um does anyone know how to wake up the snorlax in front of digletts tunnel please and thank you
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
um does anyone know how to wake up the snorlax in front of digletts tunnel please and thank you
phonzee101 wrote: |
um does anyone know how to wake up the snorlax in front of digletts tunnel please and thank you |
If its the same as Gold/Silver/Crystal then you have to get some Radio Station added to your Radio Card which plays the PokeFlute Song, which wakes up Snorlax. I have a blurry memory on what to do exactly on that part. I remember going to Cerulean City and finding a broken part somewhere and taking it to some guy. Ugh, I'm not helping aren't
Just watch this:
I think he goes through Waking Up Snorlax and all.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
A bunch of Pokémon are like that. A better question would be why do Male Torchics have an almost non-existent spec on their butt. |
well I fought the elite 4 to see how far I can get before training
karen's houndoom raped my team...wah T.T
BAC510 wrote: | ||
If its the same as Gold/Silver/Crystal then you have to get some Radio Station added to your Radio Card which plays the PokeFlute Song, which wakes up Snorlax. I have a blurry memory on what to do exactly on that part. I remember going to Cerulean City and finding a broken part somewhere and taking it to some guy. Ugh, I'm not helping aren't Just watch this: I think he goes through Waking Up Snorlax and all. |
I did it guys!
and it only took me a total of 55 hours and 52 minutes.....
HaydenAvery wrote: |
Have my first badge, hatched Togepi, and am starting to train it. But since I'm so far behind everyone's going to ignore me... |
Well you are just 3 badges away from catching up to Who did you startoff with?
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Elite 4 champ or defeating the man who surpassed everyone else by destroying his bonds with his friends and family? |
I'll have to get back to you on the second part
today I'm gonna get the radio card so I can wake up snorlax and get to pewter
I know surge is gym leader #1 in this game
but I'm going for the original order
Shiny_missingno wrote: | ||
I'll have to get back to you on the second part today I'm gonna get the radio card so I can wake up snorlax and get to pewter I know surge is gym leader #1 in this game but I'm going for the original order |
I decided to do the kanto gym leaders in the origianl order
but in doing so to get to pewter city
I did a lot of stuff
I beat 4 gyms in an hour because I did the quests early
Barely got rid of Team Rocket in Mahogany Town........ still with the 4 first badges though. I need to train my Togetic first before I evolve it..... sucks that i got to wait until I reach Blackthorne to give Togekiss the proper move set.
Getting ready for my seventh badge today, then I am going to sweep through, even if I have to use my Platinum or Diamond copy to help raise my team quicker. Already caught Raikou with a fast ball, Entei is also currently in that position but have had no luck in catching it, though I might wait until I can get a Pokemon to prevent from escaping to see if I can get more than one chance during each encounter. Also if you put one of them to sleep they still will run away.
Other than that I dealt with the Safari Zone, and though it was a royal pain, I caught Larvitar, Kangaskhan, Murkrow, Mr. Mime, and Jigglypuff.