Sorry, got no clue =/
Imma fighting lance now, only BurninHope (Typhlosion) is above lvl 40, the rest have yet to hit lvl 40.
MaxCharge (Ampharos) down, but left Gyarados in red, and paralyzed, in come MastodonZR (Mamoswine) with an Ice Shard i K.O., now he's halfway to lvl 40, Charizard's coming, so i send out SeaCourage (Red Gyarados) to fight, his shadow claw hits first for pathetic damage, Waterfall does good damage. But Lance sent out a Dragonite before Surf could K.O., here comes moment of truth, if SeaCourage's Ice Fang is fasts and strong enough this match will be easy, Dragon Rush hit first and K.O.'d SeaCourage, i'll have to try with MastodonZR's ice shard, does half max hp damage, but Dragon Rush, DOESN'T KILL!! another Ice Shard K.O.s that dragonite! Chariza,rd's coming for more, i sent Heart Hero (Togetic, shiny stone only after national dex...) Fire Fang hits first... but Heart Hero survives, an ancient power finishes the job, now with Charizard dead, oh lvl up 39, now i'll keep Heart Hero to use a Revive, i was going to see who's the fastest between SeaCourage and MaxCharge, but just pressing on SeaCourage triggered the item.... Aereodactyl K.O.s SeaCourage, PsychoPuff (Espeon) will have to fulfill the role of shield, MaxCharge is revived, PsychoPuff survives a CRUNCH, with that extra turn i give MaxCharge a Hyper Potion, MaxCharge goes out, and survives easily a rockslide, still on green, and does over half damage, no berry triggered, the second rockslide made MaxCharge flinch, so i use a Hyper, and after another rockslide i finally K.O. that Aereodactyl, lvl 40 now, Two dragonites are left i believe, lvl 50 this one, i change in MastodonZR, but, his ice shard probably won't be good enough, so i use him as shield to revive SeaCourage again, MastodonZR is K.O.'d, now i send BurninHope in order to further boost SeaCourage's hp to the max. Dragonite uses Outrage, BurninHope doesn't survive... it's almost certain SeaCourage wouldn't get to do anything, so i sent MaxCharge and revived MastodonZR, MaxCharge down MastodonZR comes in, PsychoPuff is revived, MastodonZR is K.O.'d, but, Dragonite's confused now, this is the only opening, SeaCourages comes in, now confusion.... HURT ITSELF! Ice Fang does good damage... one more, confusion... YES! Hurt itself and now Sea Courage took it down, lvl up 40, in comes the last one, i send out PsychoPuff, this Dragonite is lvl 49... i revive MaxCharge, perhaps a paralyzis or-, it used Blizzard... can't expect another outrage/confusion there are only two revives left, i use it on MastodonZR so it can Ice Shard before SeaCourage comes in, MaxCharge's down, in comes IceShard, nearly half damage, Blizzard hits.... K.O. this is it, SeaCourages comes, full health. One Ice Fang will win this. I press teh button. .....THUNDERWAVE?!?!?!? OH GAW- Ice Fang, it hits, super effective X4 with an Adamant Gyarados, who the hell do you think i am Lance?
Wow, first time i've played pokemon and LIKED the credits rather than uselessly pressed all the buttons trying to see if i can skip 'em!
Aaand now i have less than 3 hours to gather 30 BP or wait 'till tuesday D:
Edited on 03/20/2010 9:18pm