hey kids, want your very own Toxic Badge? Well then you know what you need to do:


    HEY! Where's Boldore, Unfezant, Leavanny, Pignite, and Palpitoad? Sure they're "knocked out" but that never stopped Ash's winning team from appearing with him whenever he won a Badge before!

    Anyway the narrator wraps things, however that "NEXT TIME: A NEW BEGINNING!" makes me wonder if they're going to start a new season up (like they did in Japan). If they do then this would make Rival Destinies the first season to not have a movie aired during its run (at least for the dub). Though Bulbapedia lists future episodes as part of Rival Destinies so it's more likely PUSA just forgot to either change/remove the text.

    Edited on 10/28/2012 5:23pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [52]Oct 26, 2012
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    Can't wait for tomorrow's episode....the return of Dawn and Cynthia....eye candy galore!
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [53]Oct 27, 2012
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    Today's episode was pretty cool. Meloetta is a lovely musical Pokemon, and it was exciting to see Cynthia and,towards the end, Dawn. I'm guessing all elite battlers are famous among people in different regions.

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    [54]Oct 28, 2012
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    HEY! Where's Roggenrola, Unfezant, Leavanny, Pignite, and Palpitoad? Sure they're "knocked out" but that never stopped Ash's winning team from appearing with him whenever he won a Badge before!


    I must of missed the episode between BW083 and BW084 where Ash's Boldore de-evolved back into Roggenrola.

    (Roggenrola's name is ironic considering the gym. If Ash didn't have Boldore he could of trolled Roxie when sending it out and said "TIME TO ROGGENROLA")

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [55]Oct 28, 2012
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    UnovaChampion wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    HEY! Where's Roggenrola, Unfezant, Leavanny, Pignite, and Palpitoad? Sure they're "knocked out" but that never stopped Ash's winning team from appearing with him whenever he won a Badge before!

    I must of missed the episode between BW083 and BW084 where Ash's Boldore de-evolved back into Roggenrola.

    (Roggenrola's name is ironic considering the gym. If Ash didn't have Boldore he could of trolled Roxie when sending it out and said "TIME TO ROGGENROLA")

    I have no idea why I put Roggenrola instead of Boldore. Surprised

    Anyway I fixed it (as well as your message ).

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  • Avatar of perualonso1


    [56]Nov 3, 2012
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    Did anybody see today's episode? My favorite part was Ash, Iris, and Cilan meeting Dawn. Who doesn't think Dawn is cool?

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    [57]Nov 4, 2012
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    perualonso1 wrote:

    Did anybody see today's episode? My favorite part was Ash, Iris, and Cilan meeting Dawn. Who doesn't think Dawn is cool?

    I did, and it was awesome! I was elated to see Dawn and Pokemon from other regions again.

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    [58]Nov 9, 2012
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    Episode: BW085 "All For The Love Of Meloetta!"

    Today's episode was good with some cool parts like the appearance of certain familiar characters (especially one in the end) and the battle between Axew and Garchomp. Now with the Toxic Badge, Ash is ready to go to the Unova League... which Nurse Joy tells him will be in 3 months. With training on the schedule until then, Ash & co. decide to get a quick ice cream treat when, to Ash's surprise, he sees someone he knows who often has problems picking ice cream flavors... oh, and is the Champion of Sinnoh: Cynthia! Cynthia explains she's actually here because Lacunosa Town will be having a Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup where she'll be having an exhibition match, and upon hearing anyone can enter the tournament and the winner will battle Alder, Ash & co. decide they'll enter. But while driving to the port which has the plane that'll take them to Lacunosa Town's next door neighbor, Undella Town, they find Meloetta who has been hurt from a previous attack by Team Rocket. Ash & co. (+ Cynthia) begin to do what they can to help heal Meloetta. Can Ash & co. (+ Cynthia) heal Meloetta? Will Team Rocket, who are searching for Meloetta, find them and attack while it's weak? What is Iris trying to ask Cynthia but gets too nervous to say it? And has Oshawott finally found true love (for I think the 4th time)? Well the last one sort of answered itself, but the other's you'll just have to read on (or watch the episode, which is probably the better option though you won't get my stupid witty remarks):

    And This Isn't The Only Familiar Face...:
    Having beaten Roxie and gotten the Toxic Badge last episode, we start this episode with Ash & co. in Virbank's Pokemon Center. Ash tells Nurse Joy he's gotten his 8th badge and is ready for the Unova League which Nurse Joy congratulates him but informs him of the dilemma he gets every season about this time: The Unova League won't be for another 3 months. Ash turns to Iris and Cilan and says he'll just train until then and Iris asks where they plan on training which Ash says he doesn't know. However Cilan suggests that being they're in Virbank City training can wait until they can try the City's dessert, Casteliacones Bearticone, which Ash and Iris agree with.

    At some large building which looks like a museum, Cilan points out this is where they filmed some movie called "Princess Pokemon's Holiday" where said princess ate a Bearticone on the steps:

    Um, is said princess a Lilligant?

    Cilan says he always wanted to eat a Casteliacones Bearticone here but Iris points to a sign which says they can't which Cilan says is a shame but they can still go get a Casteliacones Bearticone.

    At the Casteliacones Bearticone Stand, a very special person is having a tough time deciding what flavor she wants (meanwhile the animator's try "hiding" her identity and is doing a poor job of it, though at least they gave her new clothing unlike certain game sprite artists *coughPokemonWorldTournamentcough*). Ash & co. walk up but Ash (who normally can't tell who Team Rocket is even if they're just wearing clear glasses and a simple vest) recognizes this person and shouts out her name: Cynthia! That's right, Sinnoh Champion Cynthia make here appearance (guess they didn't want to wait until Undella Town) and Cynthia greets Ash as Cilan is surprised Ash knows her, meanwhile Iris just blushes (jeez, TVTropes is right, even the girls want her). Cilan and Iris nervously introduce themselves and Iris is about to ask her something though backs down and Ash asks why she's here. Cynthia says there's a plane going to Easten Unova which leaves from here (um, that doesn't really answer Ash's question) which amazes Cilan and he asks what part is she visiting. Cynthia says she's first going to Undella Town but then is heading to Lacunosa Town where the Pokemon World Tounrament Junior Cup is being held.

    HEY KIDS! Want to also go to Lacunosa Town (which you get there via Mistralton City) and participate in the actual Pokemon World Tounrament (which is in Driftveil City)? You know what to do:


    Ash mixes up the name and Cynthia explains that she was asked to do an exhibition match for the Pokemon World Tounrament Junior Cup and she accepted which excites Iris. Cynthia goes on to explain that anyone can enter the Pokemon World Tounrament Junior Cup (how's that different from any other non-League tournament or contest we've seen?) which Ash says he might enter though when Cynthia says the winner will get the honor of battling Alder then Ash, Iris, and Cilan says they're entering for sure. But Cynthia gets serious and says there's something that must be done first: Cynthia must first get a Bearticone (cue Ash & co. doing a face fault).

    Over to Team Rocket, Dr. Zager has given them goggles which can see Meloetta even when it's invisible as they spot Meloetta resting in a bush and send out Woobat and Yamask. Woobat and Yamask use Air Slash and Shadow Ball, respectively, on the bush which knocks Meloetta into the air and turns it visible. Meowth then fires an electrified net at Meloetta but Meloetta just manages to dodge the net, however it does shock it making it fall, turn invisible, and roll off a cliff. Team Rocket run over to the cliff and start searching for it (not bothering to put on the goggles, BTW ) and Jessie says they better find out where it went.

    A Cure For A Song:
    Driving down a road, Cynthia is driving as Ash and Cilan are talking about the Bearticones though Iris starts asking Cynthia a question. However just then Meloetta comes stumbling onto the road which Cynthia sees and slams on the breaks, only stopping an inch from making Meloetta roadkill.

    So why does it look like Meloetta is poisoned when it was shocked?

    Meloetta collapses and Ash & co. (+ Cynthia) goes to check on it as Ash remembers it being the Pokemon he saw and helped in PokeStar Studios while Cynthia explains it's a Meloetta, an "extremely rare" Pokemon (Cynthia, you can use the term "Legendary"). Cynthia says it's been injured and needs help as they take it to the side of the road and Cynthia applies a Hyper Potion as Cilan and Iris are amazed by her work (yes, be amazed by Cynthia's spraying skills instead of the Legendary Pokemon). Cynthia says that'll heal its wound but it's still weak so ash asks someone to get an Oran Berry which Iris and Cilan say they'll do and they run off. Cynthia says that Meloetta has a fever so she and Ash go to a nearby river which Ash asks why they're here and Cynthia says to make an icepack, sending out her Glaceon to freeze some of the water... and by some I mean a size of a dam. After crushing some ice they go back to Meloetta who was being watched by Pikachu (maybe they could have sent out their other Pokemon to also help watch...) and place the ice pack under its head and start wiping its head which makes Meloetta smile. Cynthia then gets a call and it's apparently a big deal as she says she can't come now but Ash says he'll stay with Meloetta and Cynthia thanks him and drives back to Virbank City saying she'll be back soon (what, did they run out of Bearticones? Why is she needed back in Virbank City?).

    Ash tells Meloetta it'll be okay as Oshawott pops out and starts sniffing around and we find that Oshawott was sniffing out Meloetta, looking at it for a short while, and finally falling backwards in love with it. Ash says the ice has melted and tells Oshawott to stay with Meloetta as he and Pikachu goes to get more ice (so what, did Cynthia leave a portion of the river frozen? And if not how is Ash going going to make more ice? Oh, and Ash, why not send out all your Pokemon to help Oshawott watch Meloetta?). Oshawott happily agrees as Ash and Pikachu sets off and Oshawott starts to creepily watch Meloetta:

    This is starting to go places I don't even want to think about...

    Over to Iris and Cilan, they finally find some Oran Berries but they're on a cliff which is too weak for Iris to climb and Cilan says they should look somewhere else. Thankfully Iris remembers they, you know, have Pokemon so she sends out Emolga who flies up and gets them an Oran Berry and start running back. On their way back we see that Cynthia indeed left a giant patch of the river frozen and they see Ash breaking the ice and Pikachu putting it into a bucket. Iris tells Emolga to deliver the Oran Berry (and how does Emolga know where to go?) as they see what Ash is doing and Ash explains to them about Cynthia making an icepack. Ash asks about the Oran Berry and Iris says Emolga is delivering it now as we go back to see Emolga has indeed found Oshawott and Meloetta. However a gust of wind blows Emolga off balance and it flies straight toward Oshawott, hitting their heads against each other and knocking themselves out as Meloetta sees the Oran Berry and decides to take it and leave.

    Ash & co. come up and see Meloetta is missing and Oshawott and Emolga are knocked out though they soon wake-up and start fighting as Ash & co. tells them to knock it off. Just then Meloetta starts to sing which calms everyone down as Cynthia drives up and explains to Ash & co. that was Meloetta who's singing can heal people and tells them Meloetta is better now as it wouldn't be able to sing it if was still sick. Ash tells Meloetta to take care of itself and we see Meloetta vanish while Ash asks Cynthia if she took care of what she needed to do and we discover what it was: Cynthia left her change at the Bearticone stand.

    WOW, so Cynthia left a weak and sick LEGENDARY Pokemon in order to get some spare change she left behind, and being that she's the Champion I'm sure she's well off, so yeah, SHE'S AN IDIOT. Yell

    Iris finally asked Cynthia what she's been trying to since they first met: if she could battle Cynthia's Garchomp, explaining she's trying to become a Dragon Master. Iris explains they don't get to fight Dragon-types that often and it would help her and Axew and, after a stare off, Cynthia says she sees Iris cares a lot about Axew and agrees to the battle (so let's take bets, I'm going to say the battle will last a minute: 55 seconds of Axew trying to attack it and the last 5 seconds of Garchomp just glaring Axew to fainting).

    Quickly to Team Rocket, they're searching for Meloetta which Meowth soon gets a reading from a bush which they rush over to.

    "Dragon" Things Along:
    Cynthia explains the rules, it's a 1-on-1 battle with her Garchomp against Iris's Axew, Cilan saying this battle being like a master chef teaching a cooking school student and Ash saying they can see how much Axew has learned (yeah... normally the best way to see that is having it battle a Pokemon on its strength level since, you know, you can actually see if it's doing any damage). Cynthia gives Iris the first move and Axew starts with a... Scratch. Though Garchomps head is moving back and forth, I think it's more doing so because it has an itch that it's having Axew scratch rather it's feeling the move, as Ash observes:

    Ash: Garchomp doesn't even feel a thing!
    Comment: I wouldn't say that, with how hard Axew is attacking I'm sure it's getting Garchomp's itch to go a little bit away.
    Cilan: You're right. I would say our young student is on the verge of discovering she's no match for out well seasoned chef.
    Comment: If Iris had any thought in her head that she'll be winning this battle then she deserves to lose... which she's going to anyway.

    Garchomp (who has its eyes closed this entire time) start pops its neck and shoulder now that that itch is gone as Axew actually uses a Dragon-type move: Dragon Rage (which technically only does 40 HP of damage... which is probably the most damage Axew would have done so far). Dragon Rage hits Garchomp and creates a smoke cloud as Ash cheers them and Cilan says they scored a critical hit (Dragon Rage can't score Critical Hits nor get STAB, BTW ), but when the smoke clear Garchomp is just fine, it even opens its eyes and give Iris and Axew a smirk, surprising Ash & co.. Garchomp now starts it's annihilation by first using Dragon Rush which sends Axew flying followed by a Draco Meteor which Axew tries dodging though gets "cornered" by explosions and hit sending it flying further back with damage all over it.

    Cilan: Is it over?
    Comment: For Axew's sake I hope it is.
    Ash: Come on, you can do it.
    Comment: Yeah, I mean Cynthia's is just a highly skilled Champion with a high leveled, fully evolved, uber tier Dragon-type...

    Cynthia asks if they should stop but Axew gets up and gives Iris a look of confidence so Iris says they'll continue. Axew looks at Garchomp and start getting really angry, suddenly Axew starts building up energy and speeds toward Garchomp in an explosion of energy knocking Garchomp down: Axew just learned Giga Impact! However Garchomp is alright and runs right up to Axew and prepares a Brick Break though Cynthia stops it just an inch before it made contact, Cynthia telling Iris they should stop here much to everyone's relief. Iris tells Axew it fought well and then thanked Cynthia for the battle as Cynthia tells her she raised Axew well and she'll no doubt become a Dragon Master.

    Back to Team Rocket, now they're near a dock and have lost sight of Meloetta, James asking if they should quit for today though Jessie says they should look a little bit more. At the dock, Ash & co. (+ Cynthia) enter the docked plane and we see Meloetta (who's still invisible) is following them... as well as Meowth, with Jessie saying they should get to Undella Town. Inside the plane, Meloetta floats over to the seats across from them as Ash & co. gets excited about the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup. However, Cynthia then tells Ash that someone Ash knows is waiting for him in Undella Town confusing him.

    As the narrator starts wrapping things up, we get a view of which I'm assuming is Caitlin's Villa as a very familair person is indeed there: Dawn and Piplup! They see the plane flying over head and Dawn tells Piplup she wonders if that's the plane they're on.

    Time for the traditional previous female character appearance!

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [59]Nov 10, 2012
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    Today's episode was decent, although I didn't expect Dawn to agree when Iris called Ash a kid again. I guess they're both still getting used to his impulsiveness and excitement.

    Edited on 11/10/2012 10:56am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [60]Nov 10, 2012
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    Episode: BW086 "Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!"

    Good episode, though this and last episode is more setting up for the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup episodes, but hey, what better way to set up for something like that then having it start off the traditional previous-female-companion visiting episodes! Upon arriving to Undella Town, Cynthia takes Ash & co. to her villa (while on the way finding out that Meloetta has been following them) where Ash meets up with Dawn, his female-traveling-companion for Sinnoh! After introductions and showing each other their Pokemon, Cilan challenges Dawn to a battle as he wants to evaluate a coordinator which Dawn agrees to. Who will win the battle between Dawn and Cilan? What will Cilan evaluate about coordinators? Do we discover what Team Rocket want with Meloetta (yet)? And what mysterious infatuation powers does Meloetta have with Water-types? Just as it took time for Meloetta to appear in front of Dawn, so must you take the time to read for the answers to appear to you:

    Dawning Appearance:
    On the plane flying to Undella Town, Ash & co. are looking out the window and see two Pokemon which from previous reports about Unoa you wouldn't think to see: Wailords and Wingulls. Cynthia tells Ash & co. that Eastern Unova has many Pokemon which can be found in other regions.

    Hey kids! While in Black & White Eastern Unova did have previous generation Pokemon, 2 years from those game the rest of Unova does too! And you can experience this new Unova too, and you know how:


    The plane lands and Ash rushes out saying he saw something red and thinks it's a Staryu, running to go see with Iris, Cilan, and Cynthia not too far behind (Meloetta tries but a bunch of people push it aside). As it turns out Ash did indeed see Staryus and says he likes Undella Town as Cynthia explains Undella Town is a popular resort though Ash says he's hear to compete and win the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup. Just then a butler-looking guy greets Cynthia and Cynthia introduce Ash & co. to her butler, Jervis, who welcomes Ash & co. and tells Cynthia her car is ready. Meloetta also had caught up with Ash & co., which means Team Rocket is also watching them from their totally not suspicious van. They spot Meloetta (who seems to be looking right at them...) and Jessie says Ash & co. don't realize Meloetta is following them so James ask if they should grab Meloetta now but Meowth says they should give it time as they would have Cynthia to deal with.

    Going to Cynthia's very white and shiny car, Ash & co. are impressed by it though Pikachu is more distracted as it sense Meloetta who has flown past them and into Cynthia's car, Team Rocket also watching (yet despite a strange van clearly following Ash & co. (+ Cynthia), no one seems to notice). On the road, Cynthia explains that whenever she finds time for a vacation she usually comes to Undella Town (especially since Caitlin provides you with a free villa to stay at...) as Iris says she's never been here but Cilan did when he was little. Ash sees some Rattata outside (apparently Rattata can run at the same speed as a car) and Jervis tells Ash & co. there will be more previous generation Pokemon at the villa. This seems to have also gotten Meloetta excited as it decides to sit on Ash's lap and turn visible, surprising everyone though happy it came along. Cynthia says Meloetta has grown fond of Ash which Ash asks Meloetta if that's true and it agrees (don't know if it would be funny or sad if Ash's first caught legendary was Meloetta, probably the most girliest Legendary ever).

    Ash & co. (+ Cynthia, Meloetta, and Jervis) arrive to the villa but when Jervis opens the front door Meloetta turns invisible and Cynthia explains that Meloetta seems to be shy (of what, going inside building? It didn't seem to have a problem going inside plane or cars!). Ash & co. go inside the Villa but while Ash is looking around Dawn & Piplup sneak up and does the "tap-on-one-shoulder-and-hide-at-the-other" trick until finally greeting Ash who's happily surprised to see her and they give each other a high five. Everyone sits down and Dawn explains Cynthia told her about Ash getting his 8 Unova Badges (when did this happen?) and Professor Oak told her about Iris and Cilan (why would Dawn be talking to Professor Oak? Wouldn't her extra Pokemon go to Professor Rowan?). Iris and Cilan also greet Dawn, knowing she traveled with Ash through Sinnoh (so apparently Ash does talk about his previous journeys and other traveling companions) and is a Pokemon Coordinator. Iris asks whats the difference between a Coordinator and Trainer which Dawn explains while Cilan asks if he could evaluate Piplup which confuses Dawn at first though I guess she must have heard about Pokemon Connoisseur as she says Cilan must be one. Iris says she never saw a Piplup before so Piplup walks over to her which Iris then starts to pinch its cheeks and rub heads, much to Piplup's annoyance:

    Being Iris (supposedly) does this with all cute Pokemon near her, why didn't she do it with Meloetta?

    Dawn however is too busy scanning Axew with her Pokedex which Iris asks Ash to scan Piplup with his (since Iris asked Ash to do it I won't complain... this time).

    Pokedex: Piplup's limited walking skills often causes it to fall down, but that never hurts its pride.
    Iris: It's true!
    Comment: Um, Piplup hasn't really fallen down yet. Actually it walked to you pretty fine before you started tormenting it.

    Ash tells Dawn he wished she would have told her she was going to be in Unova but Dawn says she's been really busy, though when Iris asks when Dawn got to Unova she said she just arrived. Dawn says she heard Cynthia was going to be at the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup and she couldn't resist (oh Dawn, enforcing that Cynthia's memetic molester image! ). Oh, and now Dawn's story changes AGAIN as Cynthia says Dawn was in Nimbasa City as Dawn recalls watching a Pokemon Musical and Elesa's fashion show...

    Um, Dawn, what "fashion show" was this for?

    Piplup notices the transparent Meloetta but upon realizing this Meloetta fully turns invisible confusing Dawn though Ash says he knows what Piplup saw. Iris says Meloetta must have turned invisible because of Dawn and Piplup which confuses Dawn as Ash tells Meloetta it's okay to appear however Meloetta stays invisible. Dawn says she hopes she didn't say anything wrong though Cynthia reassures her it'll take a bit more time for Meloetta to appear to her, though until then Ash decides to show Dawn his Unova Pokemon (at least five of them anyway). Ash sends out Krokorok, Pignite, Oshawott, Snivy, and Scraggy followed by Iris and Cilan send out their Pokemon and Dawn introduces herself to them. Dawn decides to send out her Pokemon revealing that between now and when she departed Ash's company that she has only done one change to her team: evolved Cyndaquil to a Quilava (though even then that was covered in a speial that for never dubbed, thanks PUSA).

    Short rant here, WHY has Dawn (as well as May) not caught any new Pokemon when they left as Ash's travelling companion? Being they're coordinators, they should be catching new Pokemon all the time so that they can always be doing new and fresh performances to impress the judges which 2 of the 3 are the same people (Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo) thus would remember seeing any of their old performances. Just because we don't see it happen doesn't mean we can't assume she caught a new Pokemon when travelling by themselves. Well, at least May evolved some of her Pokemon off-screen, the only of Dawn's Pokemon which evolved was Quilava but, as I mentioned, that evolution was covered in a special episode so I'm not really counting it.

    Okay, rant over, anyway Buneary spots Pikachu and upon Pikachu saying hello to her she starts blushing and walking over. Oshawott sees Buneary and falls in love with it (geez, Meloetta hasn't even turned it down yet and it's already flirting with other Pokemon) but gets a heartbreak when it sees Buneary is all over Pikachu:


    Then for some reason Piplup puts Oshawott's fallen scalchop on its head though it falls off which Pachirisu then kicks away causing Oshawott to chase after it. Iris and Cilan tease Pikachu about Buneary liking it as Ash notices Quilava, also Mamoswine notices the transparent Meloetta before it fully vanishes again which confuses it.

    Ash asks Dawn about having a battle though Dawn asks aren't they entering the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup which Ash says him, Iris, and Cilan are and Cilan explains Cynthia is letting them stay at the villa until then. Dawn then reveals that she's also entering the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup (for some reason) though Pikachu, Piplup, and Buneary then notice Meloetta and after some more coaxing from Ash it reveals itself to Dawn. Dawn is at first startled by Meloetta which scares Meloetta causing it to hide behind Ash though it calms down when Dawn introduces herself. And I guess Meloetta must be very attractive to Water-types as now Piplup has fallen in love with Meloetta, something which a returning Oshawott sees and gets angry. Meanwhile Cynthia is happening things are peaceful, which is our cue to cut to Team Rocket who are hiding in some nearby bushes.

    New Region, Same Battles:
    Ash & co. (+ Dawn) discuss about Meloetta being a mythical Pokemon (JUST CALL IT A LEGENDARY POKEMON!) while Meloetta interacts with everyone's Pokemon, especially Piplup who pushes Oshawott aside when it tries getting its attention. Oshawott uses Aqua Jet on Piplup, knocking it away and Dawn rushes over to Piplup as Ash tells Oshawott to say it's sorry to Piplup which it begrudgingly does but when Piplup doesn't except it both stare angrily at each other, Ash & co. figuring both Oshawott and Piplup like Meloetta.

    Now that Meloetta has finally shown itself, Ash says it's time to battle however Cilan asks if he could battle Dawn first as he wants to evaluate a coordinator. Iris and Dawn agree much to Ash's disappointment though Dawn says that they can battle next. With Jervis refereeing the battle, Cilan sends out Pansage as Dawn sends out Piplup, Piplup making a show out of coming out of its Pokeball. Pansage starts with a Bullet Seed which Piplup knocks back with Drill Peck causing Pansage to take cover. Pansage uses Rock Tomb but Piplup uses BubbleBeam to surround itself with bubbles which destroys the falling rocks, Ash realizing that Piplup was using BubbleBeam as a Counter Shield (oh yeah, forgot about that trick, you'd think Ash would have tried using it in Unova being how well it worked in Sinnoh). Being this is the middle of the battle, of course it's Cilan's "Evaluation Time":

    Iris doesn't approve, Dawn just doesn't know...

    Cilan pretty much compliments how strong Piplup is and how skilled Dawn as a coordinator is:

    Dawn is probably thinking "What is this, I don't even..."

    The battle finishes with Pansage's SolarBeam colliding with Piplup's Ice Beam which creates an explosion of fireworks which amazes Meloetta who starts dancing in the air and around Piplup. Being Meloetta is playing with Piplup, of course Oshawott pops out of its Pokeball and gets angry, with Piplup knowing it:

    you know, being Meloetta is technically genderless, wouldn't it be funny if it was actually a male.

    Iris says things are starting to heat up again though Jervis suggests a time-out as Ash tells Meloetta that it hopes it'll cheer them on during the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup. With that said, Team Rocket figures Meloetta will be staying with Ash & co. and Meowth says they better tell Dr. Zager.

    That afternoon, everyone is just hanging out in the villa as Dawn says her next battle will be with Iris (um, weren't you suppose to battle Ash next?) though Cilan reminds Dawn that their battle hasn't been decided yet, Ash asking about their battle but Dawn says it can be after Iris. Just then Meloetta starts to sing putting a calm ending to Ash & co.'s day, though Team Rocket are not too far away, recording Meloetta's voice.

    Somewhere on which I'm assuming is Undella Bay, Team Rocket meet up wit Dr. Zager and they go over the recording of Meloetta's singing, Dr. Zager saying it's the sound wave they've been searching for. However Dr. Zager says that little bit of the song isn't enough, however if Meloetta is singing like that then its guard is down. Meowth wonders if it's because of Ash & co. which James says it is and if they leave Meloetta with them enough they might get the full song. Dr. Zager tells them to call Giovanni with Jessie says it's time to start their "most important mission ever" as we scroll down to the bottom of the Bay and see what I assume is the Abyssal Ruins...

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